"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
yeah, here's a good place to put my extensive saga of a dream i had this morning (warning for vague suicide and violence)

Part One: The Troubled Youths In The Apartments
Sometimes I dream that I'm still living in the apartment I used to live at before I moved in 2011. This started off as one of those dreams, and I was noticing some trouble going down between a few high school-age kids. Specifically, a girl and a boy were trying to talk to, maybe befriend? another guy, who was really standoffish. I tried to step in a couple times, but they wouldn't let me. Eventually, the standoffish guy disappeared, and it was heavily implied that he was dead, either from suicide or from suddenly attacking the two, and the two retaliating. I tried talking to the girl but she forced a smile and refused to give any detail.

Part Two: The Big Race
Some sort of quick transition happens where it's the next day, and I'm at school (because for some reason i'm always a high schooler in my dreams i guess) and it's close to the end of the school year, and this big race is happening. Not a footrace, but like... people built their own vehicles, and are racing them around a ridiculous well-made track around the school. I remember seeing slow-mo footage of a chariot riding through a small river, and this lotus blossom that was tangled in the wheels bursting into bloom upon being submerged. Dream-me wasn't too excited. I was just spectating, anyway, but for some reason I still joined the racers onto the victory party double-decker bus after the race. The girl from the previous day was there too, I think she was one of the racers, and she was still nervously pretending everything was okay.

Part Three: The Bus???
I don't understand most of what happened here. It was night, everyone was on this really spacious bus, and after all the people got on it... video game and cartoon characters started showing up. Courage (the Cowardly Dog) showed up, and everyone was really glad that this tiny screaming pink dog was here to be traumatized by our partying. Some small candy people showed up and promptly started being eaten by Mario and Luigi. An announcer told us that there was also some guests from an obscure eastern european childrens book (that's all i was given) and a few people on the bus were like "yessssss" but the only things that showed up that were apparently related to this, were like, a severed head in a box that everyone ignored, and an infestation of fire ants being led by a wasp queen. Everyone was excited, but like, they very much wanted the ants and stuff to be dead, and not biting and stinging them, so I was instructed to kill all the bugs as they boarded the bus through a small hole in the corner. I grabbed the wasp queen, which was also a porcelain doll, and broke its spine, and everyone cheered and it was the end.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
nah , there's not usually bugs in my dreams. sometimes there are small dangerous animals, like spiders or snakes, but... hm... actually, that in general is a reoccurring thing in my dreams but it's not something I really cared about.

What DOES regularly show up in my dreams is school, being at school, sometimes being at the apartment I used to live at, my dad yelling at me, etc.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamed that I, along with one of my childhood friends with which I haven't seen or spoken to in years, went to this human trafficking auction for girls. We were totally set on outbidding each other so that we could free whatever girl we bought, but I don't think we got that far... I remember clearly putting all our money on the 'prime event', only to be told that all the other girls had to be sold before the bidding for her started.

PLOT TWIST. Turns out my friend and I were actually doctors who genetically engineered these girls, and then purposefully blanked our memories so we wouldn't remember. Now that we have remembered, this hulking super muscular security dude with no face and a suit and tie (so like a not!Slenderman) is chasing us down. Also apparently we're on some kind of ship or train, so a lot of my dream here is me running through tons of doors, one after the other, on a straightaway. Just push doors, one after the other. At one point I get to a place that is just nothing but sliding doors packed up against each other, and I start slamming them shut behind me so I'm this pocket of open doors in a closed door universe, but I can't stop because the dude is gonna get me, I can't stop, I can't stop...

When I come out of the sliding door hell, I'm suddenly on the edge of a swimming pool. There's no door on the other side of the room, so I can't go straight, and I know that if I go out the door to the side, where the edge of the ship's deck is, I'll see the dude running alongside it, waiting for me to poke my head out. But, lacking any other option, I do so... and I find the mangled, beaten corpse of my friend, and not!Slendy standing there with blood all over him. And then he says to me (and somehow grows a face while doing it) that the life of my friend has paid off my debt... FOR NOW, and then runs off and disappears.

That's about when I woke up.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I've been having a bunch of what i assume are stress dreams lately so thats been fun

Last night was a particularly vivid one where my aunt got me a job (background: my aunt got me another temp job a year or two ago at her work doing data entry, where she was the business manager. I basically had a big depression melt down and i feel awful for letting her down still). It must have been at her new work but it was a generic office job. She was the main boss and mostly removed, then there was a woman working underneath her who was my boss. This woman was an absolute harpy, trying to make my life absolutely miserable the entire time. Ten minutes into the first day she completely lost her shit at me saying i was stupid and worthless because i hadn't set the calender to the right day, despite not being told to or even knowing there was a calender (which was a wall clock for some reason?)

There was another girl starting at the same time and she couldn't hack it and left on day two, which made me feel better because then i'm not the first to go... All of the entry level girls were complaining about this boss because she was so horrendous and we were working 12 hour days doing stupid, inane tasks and being told we were idiots constantly. I remember thinking that i had to hang in there and not let my aunt down again but what if i was because i /am/ an incompetent idiot, not even capable of doing basic office tasks

Also we were living at the place for some reason and the other girl quit because she found out that the boss had gotten 3 steaks meant for all of us and eaten them all herself? And she just flipped out and wrecked the whole apartment before leaving. Then later i asked and got a really icy reply from the boss that the steaks were for her to have some sort of business dinner with the other bosses. Idk, it was weird and gaslighty

Basically it was like living with my Dad again :')
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So the other day I had a dream that my family got a box set of all the Toy Story movies...from Toy Story 1 all the way to Toy Story...4? Even in the dream the fact that there was a fourth one seemed kinda weird or whatever. I even remember the cover-art for it, it had all the usual characters in various poses, as well as a transformers toy and some lego people.

Anyway, we put the disc in, got to the DVD menu, and selected "play." The movie started off with the opening notes to "you've got a friend in me", but then as soon as the song got halfway through the first word of the vocal part, it just jumped back to the disc menu again. This happened every time we tried to play the movie, which was pretty disappointing. We assumed the disc was damaged or scratched, and kinda gave up trying to play it.

But then I noticed something strange about the box that the disc cases came in - the bottom flap of the box was weirdly thicker and more rigid than the other flaps. *Somehow* from there I discovered that ripping the bottom flap of the box apart revealed a 5th disc that was literally embedded in the freaking cardboard?? It was a white dvd with plain arial-font text on it that simply said "Toy Story 5"

So uh, of course we tried playing THAT disc too. Unlike the Toy Story 4 disc it didn't have a dvd menu or anything, it just started playing immediately after being put in the dvd player. It started off thick in the middle of some action scene where all the toys were running frantically through a factory; dashing across conveyor belts, climbing spinning gears, leaping from machine to machine, etc. There was no sound effects or dialogue, just some dramatic orchestral music droning on in the background.

The really weird part of all this is that Woody was not with the other toys. Instead, the movie kept cutting between these action scenes with the toys in the factory, and shots of Woody in some sort of control room, laughing maniacally while pulling a bunch of levers, and pushing various buttons like HE was the one operating the factory equipment and was attacking his friends? (When did Woody become the bad guy, lol? Maybe if the 4th movie had worked properly this would have made more sense? :B)

Anyway the last thing I remember before I woke up was that poor Ham was a little too late dodging a big crusher thing that came down, and he got smashed into a million pieces while pennies and nickels flew everywhere. Poor guy. :Y
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
A new year means you will (hopefully) have a Hatsuyume (first dream) on the night of December 1st! This Japanese tradition claims seeing certain things in your first dream of the year is a portent of good fortune for the year ahead.

I hope we all have dreams tomorrow/next night flush with mountains, hawks, and eggplants.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Time zones say Japan's just entered the new year, so happy December 1st, Schaz! Hope you dreamed of a white Christmas,
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Ssshhhhhh. Only dreams now.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Instead I dreamed about zombies and being scared out of your fucking life. I was right, 2016's also gonna be shit
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
i spent all three dreams being 100% pissed off :(

I was having some sort of new years party or somethign? but for some reason i invited a ton of asshole boys and i was just trying to play video games and they kept fucking around and making it as hard as possible for me to EVEN NICKNAME MY FUCKING GOLDEENS

and then i woke up and i was in my aunt's house and my good relatives were there? but i was like, wait what the fuck is going on, how did i even get here, and i'm so tired, and i have a limp now, and like, i just had a dream where i was so pissed off and like, i'm still feeling it, sorry, ugh

(that was a dream too)

and then the third dream like, some supervillain created a device that can control red fire ants and used them to create swarms of fire ants that could destroy skyscrapers and like, control how the debris flies around to maximize casualties. and then he built a boat out of fire ants and some superhero team went to attack his boat, but the whole time i was like, who even are all these fucking superheroes. and like there were 2 superheroes, but then there were like, 3 and then 4 and then like 10, and all the new ones just kept showing up without explanation as if i was supposed to know who they were and i'm just like this superhero movie absolutely fucking sucks. and there were like, non-superhero people just, random passerby just, chilling, in the red-fire-ant-ship big nice luxury courtyard and it's just, this, doesn't make any sense, i'm pissed off, fuck this, i'm angry. these superheroes aren't even any good anyway, they all suck they are incompetent, fuck all of this, so angry so frustrated
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamt that me and my brother entered a car race (with magic) at his university, and we won second place which was free positions at McDonalds. First place prize was 1000$.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
A group of 6 teenagers/20somethings (including yourself/viewers POV) drive to a house out in the countryside. It is atop a hill and has a nice garden. They have the house all to themselves for an entire week (a relative is letting them stay there).

However, as they enter the house, they discover that they aren't quite alone. There are servants there. While most of the servants are just people, a gardener, a butler, and other such caretakers, one servant is a ceiling-mounted robot that dispenses food. The 6 young guests discover that there is no food to be found anywhere except dispensed by the robot or (growing in the garden).

The robot only dispenses orange juice cartons at first, and frustrated, one guest asks the robot for all of its orange juice. it dispenses a large pile of orange juice, announces that it is out of orange juice, and can now dispense other items.

Things seem to be normal. They play games, have fun, watch tv, walk in the garden. The presence of the butler is kind of awkward, but things get funner as they invite the butler to hang out with them.

Out in the garden, they observe an unusual tree make impressive growth over the first few days. It's a pumpkin tree and it grows a new large pumpkin every day! The gardener comments that he is not sure how the tree started growing pumpkins, which normally grow on vines.

One guest begins working on a large chalk drawing out on the paved driveway. It's star wars and avatar the last airbender fanart, a chalk comic. Zuko is Kylo Ren's son, and together they are fighting pokemon. Zuko constructs a complicated machine that uses firebending to defeat pokemon automatically. Later, Kylo Ren and Zuko get into a pointless argument, and Kylo Ren kills Zuko. Kylo Ren realizes what he has done. Not only has he killed his son, but now there is no one left to operate the machine. Despite his best efforts, Kylo Ren is unable to defeat the pokemon alone, and the pokemon overrun their home, destroying everything.

On the sixth day, one guest falls off while climbing the pumpkin tree in the garden and breaks their leg. The teenagers want to go to the hospital but the gardener warns them that it is not a good idea, reasoning that the bumpy car ride would hurt the leg more and the hospital is too far away anyway. They should instead see the dispenser robot.

The dispenser robot dispenses some medicine, claiming that it will help the guest with their broken leg. The guest refuses to take the mysterious medicine. The robot refuses to give them regular food so the other guests share their food with the broken leg guest. The 6 young guests decide to stay at the house until the leg heals naturally, which means they will be staying much longer than one week. The butler tries to convince the broken leg guest to take that medicine but the broken leg guest is too stubborn and paranoid about the unlabeled medicine.

Umm, to make things easier, here's a list of guests. #1- you. #2- broken leg guest. #3 - some smart guy. #4- the one who drew the chalk comic. #5- another guy. #6- another girl

On the seventh day, the ground rumbles and shakes mysteriously and the air seems to become hot for a second. The butler seems to be panicking and tells the guests that they should stay inside for danger of the earthquake. While most of the guests agree and stays indoors, you (the viewer) and guest #3 the smart guy notice the butler sneak outside. The two of you follow him without telling the others. Outdoors, you notice the pumpkin tree has 7 less pumpkins than it did yesterday, and that your car is gone. Wait- there's your car.... down the road, driving up towards the house?

The butler notices you and warns the two of you to go back inside immediately. The car approaches but you and smart guy are the kind of rule-breaking teens that don't take orders from no stinkin' adults. The butler sighs and asks for a compromise. You can watch, but please, please stay out of sight.

The three of you hide behind a low wall and watch. The car pulls up in the driveway. To your surprise, out of the car emerges you!! and guest #3! and the other four guests!!! But, how can they be there, when you're over here, and? ?????

The gardener runs out to greet the doppelgangers from the car. They seem surprised to see someone at the house, and one of them says that they thought they would be alone here. The gardener tells them that he is merely the gardener, and that there are other servants as well. He recommends that they stay in the basement for now (you were unaware that this house had a basement). While they object, the gardener stutters and says that the other servants are still cleaning the house. And, there is pizza in the basement. And a swimming pool. "Don't you guys want to go swimming?"

The doppelganger who looks like guest #4 notices the drawing on the pavement. "Who drew this? This looks like... something that i would draw..."

The gardener stares at the pavement. He is lost for words and seems deep in terrified thought.

Smart Guy (#3) asks the butler, "are these... us, from the past?"

The Butler says, "yes. This house is contained in a week-long time loop. You were supposed to have left by now, and now the next set of yous has arrived. I don't know what to do. I think, this operation might have finally failed. I suppose, a few cycles ago I would have done something to fix this or at least tried harder to keep the secret but, I don't think there's any point to secrecy now. I guess, follow me and I'll explain everything."

The Butler steps out from behind the low wall and calls out to the Gardener. "Hey, I need you over here. Don't worry about the new guests, we can take care of them later."

The new guests seem confused but don't do anything as the watch the gardener leave them. The gardener and butler join you and #3 behind the wall. There's a little bit of shaking, and the ground beneath you descends downwards into the secret basement.

Inside the basement, you are surprised once more: the dispenser robot, which you had assumed was permanently stuck to its position on the kitchen ceiling upstairs, had apparently moved downstairs, and was now hanging over a table on which Guest #2 with the broken leg was strapped to. He is unconscious. Guest #4 (chalk girl) was there too, looking very worried. The dispenser robot explains that "#5 and #6 had to be put to sleep. I moved #2 down for surgery. #4 didn't struggle so she has been allowed to watch."

Now that everyone was together, the butler started speaking. "This is a medical facility. You kids were the very first time travelers in human history. 4000 years ago you somehow accidentally visited this house for a vacation. And a week later, you dissappeared, and a new set of you kids appeared, driving up to their house to have the exact same vacation. Every week you came, disappeared and arrive, all completely unaware that the years were coming and going and that there was even some sort of time loop going on.

"On the outside, human technology advanced and grew. Governments came and went, generations of people were born and died. As the powers of human technology grew stronger, so too grew our weaknesses. We have suffered from alien diseases, suffered from physical injuries that the six of you could never imagine. And we soon learned that we had no way to cure or fix these problems without experimentation.

"But we valued our own people too highly to experiment on them, so we instead learned how to use this mysterious time-looping house for our own needs. We would make sick, hurt you, and then we would cure you. Either way, at the end of the week, you would drive away and dissappear into the barrier of time, and then you would drive back in, completely fresh bodies without memory, to resume the process, while we observed, experimented and determined which of our solutions worked to fix the diseases we inflicted on you and which of our solutions failed. We put in the dispenser robot, and sent staff here disguised as gardeners and butlers, that's us, yes, to make sure everything went according to plan. Since we aren't part of the original time loop, we don't get reset at the end of the week.

"It took thousands of years, but we had managed to learn everything about you, about your past, what the world was like in the 21st century, we know every atom in your body and this house and what is going to happen if we do not interfere, and what to expect when we do. Our psychologists determined how to give you orders that you can't refuse, and our doctors have learned how to take the results of our medicine on you to know how it will affect humans in the present.

"But oddly, the scenario started to change. Somehow, you learned how to refuse our orders, even though you should be exactly the same at the start of every week. Every advancement in our mind control eventually stopped working. Your internal chemistry has changed in minor ways, causing inconsistent results with our medical research. We often remove our presence from the house to see how the six of you will behave, and while before, the exact same events would play out each, now you do different activities in different orders every week. It got worse when you started trying to stay longer for a week and you would be running into fresh time copies of yourself. Even the house itself started changing. That tree didn't used to grow pumpkins 4000 years ago. Some of the spiders in the corner started to persist between loops.

"I guess today is the day that its finally reached the point where we cannot control the situation any longer. So, that's it I guess."

The gardener, who had been sitting quietly in the corner throughout that whole speech, "Wait, you're not even going to tell them about the shadow?"

The butler replied, "What's the point? Not even we know what the true nature of the shadow is. Anyways, I guess, I'm not sure what's going to happen now."

The dispenser robot beeped, "Headquarters has agreed that we should abandon this project. Pack up your things you two, we are leaving."

The gardener scoffed. "What things?" He tapped his shirt pocket and vanished.

Smart guy #3 shouts, "WAIT WAIT. wait, what about US?"

The butler shrugged. "I guess, uh, you'll just keep looping or something. But if you want to like, stop the time loops, it doesn't really matter to us anymore. Just shout at the lava. I think that might work. We never tried though, since, we never wanted to stop the loop before. No idea what will happen, so.... good luck!" He points to the bathroom, taps his shirt pocket and vanished.

Guest #4 and Guest #3 opened the bathroom while you (guest #1) watched. From the toilet came a warm, red glow. "There's lava down there. I guess, uh, we shout at it?"

Guest #4 and Guest #3 shouted into the toilet. The earth started shaking lightly, but otherwise nothing spectacular seemed to be happening.

The Dispenser Robot helpfully suggested that they try shouting louder.

Guest #2 woke up. "Oh.... what... what happened??? why is my leg looking at me like that... who's screaming???"

Dispenser Robot: "Yeah, your leg isn't broken, it's possessed. uh. Long story short, its the year 5322, and scientists from the future are experimenting on you to try to cure leg possession."

Guest #2: "what... can.... so ... fix it?"

Dispenser Robot: "You should have tried that medicine I gave you!"

Guest #2: "oh.... oh... okay."

Dispenser Robot: "Okay, here you go."

Guest #2 swallowed the liquid that Dispenser Robot dropped into his mouth. The possessed leg started shouting demonic tones. The earth shook harder.

Dispenser Robot: "Alright. Looks like this medicine does not work and we shouldn't use it anymore. And that concludes our final experiment! Thank you for contribution for science and goodbye."

A robotic arm popped out of the Dispenser Robot. It lingered over a button on its side, but the Dispenser Robot seemed to change its mind. "Okay, I'm, really sorry about getting your leg possessed. Like, this is the best thing I can do for you now. Sorry! So sorry."

The Dispenser Robot's arm reached down and karate-chopped off the leg. The leg screamed louder demonic swear words, and Guest #2 screamed in pain. "SORRY! so sorry!! uh, lemme get you some anaesthesia,"

the Earth started to shake a lot. The air got warmer and warmer. The Dispenser Robot moved its robot arm back to the button. "oh dear, uh, i think, maybe I don't want to be here right now,so , sorry bye"

It pushed the button and vanished. The earth shake faster and faster. Cracks in the ground opened up and lava spewed out everywhere. A bright flash of red spread through the household as geothermal energy escaped out of the ground. The fires of time consumed the time loop, but continued to spread throughout the universe burning everything away. The time loop had stopped, but so had all of time and space.

But you continued to watch. You were still in the house. Parts of the house were still crumbling away, and you could see outside before too long. There was only blackness, and as the last remnants of the hill and the house disappeared, you realized that you were the only one left alive. The remains of the house had that bathroom at its center, as in the closer something was to that bathroom, the longer it would last. You had to be move closer to the bathroom as the floor was slowly vanishing behind you and there was less and less to stand on. Its door was slightly ajar, opening outwards and you reached out for the handle.

Just before you grabbed the doorknob, something on the other side pulled it shut.

The floor behind you had finally vanished, and then a moment later, you vanished too.
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I was not prepared.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Oh boy I really love waking up at 1am after dreaming of falling asleep at the wheel while driving home at night
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Short dream. The weird thing about this one was that my previous dream (the one I can't remember, but it was kind of scary anyway) was followed by a TV-style "UP NEXT" that telegraphed this dream.

Anyway I'm on a ship, which is sinking. Water is spilling up onto the deck and I'm shutting every door I can find to keep it out, since all the doors are watertight bulkheads. People are arguing with me about shutting the doors, since 'what if people are trapped behind them? They'll need to come out!' and I'm all 'the more water we let into the ship the more sinking will happen' and they're all 'the ship is sinking anyway' and I'm all 'we need to minimize our exposure to the water' and they're all 'we're in the middle of sydney harbour, we'd be at most an hour in the water' and I'm like 'oh'. And then I woke up.

Also the ship was sinking because it got hit with a miltary laser.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
By military laser, you mean railguns? If so, was USA waging war on Australia? That won't happen if China is still #2 in power, which means that China and Russia must have fallen? Does that mean the stock market crash will lead to an economic collapse of China thereby rendering their power gone? Which means you just dreamt of the future? What???
No matter what happens today, you can laugh about it tomorrow
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Today I had a dream where I watched tiny animals run around on the floor. There were tiny antelopes, deers, lions, and elephants.

There was even tiny houses near where they ran.

The man next to me said "Everything is smaller here"

Then he pointed ahead of me, that's when I noticed something huge coming at us.

"Except the spiders"

That was the end of the dream
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream where I was in a great indoor city, wandering around. I looked over a balcony and saw the inside of a resturaunt, and I wanted to go there. I attempted to find the entrance, but it was nowhere logically near the balcony. By that I mean that I had to loop around the whole city to get inside.

Once there, there was a movie playing, but I did not particularly like it, so I decided to leave and come back later. Then, later arrived, and I wanted to go back to the resturaunt. I got lost in a land of manmade pools, where there was an old man. He kindly pointed me in the right direction.
There is a skip here.
I am then on a train in a snowstorm, and by 'on', I mean 'on top'. I was having a dramatic showdown with an enemy that had plauged me in the city. (According to my dialog) He then said that he was my brother, in a sort of pleading tone.
I do not have a brother.
Let us say that... He was forcefully disembarked.
An introvert, even online.

Currently seeking cosmic knowledge. Contact me if you know anything about the following: