The Grand Tweet II: Finished

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The Grand Tweet II: Finished
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Newly empowered, Brad senses an approaching spirit.
"NO GHOSTS" he yells, dissipating Conway's mount.

Dracula's coat begins to tear.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Through one of the holes, a breeze picks up.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion


"draculinity isn't a word"

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"Okay fuck subtlety the universe is ending." Baskerville unleased all 99 clones. "Just swarm 'em or something! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Dracula called upon his blade, Swagbane, and struck Willow. The girl fell next to a tear in spacetime. Quoth her dad, "Shit just got real."
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RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"If you want my love you'll have to earn it!"


Then they punched clones at Dracula.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"Alright fuck it, this calls for something ballsy."
Conway dived right into the hole in the universe, and technically didn't exist for a bit.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
The torn fabric apparently counted as a cell phone signal. Text to will Smith: "hi dad, in battl 2 deth, wont b home 4 dinnr xoxo <3"
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RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"..thanksalot nowsaveus..."
A struck clone was thrown into Loquacious and knocked him out the window.
"Damn! So close!"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
and then, in his folly distraction

he sees his willow
struck down
and runs to her

holds her
in his spindly arms

i love you
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
The wind knew the flair of the dramatic, and began sluicing into every crevice.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
A vast wave of jerks crashed into the room! "Fuckin' CHHHARGE I guess." Super Dracs was washed away with broken glass and hipster shades.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
For a moment, Conway was everything.
And then, he was nothing again.
And then he was Conway, but holding a harpoon made of negative space.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
The hole in space and time flowed; a seething maelstrom bled into the air around its edge.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Bob got out of Brad wielding his Pensword, MIGHTY.

"I challenge you Nega-Harpoon Wilder."

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"Uh... Fo sho. Thanks, I guess." This homie creeped her out so bad, like for real. And then some trippin' foo' wind slammed the door shut.
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RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
"Can glass even kill a vampire?"
Wading through a sea of shattered limbs, Brad set off in pursuit.

During the chaos, Percy was bitten!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Loquacious was shocked! If the nega-harpoon and the pensword collided, surely it would mean disaster!
He had to act now.
"Dropth ewep..."
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Meanwhile Baskerville Prime just hung around with some ghosts, drinking ghost coke zero. "Man I love having my clones do everything for me."
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
The wind slowed, and died.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
The maddening air was bad. A disaster was exactly what he needed to make it on. He collided the negaharpoon with the pensword!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion

The wind...
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
“Woah that was cool, now do that again but somewhere else.”

And then they were some kind alien hive… IN SPACE!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round One: Haunted Mansion
Oh good it worked.