"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a neat one just before I woke up this morning. It started out with the conceit that I was reading a webcomic for the first time; the story was about a gang of kids and teens who live in an abnormally huge truck, the general dress style was "90's kid pirate-punk" and really it was more like a giant housebus interior elevated up on a hugeass truck.

Anyway, perspective shifted and I was a Typical White Bread Male Protagonist who'd just clambered aboard this thing, and for some reason the captain (badass seventeen-year old lady with dreads and a mercenary attitude) had to offload everyone. For some reason. And drive off even though these kids, her family, were chasing after her and giving up. I was in the passenger seat and had weird cognitive internal-dream-logic dissonance because I recalled that I was reading a webcomic and I always cry at sad shit in fiction, but I was also in said story? Either way, I was crying because this was a hard and painful decision for everyone.

Cast summarily trimmed, we drove aimlessly around streets that were definitely inspired by north-west Christchurch suburban streets until we pulled into a convenience store car park, where a few of the captain's lieutenants managed to catch up and pile in. This truck is huge, by the way. I climbed into the cab and it must've been two and a half metres up.

We then drove south through what was definitely Christchurch; on reflection it was the same road through Ilam the Orbiter bus takes when going anticlockwise from Burnside High to Canterbury University (Plaid'll know what I'm on about). We dodged around a lot of traffic that the hugeass truck definitely could've ploughed through (except for one Giga-Hummer who was driving on the wrong side of the road). As we approached the university, we drove on the wrong side of the road because there were giant tubes of paint emerging from the middle of the road, we swerved to avoid a massive glob of paint falling on us, and ended up on the wrong side. We ended up running over identical pedestrians but I think they were a gang?

Then we were driving through the actual university (which is bisected in real life by a main road) and the main administrative building was at the end of this road at a t-intersection. Captain Badass Driver Girl was yelling happily about the fact that "we're off the rails, so we're going to have to drive straight through it", which makes no sense, we're a truck not a train. The centrepiece of said administrative building (which does not exist in real life) was a revolving glass doorway big enough for our truck to pass through, so we did. Lots of breaking glass and then wondering "how long would it take for the cops to react to this and start chasing us", right before I woke up.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Welp so much for me sleeping tonight


I wake up properly this time, or rather, I woke up forty minutes ago. I spent about five minutes determining whether there were actually burglars/intruders in my apartment, another five deciding that I wasn't actually so scared I needed to get out of bed, turn the lights on, or go lock my door, and spend the rest of the time up until now trying to write this out so I don't forget it.

The damnedest thing about this nightmare is that I wasn't actually scared by it, and am not actually scared right now despite the fact it was very unsettling. In short brains are weird
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Hoo boy this one was a hell of a romp, it's deathy and violent in places fair warning

Bump into my friend as he's heading up into his apartment; ask if I can grab dinner with them if I nip down the street and grab something. He's like sure, and I go a couple places down to a souvlaki place where the owner grizzles that everyone comes in at the last minute before the store closes. I check the shop's opening hours on the glass door, see it's 8.30, and apologise and head on up the street.

It's dark, and a car (driving on the wrong side of the road for New Zealand, I just realised) with a couple hollering guys pulls up and slows down as it passes me. I understandably freak out and look for the nearest place with people, which is a KFC. I walk briskly in that direction as someone drunkenly extricates themselves from the back of the stationary car, and four dudes sitting outside KFC at a picnic table ask me what's going on. I pointed the drunk fuckass out; they ask if they should hurt him and I say they shouldn't but yeah totally go for it. Between his drunken grasping in my direction and a bit of tag-teaming, he trips and cracks his head on the concrete. He gets up again, this time I'm feeling bolder and grab his wrist and twist, hearing a bunch of snapping. A couple more hits and he's down.

The KFC customers are checking I'm alright when someone points out the rather large pool of blood coming from the face-down drunkard's head region. I'm thinking "oh fuck would we get assault charges if it was self-defense" but call the police anyway. I'm panicking and was pretty sure I was on Riccarton Road but the dispatch dude says that's probably wrong and I see a street sign. While I'm talking, I see a car (in the opposite direction, but the same side of the street as the car of hecklers) runs into the body and drags it up the street, leaving a trail of blood. I have one of those mental "fuck is this a dream" checks which I fail miserably; I'm still pretty convinced this is all happening, as I relay updated events down the phone. As I'm on said phone, a whole goddamn tram/streetcar rounds the corner, slips on the blood, and derails with a crash into the KFC carpark where we were all standing.

Around this point, paramedics show up and a cop steps out of a car and starts asking people in the crowd for me. I go with him out of the way a bit, answer questions, start heading toward this house with a rundown yard where I'm suddenly very aware that we've been followed by this weird nuclear family of mom and dad and pigtailed daughter all made out of this wet, red-orange clay. They tell me to get in a car, because out by the front gate of the property is the asshole who got run over, no worse for wear and wielding a weird tube-gun thing that fires a missile like a pointy bowling pin at the house.

Spy-family goes "fuckshit" and out of nowhere has a car which we're told to pile into, mostly because Terminator back there has tossed some kind of giant, white, button-battery shaped amplifier near the house. The cop (who I think got visually templated by my brain with the security guard guy from Housebound, huh) is struggling to get into the front seat of the vehicle so these cold-hearted putty bastards just drive off without him. I have some vague ethical qualms about this which are only further compounded when the clay girl's explanation makes it sound like we're escaping a nuclear bomb radius. We have one close shave where Drunk Car Asshole pops up in the path of our escape vehicle and fires one of his missiles at it, but it follows the curvature of the car and doesn't actually impact.

Then some intermediary shit happens and I can't fucking remember it; last point on this fucked up ride I recall before waking up was being back home again, talking to my sister, who mentions a "Jason Common-Last-Name" has been pestering them all on Skype for ages.

Brain what the actual fuck
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I've been having the same nightmare for two days now which took an even more frustrating turn today? Probably due to depression making a roaring resurgence but hey

It starts out with it being my birthday and for some reason i'm at a house on the hill which belongs to the family of a friend i had in high school. All of my other high school friends are there, which now that i think about it isn't really a good sign because those friendships have all since broken down :v

Anyway, we start noticing smoke and things coming from up a bit higher on the hill? and then flame, which rapidly spread. So i say uh, we should probably evacuate, and in the process of getting friend's mum and brother awake and people out of the house the fire gets to the properties behind their one and there is a steady stream of people heading down the hill. My other friends are trying to grab random stuff from the house to take everything with them and i tell them to stop being dumb because we have to go, and we all pile into a couple of cards and head down the hill, which winds around everywhere and includes random parts of new zealand roads that i vaguely remember? and a bunch of it is raised and part of the hill despite being on the flat irl?

While we're doing this there is a man behind us totally on fire who collapses onto the road, and a few cars on fire going past too. We stop a bit down the hill for a break; the fire catches up to us during and we have to leave again.

Anyway at some point we get to my new house, which has apparently been built by my parents while i was away and they've just moved in. Its huge and fancy and a bunch more people come to the party at this point. We hang around for a wee bit, but at this point its something like 4am so we all decide to go to bed, split between 2 rooms. Everyone crams into one room (my bedroom, which is huge so its not that much of an issue) and keeps talking, even after i tell them to be quiet. Each time i tell everyone that i just want to sleep someone starts talking again after about 30 seconds, and at one point i can't figure out how to turn the tv off with all the remotes (since it mysteriously turned on).

I throw a fit and tell everyone fine, i'll sleep in the other room. A few people follow me and i tell them to go away, i want to sleep on my own but they come with anyway. We all get into various beds and they start talking again, so i start yelling and that wake mum, who also yells at them. At this point its gotten light, i'm super tired and super angry, and apparently there are some builders coming to do renevations on the seemingly finished room that i'm trying to sleep in. They drive through the front wall of the house, and their van in on fire, which i point out but they say that oh no its fine, it just does that sometimes.

I woke up around then. Possibly one of the worst sleeps i've ever had?
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
In my dream...
we had to sing to keep the monster at bay.

But I forgot

RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I have a recurring dream (that I also had when I was a very small child) that happens sometimes when I wake up and then fall back asleep.

So I am standing in the backyard of my old house, as a small child (6ish). It is night, probably 9 or 10 pm, and I start running towards a swing set. But when I get there my ex-neighbour is already in the swing. We talk for about half a minute, but the conversation always ends along the lines of "I was here first, go do something else". Then I walk away, disappointed, into my house.

A large tree (like a three/four story tree) falls onto the house while I am inside, and I am crushed to death. Sometimes the building collapses on its own,and sometimes an owl hoots and the building falls in on itself, but everytime I am killed instantly by this.

The least favourite part of this dream is after I am rejected from the swing-set, the dream stitches from 1st person to 3rd person, and at that point I KNOW what is about to happen. And then I wake up and it can be very stressful.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I ever so rarely remember my dreams but not only that's not the case for the last one I had it was also kind of long and odd enough to share.

In the dream I'm a traveler visiting a swampy area looking for a smith. Within moments of wandering I find what looks like a run down shack and upon approaching the place I find a woman who introduces herself as a smith with the shack as her workshop. She invites me inside and upon entering the shack it turns into a greater place than what it looks from the outside, aswell as not as run down with a stone floor and a big fire pit. I then request the woman to craft a piece of metalwork of her choice to which she quickly accepts delivering a crude spoon from the pit. I examine it still hot pulling it close to my face and hitting it a few times in the floor and my knuckles, soon deeming it a fine piece of work. I look at the woman and begin to explain that i'm part of a society of secret metalworkers that pass down their craftworks and techniques to those we consider to have enough skill. The specifics being that all work must have a copy that will be passed out to one of the wanderers like myself within a couple of months, in exchange we will share new plans and techniques for the knowledge of the techniques they know or have improved upon from past visits, the woman in joy tells me to let her join to which I accept but as soon as I hand down the roll with the stuff I have to share it turns into a bunch of balloons.

And then I wake up.

I still feel confused about it.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamed that I was back at home in Hong Kong, waiting for a bunch of people I knew from middle school. I was finally getting included! We all got in a big taxi and played video games, except I missed out for some reason. At some point, a bunch of schoolgirls ended up in the backseat, and we got out at one of their houses. Then I asked why I'd been left out, and they said I didn't ask to join. But that's okay. We all forgave each other.

They were never this nice in real life.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I was driving in the middle of nowhere at midnight, and I saw a Dairy Queen sign. I go in, and I see mario flipping burgers. I ask for a big mac, and he says he only has dino burgers for sale. I ask for it, and he says "You just activated my trap card", after which I promptly fell through a trap hole. While falling endlessly, I was saved by Spongebob on his charizard.

Don't ask me how I got to that, I'm wondering that myself...
No matter what happens today, you can laugh about it tomorrow
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Steven universe spoilers:
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
05:27 Timu12 holY SHIT
05:27 Timu12 i just had THE most coherent dream of my life.
05:28 Timu12 it had plenty of silly moments. a ridiculous blending of characters, concepts and other things that had no business being part of the same story but it was still almost completely logically coherent with the exception of some characters morphing into other characters.
05:28 Timu12 and the portal mechanics were a little off but otherwise holy shit. it made sense
05:31 Timu12 Our story is a tragic tale of love. love between Link/Raiden and some girl
05:31 Timu12 that spans across time and space
05:33 Loather whoa
05:33 Timu12 want to hear it ;) ?

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
/me wild applause
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So I forgot a lot of the dream, but here's the details I do remember:
  • I had four parents, my two dream birth parents (the devil and a mortal), as well as two more moms, one of which was actually sort of an evil spy demon? And the other wasn't really introduced. Wait no she was a bartender who gets killed for being married to my father.
  • I signed a form to go to a boarding school, and then went on a huge bus ride. I'm pretty sure some characters were introduced here, but I forgot who they were.
  • My birth parents decided to give up their souls to give me superpowers and fix my vision problems (and two extra lives?). I mean, I guess the devil gets a soul as well.
  • Things happened in the middle.
  • And then I was in the perspective of a girl I met on the bus, who shoots me with a bow to take my first life. She was bullied really bad, so she became powerful and started her career as an assassin. Also I think she captured her main bully and killed him. Anyway, when she killed me the first time, she released a copy of me that had my mother's soul (who was a lot like Rose Quartz from SU), who proceeds to tutor her and make her stop killing people for pay.
  • I was having crazy battles with all my boarding school classmates, who were all evil (for the most part), but I was really trying to learn more about my past (who my parents were, how I had almost invincibility, ect.)
  • More stuff I wish I hadn't forgot.
  • There was another perspective switch to my evil spy mom (who was evil but still loved my father and my other two mothers), who was capturing mortals and killing them for fun, along with her boss, who killed anyone who saw any part of their body.
  • Later on, I get killed by the ghost of my bartender mom, because ghosts have no memories of their life, and the more painful the death the more powerful you become.
  • And then the Devil is released in a copy of my body, and sacrifices his mortal shell to destroy the ghost and send bartender mom to the afterlife (because she still had her soul).
  • But the ghost powers were really unfair. I fought her in her house, along with a boy that I rescued from being tortured. Whenever you touched any wall or furniture, she could teleport to wherever you were.

All in all, it was an amazing dream and I wish I had written it down right when I woke up.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I didn't dream anything, but I really want to move on to page 5.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Last night i had a dream where this weeks Hearthstone's Tavern Brawl was sponsored by Subaru and Donald Trump. I just wanted my free pack, I didn't want to listen to these goddamn speeches and watch all these damn car advertisements. The tavern brawl rules didn't make any fucking sense either! I was so mad that I ran around school in just my underwear and swore a lot and made my friend cry.
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

but then there was also pizza on the planet and I ate it and was happy the end
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamed that... there was a big hotel. Lots of nice little rooms, and we were trying to find our way back to it. My sister and cousins were there, and we were walking back along the bus route to try and get back, and when we did it was time to pick a room! And I found a nice one with two doors, which I really liked because it was two doors, and I picked that!

I have stupid dreams okay
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
copy pasting this from my tumblr because it's a dream and it's early pre-afternoon right now and i'm tired and this feels important somehow

Quote:last night i dreamt that i had started a few art classes at college, and it was early in the morning and i was getting ready to go to the campus to go to my classes

but, as is the case literally every time i have school dreams, i started getting nervous because i remembered that i had done exactly 0% of the assignments up to that point in time, so i tried messaging one of my friends to ask them for help+reassurance but i accidentally messaged someone else instead, and dad was outside my bedroom door waiting for me to finish getting ready to leave

everything moved so slow, just the act of going to my closet and taking a shirt and putting it on felt like it took 5 minutes, eventually dad finally roared and burst into my room while i was changing and just started screaming at me for taking too long to get ready to go to school. dream ended right then.

this isn’t even like, not what it’s like in reality. kinda makes me realize how he always gets super aggressively impatient when he wants to go somewhere and i’m not 100% ready to leave when he is, but i always, always have to patiently wait for him to get ready when i want to go somewhere, and be understanding when he doesn’t feel like going somewhere (which means i can’t go either, as he is the one who can drive)

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Okay so I dreamed that... I don't remember the specifics but basically there was this stargate-like device which was made to make bubbles of slow time, but then it all backfired horribly and then this huge bubble of slow time began expanding over the rural farm/secret science research center where this device was. I distinctly remember standing all dramatic like in a field, watching this slow bubble expand its way across the grass. And the time inside the bubble was seventeen times slower than the outside world, so as it got bigger, the turbulent zone in between the slow and fast air inside and outside the bubble created a gigantic storm that was exploding everything and the only way to save everyone was to deactivate the device by... getting a princess? I've been playing too many video games is what I'm getting at.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
i dreamt about getting ready for a school day again
as with some past dreams, it took place in the apartment i used to live in with dad, and partway through the dream i remembered that i was halfway through the semester and i had done exactly 0% of the homework for the english class i was apparently enrolled in (but apparently i was doing better in my other classes).
but then i thought about it some more and went from being really worried about my education to mildly worried that i might not get a refund for quitting the class this late.

i'm just... really tired of my dreams being centered around school. like 90% of my dreams throughout the past year??? longer than that??? have been about school, someone please make this end
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Not gonna lie. Legitimately had an interesting dream that... might actually hold up as a story? Maybe a pilot for a TV show or something.

It opened with a ship flying through... like a warp space between worlds. A flying ship with like, sails and magical steam paddles and shit and wings instead of oars, you know, the standard. Anyway, this ship is a royal escort of some sort, which is carrying this petulant princess and her royal parents, etc. She's going to some ball in another world where there will be lots of important people from important worlds and they're all going to want to marry her, because her kingdom is one of the most magical ones and as such they produce all these magical items and shit.

Anyway, she runs away from her mother, the queen, after an argument, because she doesn't wanna get married! And something happens, and she pitches off the side of the ship and begins falling through the magic warp.

Luckily, a dragon saves her from a fate worse than death! But as a price, she gains a pair of dragon wings, like properly sinister lookin' ones that are all leathery and red and shit. And they're not small; the wingspan is like two and a half meters, but she can fold them up or wrap them around her so it's not too bad. They're actually kinda awesome.

Naturally, the marriaging plans don't go so well. A lot of suitors lose interest and a whole bunch of creepy and kinda evil-lookin' suitors gain interest. The ball is an awkward affair and the princess begins to try and adjust to her new life.

Point of interest about this dream world: there are actually a lot of worlds, that are connected through this magical warp stuff. Some worlds are more magic than others. A lot of this later part of the dream takes place in a sort of contemporary kind of magitech world where magic is present but not very powerful at all.

And then enter me. Big point of contention here is that I have no idea what gender I am in this dream (I honestly don't usually have much sense of self in a dream) so I have no idea what kind of relationship this is. But the princess gets kidnapped by a gang of organized science crime syndicate? And they want to see if her magical potential can be used to make this contemporary world more magical, so that their magic powers can be more powerfulz.

Anyway so I've seen this princess both from afar, and more recently, begun to forge a friendship, because I'm the only one who sees past the wings and sees who she is - and she's actually a really nice person and a great friend to have around. So I guess I'm a noble, too? And more importantly I also have magic powers, apparently? Which means I'm able to see through the ILLUSIONS and find out where she's being held. And then I go alone because I'm an idiot, apparently.

I almost don't make it. I'm trapped by a magic guardian that the syndicate has brought into this world from a super magic one, so even though it's weakened it's still really powerful. It's like a boss kind of powerful. And reasoning with it won't do shit, because the syndicate has promised to return it to its magic world once this world is moar magics, woot.

Anyway there's a bit of a fight (read: curbstomping) until I agree to give up a piece of my life essence to the guardian in order to pass. Which I do (for some reason, this was shown as a bit snipped off of my HP bar, which was hovering in the middle of the screen, Skyrim style), and I then make it to this big complex. And I know the princess is in the giant parking lot/garage at the bottom, so I manage to slip in while the syndicate is bringing in a whole bunch of other captured people from other worlds (very sinister. I think they were going to become sex slaves or experiments).

When I get to her, all her guards are unconscious, and she's all 'I somehow summoned up this magic power and fought back', which is a big deal because that means she must be crazy powerful if she's able to do that in a world with so little ambient magic. So she and I escape the parking garage and book it for the nearest ship to another world.

End episode.

So all the elements for a good story are there: the protagonists and antagonists are laid out pretty well, and there's motivations for each of them. There's an overarching plot: 'Get the princess back home'. And lots of underlying questions that inform the world: 'Why did the dragon wings unlock this power?' 'What will the Syndicate do?' 'What does losing some of my life essence mean?'

And I also really like the world, especially for one that I dreamed up in my sleep. It's got potential to be a macguffin to open the premise of each episode; like Doctor Who, it can go to any kind of world anytime to start an episode's story. That in turn puts the focus on the characters and how they develop.

Anyway I'll stop overthinking it now, but this was... really thought provoking. Maybe even a serial short story, if not a TV show.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream where I sent ICan'tGiveCredit Peanut Butter and googly eye packets in the mail, but then the post master stole the contents and just sent along the empty box. Credit was like ??? And later I think someone died of allergies and blamed it on me. I got jail time.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I don't really like the peanut butter but the googly eyes were delicious! ---Credit, the Real Mailman The Whole Time
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Three scenes featuring me and Other Persons in my apartment

- First, continuing on from where we left off when we were last awake:
It's late, boyfriend and I are talking, there's a knock at the door and my neighbor marches in uninvited, holding a shotgun. The bearing of arms seems normal and sensible given the situation, wherein he's come to ask us to keep it down because it's late. He leaves, boyfriend suggests being louder just to annoy the neighbor. I'm too upset by this suggestion to be able to explain that he shouldn't do that considering I'm the one who'll have to keep living next to a gun-toting asshole after he leaves.

- Second, later that night:
A disreputable individual is in my apartment, at my invitation. Neighbor comes in with a handgun, shoots the individual, a quick time event starts (complete with HUD) where I have to shoot my neighbor while dodging based on how his gun is angled. I hit him square in the forehead, this apparently doesn't stop him, he shoots me in the leg before I eventually land enough shots in the neck to down him. Boyfriend and I head out the front door to deal with all these bodies or whatever, neighbor has parked his truck cab in front of my front door to wall it off. My old neighbor, Kayla sticks her head out of her front door, bleary and in pajamas. Kayla and Asshole Gun Neighbor can't possibly occupy the same apartment, so I stick my head out the back door (our apartments, identical, all have back sliding doors opening out into a yard area). I'm in Apartment 1, Kayla is in 2, AGN is in 3 (their lights still on). I figure "damn, we must have been pretty loud if he can hear us two doors away."

-Third, a decent while after all that:
I'm talking to Dad, who's here to see how I'm doing after all that weird shit that just went down recently. I'm getting kind of anxious that it shouldn't be daytime right now, there are gaps in my memory, I ask Dad how he got to Japan. "Oh, I something something something." Literally what he said. Something clicks, I consciously decide I want out of what I am now fully aware is not reality. The Other Person in the apartment (formerly my dad) is now me, bearing a horrific expression and murderous intent, offering to kill me or do something similarly painful if I want to be awake that badly.

I wake up before anything bad happens to me other than being panicked and terrified by my dumbass brain.