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RE: tossaway
(03-30-2016, 01:44 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You probably should ask what they use for money, because you're not sure you've got any on you.

they use hobos for currency. That's where we come in!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: tossaway
(03-29-2016, 07:43 PM)btp Wrote: »Does this guy run on static? Because you're feeling clingy.

[Image: tnlXUkx.png]

You, don't want to be left alone.
Not here, at least, not in this weird purple place where the people aren't hospitable and the ground snags at your feet like it's made of ground up glass and thorns.
You've gotta follow Jay, especially if they're going to a better locale.

(03-30-2016, 01:44 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »You probably should ask what they use for money, because you're not sure you've got any on you.

[Image: NEGT8GH.png]

"UGH, I'm really not keen on babysittin' ya, but I'll getcha outta here, at least. Ya prolly don't even have any beads for the ticket."
They pull a small chain out of their hoodie pocket, with a handful of different sized beads loosely hanging around it.
"Ya got any of these? The big ones are worth ten of the smaller ones, by the way."

[Image: fGzdHMV.png]

... you have 13 beads.
"Oh, not bad. Found that in yer box? Cool. It's ten for a ticket, last I checked. So, you still comin' with me to Bonsai, or you gonna go somewhere else?"
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
Lets hop on that train!

...are you filled with beads like those?
RE: tossaway
Yaya lets go to bonsai! it sounds like a treey place!!!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
fish the beads out of your mouth
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: tossaway
[Image: c6s9Wps.png]

"Arright, arright, follow me."
The two of you step into the station... it's pretty basic, though there's a lot of neat things for sale at a couple booths.

"Hey, gimme the big bead off yer chain, I'll buy yer ticket for ya."

Oh, okay.
(-10 beads, 3 beads remaining)

[Image: zgG1uCz.png]

"Buying a ticket?"
"Ye, two. One fer me and one fer the little sackbaby followin' me."
"Awful generous of you, Jay."
"Ye, shush."
"And where to?"
"Bonsai, both of 'em."
"I see... alright, two tickets to Bonsai, the train will be here shortly."

[Image: 4Dw6cY4.png]

"... Right, here."
(You got a Ticket!)

[Image: k1JeC1z.png]
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
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RE: tossaway
Wait patiently and respectably.
RE: tossaway
What's everyone looking at?
~◕ w◕~
RE: tossaway
Look at the interesting things
RE: tossaway
Play with that racket!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
Hug one of the cute imps!
RE: tossaway
Glance over wares
RE: tossaway
whistle a cheerful tune
RE: tossaway
wait instead of hugging an imp, maybe hug Jay to show your appreciation for her helping you out!
RE: tossaway
[Image: YaasvLQ.png]

You can't help but be interested in the little shops nearby...
Jay follows you, idly browsing as well.

"Thinkin' of spendin' yer last few beads already?"
"Mmmm. Some of this stuff's cheap, cause of the location. If we were in a different station, things'd be differently priced based on what they value."
Hm. Any suggestions?
"Aside from savin' the only money you have? Maybe a bag. You can only fit so much in yer pockets."

The two individuals continue talking to each other as you stand there, not yet approaching to make a purchase.
The one on the left seems to be selling travelware, while the one on the right has more fashion-oriented things...?
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
Woah! That bag looks like Jay's and its only 3 beads! That's how many you have!

Seeing how Jay is literally the COOLEST GUY you know, it's only natural to emulate him.

Get bag and then get on that train TO ADVENTURE!

You only have 10 minutes, so you don't want to get too caught up here.
RE: tossaway
Also see if maybe you can SELL or trade! Maybe the fashion seller would be willing to trade that necklace you go for something!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
buy a fashionable bag that is not way too big for you
RE: tossaway
also compliment both of the shopkeepers for having such good taste in bandanas and jackets
RE: tossaway
Buy one of the smaller bags. You don't want to be weighed down with a heavy one, and they're cheaper!
RE: tossaway
Purchase the fashionable bag with a handy front pocket
RE: tossaway
Leftmost small fashion-bag
~◕ w◕~
RE: tossaway
Right-most small bag! And give *someone* a hug!
RE: tossaway
You're going to be travelling. A travelbag will last you a lot longer.