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RE: Vedkle
> Cut him a break. He's clearly had a long way coming here and is understandably tired-confused-naked.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Vedkle
(01-19-2012, 09:53 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Maybe you should find somebody else to talk to him. An authority figure, perhaps?

[Image: 238y1.jpg]

Anna says that she has a really good friend who's also really nice and has a big house and would probably not mind Arthur staying in it for a bit. Her name's Clara. She's kinda the governor around here? Honestly, Anna still doesn't know how that happened, but maybe it comes with being all fancy and kinda rich and having a kinda fancy butler and living in a big mansion on the hill and such. So if Arthur's okay with it and stuff, Anna could point out the place and lead him there part of the way but she still has work to do so she'll have to get back to her stuff and stuff if that's okay?

A little girl walks up to Anna and says, 'Scuse me.

[Image: ab6kxe.jpg]

[Image: 316m9vb.jpg]

The little girl couldn't help but notice what was going on and maybe she can help. She knows the house on the hill to which Anna was referring to and she could lead whoever's in there to the place. Or maybe she could keep watch over the truck while Anna's away? Maybe even help unload the truck.

Anna's not worried about anybody bothering with her truck. Many people may idly dream of living in a small town, where everybody knows each other and everything is in walking distance, but a small town also happens to be rather dull and as a result, the residents watch everything that goes on. Like a hawk. In a small town, you are always watched.

But that's besides the point.

[Image: b5fbk4.jpg]

Arthur opens the door a crack, maybe to just peek out and look at the new person, though he could use the window instead but maybe that gets in the way of his long schnoz. He nods to Anna, as though saying that he's okay with going with the little girl.

Anna does vaguely recall seeing the little girl around. Though she doesn't know the children of Vedkle as well as the adults, mostly because the children of Vedkle are not usually fruit customers. This little girl always had the air of maturity around her, which always made her seem rather capable and such.

Should Anna send Arthur on his way with this girl?
RE: Vedkle
RE: Vedkle
Sure. She needs to get to work unloading these boxes already.
RE: Vedkle
Ask her about the umbrella!
RE: Vedkle
Yep, let's do that.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Vedkle
(01-23-2012, 04:53 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Ask her about the umbrella!

She just has sensitive skin and doesn't want to get sunburn. Jeez, nosy much?

(01-23-2012, 01:19 AM)Chwoka Wrote: »Yeah.

[Image: 34tcp76.jpg]

Anna waves good-bye as the two walk away, even though neither of them look back to see it. And then she gets to work.

[Image: 2m85kc4.jpg]

[Image: 2uiujjq.jpg]

[Image: 2m85kc4.jpg]

[Image: 2uiujjq.jpg]

[Image: 2z4g6xd.jpg]

[Image: 260za6g.jpg]

[Image: 104s0sw.jpg]

Getting all the job done does feel very satisfying. Anna has also been given some envelopes of orders to give to the farmer. And by 'give,' I mean 'leave out for him to find next time he comes.'

And now that all the work's done, she can actually relax for today. Actually get around to her plans. Visit Clara (and Arthur, she supposes). But she has some money to spend. Maybe she can bring a gift this time. Clara's been feeling bad lately, real sick and stuff, so it'll be nice to give her something.

Clara likes books, but she already has a rather large library and the local bookstore really isn't all that great and Anna doesn't really know what she already has or anything. Maybe she should go to the baker. Or to the butcher? Or something else. Or something.
RE: Vedkle
If Clara likes books, chances are the bookstore owner knows her reasonably well and might have an idea of something to give her. It's worth a try, at least.
RE: Vedkle
Food probably isn't a good gift if she's not feeling well. How about some flowers? Is that possible?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Vedkle
You can never have too many books. Who knows, you might find something just /perfect/!
RE: Vedkle
>Write a book for her. It's the one way you are guaranteed that she doesn't already have it.
RE: Vedkle
Get her a nice scented candle!
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Vedkle
Get her a Kindle.
RE: Vedkle
(01-31-2012, 01:12 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »If Clara likes books, chances are the bookstore owner knows her reasonably well and might have an idea of something to give her. It's worth a try, at least.

[Image: 1fv6uh.jpg]

Anna goes to the bookstore. It's pretty small. She can only really see two bookshelves in the back.

She asks if the shopkeeper has any books that Clara would like. And not have.

The shopkeeper replies that a shipment came in just yesterday so there's a lot of new books for sale. There's one that she might be interested in.

[Image: 24dpklz.jpg]

Anna doubts that Clara would like a joke book.

The shopkeeper gives her a disapproving stare and informs Anna that it's not a joke book.

Anna pays for it and the shopkeeper gives her a little nod and says, "Please come again, sir."

[Image: 14iztxj.jpg]

[Image: 148q7g0.jpg]

The trek up the hill seems harder every time.

[Image: 4j6rf4.jpg]

Anna knocks.

[Image: bise1k.jpg]

There is no answer.

[Image: ayq7ie.jpg]

...Did that shopkeeper just call her 'sir'?
RE: Vedkle
>Go for a walk around the premises, maybe Clara isn't in at the moment.
RE: Vedkle
> She probably didn't hear you. Knock again but louder.
RE: Vedkle
Is the door locked? Is it usually locked?
RE: Vedkle
That bitch! Stew in outrage.
RE: Vedkle
May as well flip through the book while you're at it.
RE: Vedkle
Well, are you a sir?

Are you suuuuuuuuuure?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Vedkle
You've got a pen or something in your car, right? For orders? Anyway, just write some words of be-okay in there and toss it in the mail. She'll find it.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Vedkle
(02-05-2012, 07:16 PM)Not The Author Wrote: »Is the door locked? Is it usually locked?

[Image: 7315k6.jpg]

The door's unlocked, but that's not what worries her. What worries her is that the butler didn't answer. The butler always answers.

Anna has trouble remembering his name. It's probably Sebastian. All butlers are named Sebastian.

[Image: 262o03r.jpg]

She doesn't see or hear anybody. She goes ahead to Clara's room.

(02-06-2012, 06:18 AM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »Well, are you a sir?

Are you suuuuuuuuuure?

[Image: lhe77.jpg]

Ha. Her mom used to --

[Image: 35aq6he.jpg]


[Image: 97437a.jpg]


Never mind.

[Image: 29f2k54.jpg]

"Hello? Clara?"

[Image: w6txna.jpg]

[Image: 3532ryo.jpg]

That wasn't Clara.
RE: Vedkle


RE: Vedkle
Does she have a phone? Do you have a phone? 911 seems like a good number to call.

...There are cops in Vedkle, right? There are authorities who can take care of this and reassure you that everything is under control so you never have to think about this ever again, right?

But before you can successfully repress your thoughts, was that her cat on the floor?
RE: Vedkle