Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
My birthday is coming up!!!! I'll be 21 soon, this lil bean is gonna be a Big Kid now, with Big Kid drinks, haha.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
(06-24-2016, 04:38 AM)PocketSprout Wrote: »My birthday is coming up!!!! I'll be 21 soon, this lil bean is gonna be a Big Kid now, with Big Kid drinks, haha.

so Kool-Aid then?

[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I'm in Atlanta, and I'm going to get to watch a Braves game tomorrow at Turner Field, in its last season!

Also, I ordered something which wasn't supposed to get shipped until September, and it's likely going to arrive before the end of the month.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I forgot to mention I also graduated college. The uh, job thing just kinda overshadowed that
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I'm honestly not sure if this is a shitflip or a joysplosion, but I'm heading up to Canada for a week (yay) to attend a funeral (boo), which means I'm unexpectedly moving my planned vacation from later this summer up to the immediate present (yay) but don't get to take it later when it was scheduled (boo). Joyflip? Shitsplosion? Neither really seems to encapsulate this scenario.

I suppose I'll post in Joysplosion thread just to always look on the bright side of life.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Well, I sort of survived this semester, woohoo? Now to see how badly I failed
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I'm going to a cottage at North Bay for a weekish. Fun times at the beach- sand in my hair, water in my hair, ect.

But no internet access. Consider this a heads up, and I'll read everything posted after tommorow morning in a week and a bit.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
A post a day keeps Reyweld at North Bay
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
i put a computer together
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
now tear it apart :D

ok no, is it Fast, though?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I start my animation job tomorrow oh man
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
LOOKS LIKE I GOT 70.06% AND THAT IS DEFINITELY OVER 70 YES INDEED after all that panicking I've just about clinched a First after all! Oh my goodness...

( I just need to do this again next year...)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I start my animation job NOW oh man oh gods
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I'm back!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Huzzah I finally got a haircut, at last I can see again!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
AAAH I just got off of a call and I have a phone interview for one of the places I'm looking at for a job. It's almost been two months since I've started looking and this is the first I've heard back from any of them AAAA
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I've been writing a manuscript this summer (which is why I haven't been posting or anything), and my goal was 75,000 words, which I hit today! I'm not yet done with the story (or the summer) yet, though, so I'm hoping I can even get to 85,000 before I finish.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
i saw a really nice sunset today
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
no you didn't.

The sun. Is a LIE.

This is the good news i have to bring tonight :^) have an excellent evening
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I got a haircut!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
or maybe your Hair got a YOU-cut. Are you sure your hair isn't just abandoning you in a time of need???
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Didn't place Bronze in League of Legends.
Placed Silver IV.
Good enough!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I've officially joined the Eagletime alumni of educatio-mancers.
By which I mean: I got a job as a Teachers Assistant. Yay!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)