Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

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Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Calm yourself dear, anymore excitement and your head will pop off. It looks like it's going to be just you and me Miss Jacky."

*looks at his watch*

"Well, we better get going. Oh, is it okay if I take one of the "umbrellas". I may need to blackmail someone."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Clide and Margarita going Downtown, Paul going Uptown. Where are the other 2 going?
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Jacky is going Uptown, Lana is going Downtown. These actions have been posted already.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
(shhhh, flappers are hard to understand)


Paul and Jacky head Uptown. Home to The Mayor's Office and The Precinct, this is the head for what legal matters do occur in town. The Purple Hippo, a local gentleman's club seems to be open tonight, and The Bitter Pill, a speakeasy in the back of the local Pharmacy is open as well. Maybe if you are careful you can swipe some pills from their stock. There also seems to be The Park, as well as a few other streets which you can always go down. Several apartment streets line the sidewalks, and a group of young men seem to be standing outside of one, though you can't tell if they seem threatening. (Threat level unknown). It appears there's still some lights on in The Library if you want to dig up some old records or maybe a bit of blackmail.

The rest of the gang head Downtown. In addition to The Stitch in Time and Bedford Towers, there is also The Dine and Dash, a local eatery. It appears there's a farmer's market at The Square during the day time, but for now you can perhaps go through The Alleyways or to The Underpass if you're looking to meet a guy. The Hospital is also located here.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Oh right, I promised my mom I'd study some more while staying here, is it alright if I go to the library and finish my reports while you go do your talkythings?"

RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Since the farmer market seems a bit empty, Clyde is going to look around for a fruit cart he can swipe, remodel, and add secret compartments to. Twas his trademark ace in the hole; he knew what law-enforcers looked for, made it easy to create ways to circumvent their enforcements. For who would suspect a fruit vendor to be selling bootleg in uptown right under the station's nose? Not the police, thats for sure.

Clyde would make sure to move the cart to a secure location so he can bring it back to the hideout later.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Very well, do be careful though Miss Jacky. We maybe uptown but that is no reason to let your guard down. I'll probably be at The Purple Hippo. Some of my colleagues hang out there doing...*sigh* business"
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Eww, that's gross. Why would people even go there?"
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana simply shrugs at the Flapper, heading off to The Stitch In Time. She looks around the somewhat familiar establishment, she was sure she'd played here at least once.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Because some people think they can buy love."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Margarita heads to the Stitch in Time with Lana, and sets to work having a good time. First order of business: Dancing.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

(Whoops, this is actually Night.2 as I forgot to take movement into consideration and if I didn't then basically nothing will ever get done)

Jacky heads into The Library to research some liquor recipes in the old records. Searching for a rum recipe is a Likely action using Ingenuity, considering you already have part of it. [Roll 6v3]. Jacky succeeds at it, and discovers part of a new liquor as well. She even makes a handy chart for the info the gang has. Suddenly, there's a loud crash in the back of the Library, and Jacky can hear whispers on the second floor.

Clide looks around The Square for an empty cart he can take. That is a Questionable action using Ingenuity, since it's night time and not many people seem to be around. [Roll 5v6]. He doesn't find a fruit cart to use, but he does notice some flyers for a sale. [Item obtained: Fruit sale Flyer]. There appears to be a fountain in the square, as well as a large statue with what looks to be a man on a horse a bit further away. It's unusually large, and there appear to be footprints leading away from it.

Lana heads to The Stitch in Time. After giving the password, she heads in and starts to mingle. She recalls that this place has a piano and a stage in the back, and might be able to make a quick performance for some chump change if she felt like it, seeing as she isn't scheduled for anything. Lana tries looking for someone she knows, a Possible act using Charisma, and ends up seeing Lissa, an old friend of hers. [Roll 6v5]. She could also talk to the bartender for a bit of gossip or something else.

Margarita heads out onto the dance floor, ignoring all eyes and just moving to the music. A mysterious man comes up to her and asks for her hand whispering that his name is only Johnathan.

Paul enters The Purple Hippo, getting a strange look from the bouncer. Inside, there are several gentlemen in suits, and plenty of girls on their arms. A few are less than decently dressed, but one girl seems to be getting yelled at by what seems to be the club owner. Paul's Likely chance of using Charisma and finding a colleague works, and he sees Councilman Stevens enjoying the uh...pleasure of a young lady on one of the chaises. [Roll 9v4]. There also seems to be a curtain separating the backstage area from the bar/lounge area, but it seems to be open if someone should happen to sneak back there.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Ello' ello', what do we have here then?"

Making sure to slip through the shadows, Clyde approaches the statue and the footprints. Using his Resourcefulness, he scours the statue for a secret nook, switch, or opening someone might be hiding something in. He's heard of porcelain statues having hollows that rats tend to breed in; it wouldn't be too far fetched for someone to have crafted an opening for a secret stash. And where better to hide it than a public landmark noone would think to search?

Out a cart, but not quite out of luck. Perhaps this trip could take a quick turn for the better.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana sways her way through the crowd, passing through and ending up next to her friend. "Lissa! Hey girl, how's it been? Decent party tonight, eh? It's great to see you here. You gotta tell me though, anything interesting going on tonight? Besides the party I mean."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
(04-04-2013, 01:27 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »


"Eeeeeeek, what was THAT? I need to warn somebody! Where's Paul?..."

"Nope, I promised my mom I'd never go in that place. Maybe the police can help me."

And thus Jacky gathered all her notes, put them in her bag and ran towards the police office at full speed (Athletisicm roll to not have the round be over)
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
[I'm at the Stitch in Time too, aren't I? It's just blank on the list.]

Johnny's appearance provides an opportunity for Margarita to advance towards the night's second order of business: Drinking.

Margarita smiles and sweeps him into a fast paced Buzz [a ragtime dance], partly to assess whether he's corn-shredder or a sharpshooter [If he can dance], partly to tire him out so he'll take the opportunity she's about to give him to offer to buy her a drink.

At the end of the song, she drops her line, "Margarita. That's who I am, and what I'll be having."

Over drinks, she'll engage him in jargon-laden small talk with an eye open for engaging in the third order of business: Dealing.

Even if he doesn't seem inclined to be a customer, or turn out to have any connections, Margarita believes it's always worth your while to have as many people wrapped around your finger as you can.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Paul goes up to Steven and says.

"Ah Steven, I was expecting to find you in a place like this. If you would be so kind in telling your lady friend to leave, I want to talk to you."
"Oh, you wouldn't happen to know if they serve tea here do you?"

Paul will try and learn as much as he can about what the current Political state the city is in these days. He will then discuss what new laws that are being made and see if they have any exploitable loopholes. Though he doesn't forget about the curtain and every so often takes a look at it.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

Jacky runs to The Police Station, with her papers in her bag. She sees a few officers roaming around, with one taking a man in cuffs into the back. One woman behind a desk asks if she can help her. Jacky takes a look around the station for anything important, a Possible act using Ingenuity, but doesn't see anything valuable or potentially important. [Roll 3v6]. It might not be a great idea to stay around much longer though, with illicit liquor recipes in your bag however.

Paul chats up Steven Stevens, because that's a great name. The Councilman has had a few drinks, so waiting for him to slip out a few things isn't that hard. A Probable act using Charm and Deception, it's almost guaranteed. [Roll 14v3]. It appears the Mayor's term is coming up soon, and the announcements for who's running is coming out in three days. The results are up in the air after the mayor's less than favorable term, so if Paul is interested, he may be able to campaign enough to win the position. However, this is an Absurd act using Charm, Ingenuity, Morale, and Charisma, but if he succeeds this will greatly increase his chances of passing laws. Another bill is getting passed tomorrow, preventing transportation to The Suburbs past Day, as several families have been complaining of gang activity. Finally, it appears that whenever bills pass with tariffs on items, prices on them raise, but any liquors made out of them increase in price too when sold.

The Suburbs have been unlocked. Police will be transporting the area outside of Day phase, so if there are any illicit items in your inventory, they will be confiscated and you'll be arrested, having to spend a phase in Jail, though afterwards you'll be released from The Police Station and if you are feeling lucky, you can try stealing your materials back. You may be able to sneak around there if you found a secret passage way or something like that or if you have sufficient Athletics and Energy.

Lana sees her old friend Lissa and they start chatting. Lissa just got back from the Big Apple and is thrilled to see her. She says her new beau got her an invitation to that celebrity's party at Bedford Towers tomorrow and that Lana can come if she wants. It appears tonight that not much is going on, but Lissa asks if Lana could get her another drink and hands her ten dollars. [Item obtained: $10]

Margarita heads to the bar with her mystery man. They chat a while, and she finds out he's actually the owner of The Stitch in Time. He's heard of her affiliations and is interested in finding a new hook-up after his last john stiffed him over a barrel of whiskey. Aside from that, he also has a juicy piece of gossip. Seems the Viper's hideout is somewhere down near the docks, and they've been scaring away his old incoming scooners. They've had a bit of infighting lately, and if you and your pals were able to get rid of them for good, Johnathan here would be willing to lend you folks a good old four hundred smackers.

The Stitch in Time now buys the following liquors from the gang: Moonshine, Gin, Beer, Whiskey, ???, ???, ???

Clide investigates the statue. There's no secret nook, but it appears the panel on the front detailing the statue is actually a secret door. Clide opens it, and finds a ladder down. He investigates further, and upon reaching the bottom, it appears this is a secret entrance to The Sewers. There's several directions to go. North, South, or East.

The Sewers have been discovered. As the first (technically zero-th) command of a phase decides which hub the player enters, and the next command picks where in it they go, The Sewers allow you to skip these and quickly travel from locations to other places. They can also be used in the need of a quick get away or various things. There may also be places only reachable through The Sewers.

RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana lightly slaps the girl on the shoulder. "'Ey, no problem, Lissa. Be back in a flash." Lana sashays her way through the crowd again. She swears that it's the only way to get past these dancers sometimes. She pulls out a stool, plopping herself down in it and leaning against the bar. "Yo, bartender. I'd like two whiskeys on the rocks and the lowdown on recent happenings, if you don't mind."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Sewers. This was /really/ the last place Clyde ought to be by himself. Then again, the only thing on 'im was a flyer for a cart so he wasn't much of a mugging target. On top of that, whomever left the sewers from this secret exit must know the place a bit; following those tracks through the sewer to their origin might turn up something interesting all in itself.

Well, the others were likely finding more clients then he would have if he stayed up. Might as well delve deeper below. Clyde will attempt to follow the trail of tracks that led him to the secret entance, using his resourcefulness to keep track of where they might have originated.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Sir? I was at the library studying and I heard an explosion and I think you mightwant to see what's appening there because that isn't normal and OH MY LOOK AT THE TIME I need to get to ballet class sorry for intruding bye!"

After which Jacky returns to the hideout ASAP
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Paul remembers all this information especially the running for Mayor thing.

He leaves Stevens to whatever he was doing before and goes backstage to investigate.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Hey Lonnie, you meet a pal or's that second one for me?" Margarita teases, drink already in hand. She gives Lana a few highlights in flapper-ese [Vipers at the docks, can sell booze here] while Johnathan pours the drinks. She'll follow Lana back to her friend.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana smirks. "Look hon, I'd love to give this to you, but looks like you already got someone to do it for you. And yes, I did meet a friend." She nods at the new information. "Alright. Sounds good. Which reminds me, we still gotta make that booze for those guys that ordered it." She stands up, drinks in hand, and turns to Margarita again. "Oh, thought you might want to know, my friend told me there's a celebrity party up in Bedford Towers tomorrow. Guess who's invited."