Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

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Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
The dark and grimy underbelly of the city isn't something for most people. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, and if that happens to be illegal then so be it. Sneaking right underneath the noses of the cops and even paying a few off, you've managed to net yourself a small little web of contacts and assistants to help manage your business. Politicians have begun to come to you for everything from fire arms, liquor, woman, and the occasional opium. But all this comes with a price. You're beginning to get more heat from the cops, at least the ones you haven't paid off, and rival gangs are always a problem. You and your crew will have to make the decision on what to do next. Make as much money as you can and get out of town or defeat the rival gangs and wrap the whole city under your thumb?

In this roleplay, you and the rest of your party join forces under The Boss, the leader of your gang. Your job is to keep him happy and make sure you stay alive. You'll have many tasks to do, from seducing guards, brewing new recipes of alcohol, fighting mobsters, and intimidating the right people. You and your friends each have special skills vital to the team, so make sure you play your part and bring in new customers. Let's just say the fish don't mind sharing their bed either.

Signup sheet:

Character Name:
  • Clout:
  • Moxie:
  • Finesse:
  • Spunk:
  • Gusto:
  • Clout:
  • Moxie:
  • Finesse:
  • Spunk:
  • Gusto
Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business:

Besides your class points, you have 18 points to put into stats however you want. The only requirement is you can not have a stat lower than 1.

Most combat won't rely on stats like strength or speed. Instead, the point of the game ranges from deception, to charm, to intimidation, to even a good old dash of tactical retreat. Each stat can affect a different thing, depending on how it's used.

Physical uses usually involve accomplishing goals, such as ducking behind that barrel for cover, or being able to stay up all night brewing some good ol' fashion firewater. Need to jump off a tall building but you character's afraid of heights? That would be this.

Special uses usually involve manipulation or emotional sides of the game. If you need to seduce a guard and steal his keys, or bribe a cop off, look no further.

When used Physically, Clout affects intimidation. While used Specially, it affects things like relations and bribery.
When used Physically, Moxie affects willpower. While used Specially, it affects things like charm and seduction.
When used Physically, Finesse affects ingenuity. While used Specially, it affects things like deception.
When used Physically, Spunk affects athletic ability. While used Specially, it affects things like morale.
When used Physically, Gusto affects energy and stamina. While used Specially, it affects things like charisma.

Upon signing up, a character chooses whether they excel in a skill Physically or Specially. This makes it easier for them to make roles in the chosen area. However, it also makes it harder for them to achieve roles in the opposite area. For example, someone who excels in Physical Clout has an easier time intimidating someone, but may find it harder to start relationships with others. Don't think that you'll have a harder time bribing someone though, as there is more than one way to skin a cat. Just because you can't bribe a guard into letting you by, doesn't mean you can't show him the business end of your pistol and have him open the gate for you.

Characters also fall into one of 10 classes. These classes each have a special ability unique to them.


In addition to any skills they start with, characters are given two addition skills of their choosing upon creation.


And finally, now for the main part of the game. Each Day, you and your allies will be able to go around town to various areas. As you engage in shenanigans, it will slowly turn to Dusk, then Night, then Twilight, then Dawn, and finally Day again. Certain phases are longer than others. Your job is to make money and keep The Boss happy. Each day you will be informed of the weather, The Boss's mood, and any areas you can visit and a short description. Your job is to go out there and sell liquor, meet clients, and make money. You have more than one product though, so sometimes you will get clients wanting specific types of liquor, or certain drugs, or even maybe a nice lady friend for the night.

However, you can't stay up 24/7. Each character has a certain amount of Vitality and Morale, based on their stats and skills. If a character reaches 0 in Vitality, they will have to spend a few days in the Hospital, and be unable to make any actions. Morale dropping to 0 requires the character to spend the day resting to boost it. If a character is arrested, they will also have to spend a few days in the clink.

Your character being unavailable will make The Boss mad, as time is money and you're losing both. Make sure you have plenty of money in the bank and product on, or in this case under, the shelves. You're not too sure what'll happen if he blows his top, but you're sure it can't be good. That Tommy he keeps isn't just for show.

I will start by looking for 5 people, and sign ups can close in about 36 hours from the time this is posted.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Donald Freedey
Gender: Male
Class: Mobster

• Clout: 1 (+2)
• Moxie: 2
• Finesse: 5
• Spunk: 6
• Gusto: 4

• Clout: Physically
• Moxie: Physically
• Finesse: Specially
• Spunk: Physically
• Gusto: Physically

Skills: Knowledge-Weapons, Ability-Guns, Speak-easy (Can decrease the chance of being arrested while with the any other person/people doing anything, but has a higher chance of getting caught when by himself)

Donald was a high-school gym teacher turned pimp who then turned into a who-gives-a-fuck-anymore-I'll-just-shoot-people type mobster. Teaching was not even his thing, really. He got buff at home, with his dad nagging all day to help him carry stuff to build their house. His dad was pretty much black-listed by the skilled-trades union when he took the hit for his wife who was embezzling money. They had to build that house all in one summer when he was just twelve. They then had to keep adding new additions and maintain the house over several more summers. The mother did bullcrap during the house maintenance because she was busy embezzling more money. His father eventually realized that they needed some money and that this whole "building-your-own-house" thing was not cost effective.

Donald was put through highschool with no mercy. "You fails, you gets thrown out in the street!" was what his father said. He barely passed. The only thing he was really good at was football, hooking up with the ladies and going to the "Gun Temperance Club". That club didn't really help much since 100% of the people who went to that club only came back with aroused sensations of wanting to shoot guns at people. He bought his own gun without his dad finding out. Donald got his diploma with a 60% average. His dad put him through teacher's college "so he could teach dem kids how to be strong" as a phys-ed teacher. Again, Donald barely passed except for when he was taught the phys-ed portion (he failed the Health and Nutrition portion though). Donald got his teacher's diploma and taught a few years to kids who were lazy about life. He couldn't handle those kids. Those kids didn't want to learn and he didn't know how to teach. He quit when his father died 2 years later.

Donald knew being a pimp was for him when he bought the rainbow suit. The salesman said that it was the Real McCoy but Donald didn't know what that meant so he bought it anyway. He didn't get along with the women as even pimps have a little mercy. It was tough making money when you're shooting all your prostitutes. So he knew then what he was good at: shooting and beating people up. He kept the suit because you just can't ditch a suit that looks like that. The Boss found him robbing the same place he was. He is now working for The Boss.

Appearance: All-brawn, perhaps a few brains. Likes to wear a fedora all the time because some guy thought it would be funny to tattoo Pinkie Pie on his Bald head. If you wear to take off his hat, you would probably find dark, brown hair with a blond streak from the front to the back. You'd have to shave his head now to find the tattoo. Donald wears a white shirt with a suit but no tie. The suit has rainbows on it. Makes other people look better. Makes him look like an idiot that needs to be arrested (when alone, of course). Loose, blue denim jeans. Black sneakers.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

Gonna be a Flapper, I think.

Character Name: Margarita Zell
Gender: Female
Class: Flapper

Clout: 2
Moxie: 5
Finesse: 3
Spunk: 4
Gusto: 6


Clout: Special
Moxie: Physical
Finesse: Physical
Spunk: Special
Gusto: Special

Special Ability: Zeal of Life - Requires less rest and resources to stay in action.
- Knowledge-Celebrities. Knows more about celebrities in the cities, as well as having an easier time talking to them.
-Man Eater - Receives a bonus on rolls dealing with men, as well as men receiving a loss on rolls against you.
-Quicktalker - Has an easier time of getting discounts on products and making more on profits.
Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business:
Margarita originally moved to the city for university, all expenses paid by her wealthy parents. In the first year, however, she became immersed in JAZZ and other such unsavory cultural elements.

She likes a drink. She likes another drink. She cuts her hair and dresses indecently short. She likes to dance all night and talk sweet to strangers. She smokes and wears far too much make up. None of these activities endeared Margarita to her parents, and they cut her off.

This left her with two options: Stop partying and try to get back in her parents good graces, or party harder.

She intends to party for a long time.

Appearance: Ruddy brown hair, cut into a fashionably striking bob that's somewhat curly. Green eyes, likes to wear red, cut to the knee and low in the back. Almost always carrying around some sort of trinket, be it a cute stuffed animal, book, parasol, or fan. It is in these items [and hidden in her clothing--in garters and headbands and underoos and anywhere else she could think of] that she cleverly hides illicit substances, both for personal and professional use.

LOOK SQUARE THING [Image: square.png]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Lana Hekkanah
Gender: Female
Class: Crooner

Clout: 4
Moxie: 5 (+1)
Finesse: 3 (+1)
Spunk: 3
Gusto: 3


Clout: Special
Moxie: Special
Finesse: Special
Spunk: Physical
Gusto: Special

Skills: Resourceful, Knowledge: Liquor, Entertainment (Invitation Only)

Backstory: Lana disliked school. That's all there really was to say about it. She hated going to school, hated most if the people there, and hated everything in it. There was one person she enjoyed being around. The music teacher. He taught her to play music and that was the one thing that she enjoyed each and every day. She began hanging around her teacher after school, much to his dismay. He tried to tell her he had other things to do, that he had a second job that she couldn't know about. When he saw her persistence, that look in her eyes that told him she wanted to be just like him, he relented. He never was one to refuse his students. This teacher began teaching new material, just to Lana. He taught her how to find the parties, where to play, which of the bigwigs enjoyed listening to what kind of music. And she took it all in. All four years of high school, this man taught Lana everything there was to know about serving in the music field of illegal trade. When she graduated, she skipped town, sending her last 'farewell' to the teacher. Lana arrived in one of the nastiest cesspools known to man. The big city. The rest, as they say, is history.

Appearance: A woman of 20 with long curly hair, tan skin, and plenty of freckles. Stands at about 5'3", has brown eyes and a tendency to wear purple.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Jacky
Gender: Female
Class: Newsie
Clout: 2
Moxie: 3
Finesse: 4
Spunk: 4+2
Gusto: 5
Moxie:Special (mostly charm though because dear god no)
Skills: Resourcefullness, Quicktalker and Background
Backstory: (Note: I know it's not very well written but I've been working all day at it and I need to sleep)

When jacky was a little kid, she'd often ask her mom where daddy was, but she's never give a straight answer And eventually she just stopped asking. One day, years later, a letter arrived in the mail. As her mother was reading it, shestarted crying and threw the letter in the crash, told Jacky not to worry about it and went upstairs. Jacky, overcome with curiosity, picked the letter out of the trash and began reading.

Dear Mrs. Farmer,

I regret to inform you that your former husband has passed away last week during a police raid. His funeral will be held next sunday.

At this point Jacky's mom Came back downstairs and snatched the letter from her hands, but at that point Jacky was demanding to go, and knowing there was nothing she could do to stop her, she caved in and got them both train tickets.

That sunday, before the funeral, Jacky's mom told her the story of how she met her father the first time. "You see, back before you were born, I didn´t have a lot of money, and I made most of it... 'Kissing' men for money. Your dad worked for the 'bank' at the time, making dure people payed their loans back. We worked for the same man, and we fell in love.". "But if Dad worked for the bank and you kissed people, how'd you work for the same guy?" Wondered Jacky aloud. "Shush honey" 'answered' her mom. "Anyway, after a few months, I got pregnant with you, and we decided that it'd be the best for you if you grew up away from the city."

After the funeral and hundreds of tears, Jacky told her mom she wanted to find out what her dad did and stay in the city. Her mother, figuring Jacky'd probably give up after a few days, but also wanting her to be safe during that time, called her old boss and explained the entire situation. He gave Jacky a position selling goods in the alleys, figuring the kid'd bescared out of her wits at the end of the first day, but neither expected Jacky to be so tenacious, nor so good at the job, and she's been working here for about a month.

Appearance: Shoulderlength blond hair and blue eyes, and basically just like a tenyearold. Brought a variety of clothes for diffrent occasions and looks.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Daniel "Danny" Vermont
Gender: Male
Class: Mechanic
  • Clout: 2
  • Moxie: 5
  • Finesse: 5 (+1)
  • Spunk: 3
  • Gusto: 3 (+1)
  • Clout: Specially
  • Moxie: Physically
  • Finesse: Physically
  • Spunk: Specially
  • Gusto: Specially
Skills: Knowledge-Liquor, Repair, Sponge, Mr Sandman
Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business: Once a promising Chemistry student, Danny got expelled from college when he was caught stealing chemicals to use in 'experiments'. He attempted to continue despite this setback, but ran into a problem in his lack of resources. Not to be discouraged, he started looking into other ways to get the supplies he needed. It was then he was recruited to local gang, where he discovered the world of bootleg alcohol, the perfect place for him to mix and experiment to his heart's desire.
Appearance: 22 year old young man. 5'9" with black hair, brown eyes, and a fairly thin build. Usually prefers more casual clothing, when given the opportunity.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Paul Wilson
Gender: Male
Class: Politician

• Clout: 4 (+1)
• Moxie: 3
• Finesse: 4
• Spunk: 3
• Gusto: 5 (+1)

• Clout: Specially
• Moxie: Specially
• Finesse: Specially
• Spunk: Physically
• Gusto: Specially

Skills: Knowledge-Politics, Communication, Knowledge:Law

Paul Wilson used to be the type of person who wanted to change the world, so he ran for his local office. Unfortunately, he soon realised that the world of politics was not as honest as he first thought. Opponents were taking back handers, paying for votes, lying and making false promises to the people. If Paul had any chance of winning he would have to be as corrupt as they were. So he was. He offered to help the gangs once he got into office and made a lot of deals with them. He won by a landslide. It is safe to say Paul views the world in a much darker light.

Appearance: A bit chubby with a walrus like moustache. He is small and likes to wear a lot of purple. In some political cartoons he is given the nickname The Purple Walrus and is drawn like one. He is pretty offended by these.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Clide "The Cart" Johnson
Gender: Male
Class: Au "Pear" (closest thing to what I'm looking for; I'm sure this can be the male version of the same concept)

Clout: 2 +1
Moxie: 3
Finesse: 6 +1
Spunk: 2
Gusto: 5


Clout: Specially
Moxie: Specially
Finesse: Specially
Spunk: Specially
Gusto: Specially

Skills: Background, I know a guy, Resourcefulness, Knowledge: Law
Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business: Clyde used to run robberies for another gang using his fruit cart to distract the public, sneak away goods or other members, and even make a little on the side doing legitimate business. However, after knocking over a pawn shop, most of his gang got either busted or killed, with Clyde being the only one to get away without the slightest suspicion. He eventually offered his services to the rum runners cause despite it all, it isn't fun running a fruit cart when there isn't something illegal under the apples.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Evan Lea
Gender: Male
Class: Mechanic


Clout: 2
Moxie: 3
Finesse: 4
Spunk: 5
Gusto: 4


Clout: Specially
Moxie: Physically
Finesse: Physically
Spunk: Specially
Gusto: Physically

Skills: Resoursefulness, Background
Backstory: A genius with brewing. He'd been brewing most of his life, and it was mainly what he did. When prohibition struck, he didn't know what to do. so he joined with some group that seemed nice enough. They allowed him to keep doing what he loved, and that was brewing. He barely realizes whats going on around him half the time.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
guyssss there's only 12 hours left though

but if like half of the people are reservations I may have to extend the deadline, i'll see
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Character Name: Male
Gender: James "Big Jim" Troppa
Class: Officer

  • Clout: 6
  • Moxie: 3
  • Finesse: 5 (+2)
  • Spunk: 3
  • Gusto: 3
  • Clout: Physically
  • Moxie: Physically
  • Finesse: Specially
  • Spunk: Physically
  • Gusto: Physically
Skills: Knowledge - Law, Knowledge - Drugs, Payroll, Background

Backstory/Why your character got into the rum running business: Big Jim joined the force when he had just turned twenty, working his ass off to get through academy and onto the streets as fast as he could. For a while after he first started, he managed to stay mostly on the up and up, though he'd generally give people a bit more slack than the law necessarily obliged. As time went by, he became a respected member of the Vice squad -and more importantly, he got a taste for the finer things in life. The fact was that a cop's salary didn't seem like all that much anymore; and no matter what they did, crime and corruption never quite seemed to stop. He figured it was the best he could hope for to curb the violence and secure himself a nice little retirement fund on the side; if that involved skirting the law a bit, so be it.

Appearance: He's on the short side, fairly broad. Closely-cropped black hair, green eyes, large nose, no facial hair. When he's not in uniform, he prefers to wear a dark blue suit and a red tie. Used to smoke cigarettes; nowadays he's mostly moved on to cigars, less because he likes them more and more because they're more expensive and supposed to be better for you.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Congrats on the following people getting in. I'll have the first post up in a few hours.

RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Will there be ways to join in later on? Is dying a thing?
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
yeah probably and no to dying

right now the way it's set up is there are various rounds with a goal to accomplish

people will be able to join at the start of new rounds
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Another night, another score. You and your gang have been recently looking to expand your current market into hopefully trying to sell some opium or firearms. Right now you need to get brew some more liquor, since one of your regulars is having a big party and is commissioning 8 barrels of Moonshine in 4 days and will pay you five hundred dollars. A rival gang, the Vipers, have been recently moving in on your territory and you're going to need to scare them off soon, before they get too comfortable. The Boss wants $1200 in the bank by the end of the week, so get to working. Tonight, someone should go to some of the more illicit parties to try and get a few new clientele and maybe a new channel for some products.

Day 1 Start

Weather: Rainy
Current Phase: Night (Command 1)
The Boss' Mood: Mild
  • $300
  • x2 Kegs of Moonshine [2 1/2 Star]
  • x2 Girls
  • x3 Bags of Tobacco
  • x6 Corn
  • x8 Yeast
  • x3 Juniper
  • x4 Barley
  • x3 Stills

A time period is Day, Dusk, Night, Twilight, Dawn. It appears the Stills have settings that allow you to plan their temperatures in advance, in order not have to remain at the hideout for long periods of time. It appears the last few recipes are missing some instructions. It appears that following these instructions yields 3 star liquor, which sells at the price listed on the recipes. Higher star liquid can be made with better quality ingredients or better stills. Lower quality ingredients or changing the recipe can create lower quality liquor, which sells for less.

Known Liquor Recipes:
Other recipes can be made from experimenting, or from being purchased from others.

Locations available for travel:

The Hideout - Here is where you can spend your time resting or going over plans. You also brew liquor here. Morale falls slower if you spend a phase in the Hideout. You can also research your on-going plans, go over the maps of the city, and anything else you might need to do.

Uptown - The more reputable area of the city, it's where politicians and performers can be found in the clubs. Cops are also more prevalent here, so watch yourself. Several clubs can be found here, such as the Purple Hippo and the Bitter Pill. The Mayor's Office and the Precinct are found here, as well as several diners.

Downtown - Every town has a seedy underbelly, and this is it. Mobsters make their nests here, so run-ins with other gangs are more prevalent. Speakeasies are also more common, so if you need to talk to a bar owner about moving some product, or maybe looking for a new friend, you should head down here. This is also where most celebrities stay, as there's the grand hotel Bedford Towers. They always like to party, so maybe you can go see if they'd like the company of a lady friend or two.

Chinatown - Probably best to stay out of here for now. This area is run by Xian Zhou, leader of the gang there. Going in large numbers could be seen as a threat, and you're not too keen on pissing off the big guys just yet. Take your life into your own hands, since no one else is dumb enough to bail you out. Though maybe you'll get lucky and score a few bags of opium for your trouble.

The Docks - This is where you get your raw ingredients, as well as occasionally get an order from some of the boys in the harbor. Occasionally you get a few rival boys looking to make trouble, but you can usually handle it. Maybe it's time to go meet your man Jimmy and take a look at what he's got. You're always looking for a new booze recipe.

The Sewers - Part of the old steam tunnels underground, if you're looking for a guy you can find it here. Gangs roam around though, so if you're looking for a fight you're almost guaranteed to get one. Sort of a mixed bag of characters can be found here, as can a lot more. People say there's a set of secret tunnels you might be able to find to help get out of bars during raids, but no one is sure.

And don't forget, it's always safer to travel in a group. You can go to more than one location if you want, but it will take a full phase, so if you brew liquor in the Hideout during the day and then want to go to The Docks, it will take you all of the Dusk phase to get there. You will be able to do actions at The Docks during the Night phase however.

5 Commands are accepted during the Day Phase, 4 Commands during the Dusk Phase, 5 during the Night phase, 3 during the Twilight Phase, and 2 during the Dawn phase. At the end of each phase, your character loses 10 Energy and 5 Morale. Flappers lose 8 Energy and 3 Morale. You'll be able to find various items or situations around the city to boost these stats, or you can spend a phase at the Hideout resting to restore a large portion.

Your threat is how much other gangsters see you as a threat. If you wander the city alone and come upon a rival group, you would prefer to have a higher threat so that they don't think to jump you. The reverse is true when you are in a group. When you outnumber a group, it is better to have a higher threat however. Threat levels are added together between the members of the group you are currently traveling with.

Current Character Stats
119 Energy
89 Morale
14 Threat

122 Energy
95 Morale
13 Threat

122 Energy
88 Morale
15 Threat

123 Energy
97 Morale
10 Threat

113 Energy
88 Morale
13 Threat

Lana hears that there is a party at The Stitch in Time, a speakeasy at a Tailor's in Downtown.

Paul can try passing a new law on Day 3. Laws passing are helped by your Clout and Finesse, and the more complicated/overreaching the law, the harder it is to pass. If you can find an important person to help get it passed, perhaps you can bribe them to aid in your chances.

Clide may be able to hook up his in at The Purple Hippo with a bit of Tar or Snow for a quick $80 dollars.

Jacky heard a big time celebrity is coming to Bedford Towers today. Maybe you can cozy up to them. There's also news of a party in their honor tomorrow Night.

To begin, just give a command of where your character goes and/or what they want to do there or hope to achieve. You can also stay in the Hideout and try brewing liquor if you want.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Margarita wants to go to a party. Mostly she just wants to drink and dance, but she'll smuggle some tobacco along with her in case she finds someone to sell to. She'll be going downtown.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Mr Clyde? I heard the lead singer of my favorite band going to the upper city tonight, and that you maybe wanted to go there anyway, so could I come with you and see him? I'd really like to."

RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Well how convenient! I gotta run some tobacco to a client in uptown, though if you're going too then I'll be happy to be your date for the evening."

*dopey sarcasm smile*
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"I need to talk with some of my political friends uptown. So I'll be going in that direction anyway."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Hey Jacky, you mentioned a celebrity, right? Wouldn't they be more likely to stay in the Bedford Towers in downtown? I heard Margarita mention something about going there this evening, perhaps you might want to speak with her instead."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana follows Margarita. "So you want a good party, huh? Well have I got the place for you. Ever heard of a place called The Stitch In Time?"
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Whoops, I should be more clear there.

Clyde's guy wants some Heroin or Cocaine or something, not tobacco. Also, you guys have like a magic inventory or something, so you'll be able to access it from wherever. The only thing is you have to be at the Hideout to do is brew liquor.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"SqueeeeeeeeeeeeeOHMYGODTHANKYOU" *Hugs Clide and Paul* "I promise I won't be a bother can help carrying anything EEEEEEEEEEEEOHMYGOD"

EDIT Ninjad by carrying being made pointless.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"A blow at the set-maker's? Oh Lonnie, aren't you just the bee's knees! I never woulda guessed it. Is this joint a juice joint or should I take some giggle water along?"

[Translation: "A party at the tailor's? Lana, you're fantastic; I never would've guessed! Is that old shop a speakeasy or should I bring my own alcohol?"]

She waved a frilly fan that, as the others knew, contained secret compartments in each of the wide wooden spokes.

"I'm already bringing a little treat for us smoke eaters, but should we bring the umbrellas? They'll be sure to get some sugar, but I know I look a biscuit and I'm not much for petting parties."

[Translation: "I'm already bringing some tobacco. Do you think we should bring the prostitutes? They might be able to make some cash there, but I know I'm cute and I don't want to be lumped in with them."]

[Even if it's not necessary to bring things but I'm still rping it like I am ;D]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
(04-03-2013, 02:59 PM)Psych Wrote: »Whoops, I should be more clear there.

Clyde's guy wants some Heroin or Cocaine or something, not tobacco.


"On second thought, it might be better if I run downtown to pick up some supplies. The date will have to wait, but I promise it will be... great."
