This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Eyeshield more active in this community although i don't have much to contribute. hello everyone I have typed this sentence with my smart phone's microphone
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Eyeshield is my favorite anime with episodes set in Houston, TX
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
The other day we got some serious ice and snow; I didn't want my friend who buses to have to freeze her toes off on the way home, so I went to pick her up (fun side note, my phone thinks "het" is a more likely bet than "her", which I think says something about me). What is usually a fifteen to twenty minute round trip took literally literally four and a half hours. After an hour and a half, we had made so little progress that it was actually more efficient for her to walk back to her boyfriend's workplace (which is three buildings down from hers) and hang with him there until traffic cleared while I continued home than to take her to her place then return to mine. It was mind-searingly boring, except for the part where my truck and several other cars near us slid about six inches straight to the right simultaneously.

The important part of the trip though was that I discovered we have a Vietnamese place nearby called
Phở King
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
good things that happened today:

Leaving the house late and finding my windscreen was /not/ frozen over
Putting on new tights
Touching base with old friends
The lunch I ate after not eating since a single croquette at 4pm yesterday
a class of forty focussed and animated students asking me what the hell cricket is and screaming "POINSETTIA" with mighty satisfaction
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Man i hate being stuck in traffic, good thing we don't have snow here but there's PLENTY of rain.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I've been gone for the past threeish days with no internet; I'm back now but still tired and recuperating.

I hope everyone had holidays that were happy.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Happy Halloween 2017, everyone.
We're starting it early this year to make up for all of 2016
~◕ w◕~
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Who else is willing to go into the uncertain future with proper identifying insignia?

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
if i was the patches kind of person i would get that as a patch probably tbh
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Honestly if I get my hands on an embroidery machine I'll just make a bunch and mail them out.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(12-17-2016, 12:49 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »The important part of the trip though was that I discovered we have a Vietnamese place nearby called
Phở King


there's a place called that in my town, too

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Y'know I've noticed a lot of people interested in music on this site. Anybody got any good reference/programs for learning/making music for someone interested? (digital, synths n' stuff)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Wheat assembled a nice thread for that!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Ah, sweet. Thanks!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Dragon Fogel and I are going to be participating in the Galactic Puzzle Hunt next week under the banner of Team Eagle Time. Would anybody else like to join us?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I helped make said thing!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
>sleep 2am-7am: feel relatively alive when waking up

>accumulate sleep debt, collapse in bed 9pm: wake up at 6am feeling borderline deific

>sho to sleep somewhere around 11-midnight: He'll Morn™
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Brains are garbage and time is fake
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I couldn’t figure which thread was best for this. I didn’t feel like it deserved the no-context treatment, nor was it actual avians, so I settled on this one.

Birds in Japanese armor.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
that is very good and nice
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
I am entirely convinced that words aren't actually a thing.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
Might be moving to England? We'll see
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
(05-10-2017, 02:19 AM)Not The Author Wrote: »Might be moving to England? We'll see

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
So this guy on the sidewalk was trying to stop me from going forward and I thought he was just some creep trying to talk to me so I ignored him. Turns out he was crew on a movie set and I walked into their shot.
