RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
05-27-2012, 05:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2012, 05:49 AM by AgentBlue.)
Quote:<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> so
<MalkyTop> peach rings
<MalkyTop> are delifcious
<MalkyTop> i think
<MalkyTop> right now
<MalkyTop> i should go to sleep
<MalkyTop> for my eyes
Anomaly ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> my eyes of heavyen
<MalkyTop> the judgement beams
<MalkyTop> they decide who lives and who dies
<MalkyTop> from my eyes
<MalkyTop> my eys have been baptized
<MalkyTop> this is why
<MalkyTop> they are judgement eyes
<MalkyTop> filled with judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> the biological process of judgement beams
<MalkyTop> from judgement jelly
<Flummoy> judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> is a long
<MalkyTop> and
<MalkyTop> arduous process
<MalkyTop> involving bees
<MalkyTop> in my eyes
<MalkyTop> the eyeve mind
<MalkyTop> hohohohohohoh
<MalkyTop> these judgement bees are armed with flaming swords
<MalkyTop> in my eyes
<MalkyTop> i love these bees like I love my sons
<BigFoot> Malky you don't have any sons
<BigFoot> Only bees
<MalkyTop> EX
<MalkyTop> ACTLY
<MalkyTop> these pbbess
<MalkyTop> these bees
<MalkyTop> i want to eat some judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> it sounds
<MalkyTop> like delicacies
<MalkyTop> from the other earth
<MalkyTop> my chosen eyes
<BigFoot> Malky, one day I want to learn the summoning ritual for the entities that hijack your brain at night
<MalkyTop> it's not night
<MalkyTop> it's thencikcally
<MalkyTop> mornring
<MalkyTop> judgement
<MalkyTop> morning
<MalkyTop> oh.
<MalkyTop> the ad for the swimming pool
<MalkyTop> I misread it as "imagine your own privates installed indoors or outside"
<MalkyTop> werid.
<MalkyTop> judgement bees make judgement honey out of judgement jelly.
<MalkyTop> and then
<MalkyTop> calculations
<MalkyTop> calculatta
<MalkyTop> judgement lattes
<MalkyTop> we shoudl add judgement to every single word actually.
<MalkyTop> judgement word.
<MalkyTop> if only
<MalkyTop> i could eat
<MalkyTop> tassles
<MalkyTop> tassslesss
<MalkyTop> i love tassles
<MalkyTop> they feel good against my
<MalkyTop> cheek
<MalkyTop> tassles
<MalkyTop> but these are graduation tassles
<MalkyTop> and also my sister's
<MalkyTop> i should not eat her graduation tassles
<MalkyTop> they are pink
<MalkyTop> did you know that
<MalkyTop> heaven is only for yellow
<MalkyTop> yellow bees
<MalkyTop> beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
<MalkyTop> beebbjeeebs
<MalkyTop> beeboojabbajooo
Schazer ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> jabbajuujuuubaboobeep
-NickServ- Agenmacy! has just authenticated as you (Agenmacy)
Agenmacy ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> alphabetaomegaphikaipsi
<MalkyTop> gamma
<MalkyTop> delta
<BigFoot> If I'm going to be using this computer all summer I should get an actual IRC program
<MalkyTop> what is irc program
<BigFoot> On the other hand I don't think this thing even knows what a "program" is
<MalkyTop> booooooppbeeep i do not understand
<MalkyTop> i am judgementbot
<BigFoot> This computer has been corrupted by years of my dad
<MrGuy> Oh hey
<MrGuy> Schazer, Agen :)
<MalkyTop> out of my eyes
<MalkyTop> comes
<MalkyTop> candy
<Solaris> hi schazgen
<MalkyTop> for all children
<BigFoot> It knows how to check email and it always takes the time to ask me if it's okay before minimizing anything
<MalkyTop> are you children
<Schazer> is Malky all right
<MalkyTop> no you are not
<MalkyTop> judgementbot
<Schazer> also I am finally getting this Sen done
<BigFoot> Malky is in a Mood
<MalkyTop> is not needed here
<MalkyTop> i have
<MalkyTop> rollersckate
<MalkyTop> s
<MalkyTop> judgementbot
RhymeothyHour has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<MalkyTop> awaayyyyyy
<MalkyTop> these rollerskates
<MalkyTop> are
<MalkyTop> elecrtical
<MalkyTop> electric skates
<MalkyTop> they go like
<MalkyTop> zow
<Solaris> yay senchet
<MalkyTop> zow b'dow
<MalkyTop> dow
<MalkyTop> bow
<DragonFogel> Hi again Schazer, hi Agent.
<VivaciousOrange> Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair
<MalkyTop> what if we added h before words
<VivaciousOrange> I am become plot, destroyer of collaboration
<MalkyTop> i mean
<MalkyTop> after
* VivaciousOrange is now known as Slorange
<MalkyTop> cats
<MalkyTop> catsh
<Slorange> I only wish engie were here to fawn
<MalkyTop> fawnh
<Solaris> slor did you see my gbs3 post from earlier today
<MalkyTop> todayh
<Slorange> I did
<MalkyTop> no this makes no sense
<MalkyTop> senseh
<Solaris> okay i just wanted to make sure :x
<MalkyTop> hsense
<Slorange> It sure involved Jetsam and Velobo and a bit of Scofféd Law
<MalkyTop> sakssoooooooooooooo
<Solaris> yes that it did
<MalkyTop> these eyes
<Slorange> It is a good post
<Solaris> thank you
<MalkyTop> soopsoop
<MalkyTop> sawwururuuhhhhh
<Slorange> I wish I knew what I was going to do with my next
<MalkyTop> the judement
<MalkyTop> of explosions
<MalkyTop> i deem
<MalkyTop> explosions
<MalkyTop> of judging
<MalkyTop> i knight thee
<MalkyTop> o stop-motion explosion
<MalkyTop> with
<MalkyTop> sentience
<MalkyTop> skoooooooooosh
<MalkyTop> the scars of the eyes that this has seen
<MalkyTop> of gargoyls
<MalkyTop> have been inflicted by
<MalkyTop> the dread owls
<Agenblank> oh Malky <3
<MalkyTop> dread
<MalkyTop> fungus
<MalkyTop> owls
<MalkyTop> my scars
<MalkyTop> do you understand
* MrGuy is now known as MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE
<MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE> sleeeeeeeep
<MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE> why must you be mandatory
<Solaris> "I like a girl with spirit." has anyone who has ever said this ever not been creepy about it
<MalkyTop> spirit
<MalkyTop> is like heart
<MalkyTop> i have
<MalkyTop> a lot of neither
<MalkyTop> it's the
<MalkyTop> anti heart
<MalkyTop> because i am judgement bot
<MalkyTop> with my
<MalkyTop> judgement skates
<MalkyTop> do you see
<MalkyTop> these snakes
<MalkyTop> these snakes
<MalkyTop> are dangerous
<MalkyTop> snakes
<BigFoot> Probably in the 20s, Sol
<MalkyTop> sssoososouususususususu
<MalkyTop> that's how you now
<MalkyTop> they are dangerous
<MalkyTop> ssososusususususus
<MalkyTop> u
<MalkyTop> dangerous hornbelly
<MalkyTop> snake
Safknzh has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
<MalkyTop> s
<MalkyTop> you shake them
<MalkyTop> and then they don't stop
<MalkyTop> snakes
<MalkyTop> stop snakes
<MalkyTop> i can't
<MalkyTop> do that thing
<MalkyTop> where my back is straight
<MalkyTop> this is ruining my posutre
<MalkyTop> what am I typoing
<MalkyTop> i can't see
<MalkyTop> i have failed in judgement
<MalkyTop> judgement failed
<Slorange> At least in this instance he meant to be skeevy about it
<MalkyTop> my spirits
<MalkyTop> why do guys never have
<MalkyTop> spirits
<MalkyTop> when i bite your nose
<MalkyTop> is that
<MalkyTop> where your spirit lies
<MalkyTop> i will
<MalkyTop> eat your spirit
<MalkyTop> eat like
<MalkyTop> forks
<MalkyTop> spaghetti forks
<MalkyTop> spaghetto forks
<Solaris> But to devolve into bickering at the first sign of stress is to do emperor and empire a disservice, to say nothing of shaming ourselves." shouldnt it be 'to do our emperor and empire?'
<Slorange> Nah, it was meant to mirror "king and country"
<MalkyTop> what is the
<MalkyTop> life of one
<Solaris> ah
<MalkyTop> when the life of one is actually
<MalkyTop> the life of a country
<MalkyTop> this mouse
<MalkyTop> cannot move
Solaris wouldnt know
<MalkyTop> on m y face
<Solaris> uhm
<Solaris> malky
<MalkyTop> that's because
<MalkyTop> it is off
<Solaris> why would you try to move your mouse with your face
<MalkyTop> my forehead is
<MalkyTop> a surface
<MalkyTop> i cannot see your cries
<MalkyTop> i can but feel
<MalkyTop> with my
<Solaris> I suppose that you are correct
<MalkyTop> spirit
<MalkyTop> judgement psirit
Pharmacy ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> if only i could
<MalkyTop> not stare at these lamps
<MalkyTop> lamp
<MalkyTop> one of them is off
<MalkyTop> the bulb
<MalkyTop> is off
<MalkyTop> renewable energy
<MalkyTop> judgement beam
<MalkyTop> if only everything ran on judgement beam
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> if I put the mousebad on my face
<Pharmacy> Judgement beam sounds like a scofflaw invention
<MalkyTop> and then the mouse on the mosuepad
<MalkyTop> then the mouse will be
<MalkyTop> the mouse
<MalkyTop> of victory
<Solaris> it does pharms
<MalkyTop> but then i will not see
<MalkyTop> unless
<MalkyTop> this mosue
<MalkyTop> is actually
<MalkyTop> xray
<MalkyTop> mosue
<MalkyTop> the xray mouse of the
<MalkyTop> skyyyyyyyyyyyyy
<MalkyTop> okay i figured it out
<MalkyTop> okay
Arrex ( has joined #grandbattle
Safknzh (~Sanzh@2602:306:ce65:e870:217f:68fa:72ef:3bfd) has joined #grandbattle
* Safknzh is now known as Sanzh
<Sanzh> Hi
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> so i'm cold
<MalkyTop> my judgement jelly does not worm me
<MalkyTop> warm
<MalkyTop> this is because
<DragonFogel> Slorange: "A perpetually smiling face stared at thespot they had occupied,"
<MalkyTop> i cannot cry jelly
<MalkyTop> this judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> it is a curse
<Slorange> There were several such types
<Slorange> typoes
<MalkyTop> a curse of
<Slorange> I already corrected that one and some others
<MalkyTop> the duty
<MalkyTop> to be triumph
<MalkyTop> i judge
<MalkyTop> the triump of the gods
<DragonFogel> Okay then, I should reload the page then.
<MalkyTop> F4
<Solaris> slorange i really like this post and i like the various interactions you have here set up with the onlookers in the party and the grand magi back at cascala's home
<MalkyTop> when you don't F4 correctly
<MalkyTop> what has happened
<Arrex> Science
<MalkyTop> the nothing of the universe
<MalkyTop> that is
Pharmacy has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<MalkyTop> yeast
<Slorange> Hooray
<MalkyTop> so yeasty
<MalkyTop> if only
* Arrex is now known as Pharmacy
<MalkyTop> we knew
<Slorange> I enjoyed writing the Grand Magi
<MalkyTop> that soylent green
<MalkyTop> was yeast
<MalkyTop> the living yeast monster
<MalkyTop> parasite
<MalkyTop> yeast parasite
<Slorange> I realize that character voice is one of my weak spots, writan-wise
<MalkyTop> i feel it on my tongue
<MalkyTop> yeast
<Slorange> But I feel like it flowed pretty naturally for these dudes
<MalkyTop> i hear this song
<Sanzh> snrk
<MalkyTop> this song about trains
<MalkyTop> I weep for the trains
<MalkyTop> the trains that bleed
<MalkyTop> for my pludes
<Sanzh> Malky tell me about trains
<MalkyTop> the
<Solaris> i think that without colors i probably would have still dinstguished most of their individual words except for a few of the lines between Suleiman and Nazim, so I agree!
<MalkyTop> stain glass windows
<Pharmacy> I have no idea what a plude is
<MalkyTop> understand
<MalkyTop> stain glass
<MalkyTop> when the destruction
<MalkyTop> of the trains
<MalkyTop> mean the cargo
<MalkyTop> is in danger
<MalkyTop> the plude
<Sanzh> okay
<MalkyTop> is at s take
<MalkyTop> and also the guardian
<MalkyTop> collateral
<MalkyTop> plude
<MalkyTop> pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
<MalkyTop> actually a prude
<MalkyTop> the life
<MalkyTop> is in your hands
<MalkyTop> pillars
<Sanzh> ugh I have my laptop actually on my lap
Pharmacy has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<MalkyTop> when you look up
<MalkyTop> at the end of the pillar
<Sanzh> I can't work like this
<MalkyTop> what if that's the bottom
<Sanzh> hss
<MalkyTop> of the pillar
<MalkyTop> my legs
<MalkyTop> have been gold
<MalkyTop> from the warmsth of the space
<MalkyTop> it is unfortunate that the sun
<MalkyTop> cannot hug
Pharmacy ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> it needs
<MalkyTop> hugs
<MalkyTop> sometimes
<MalkyTop> oh m god
<MalkyTop> it's 1 30
<MalkyTop> i siwht
<MalkyTop> i with that this wasn't
<MalkyTop> time
<MalkyTop> i bite time tongue
<MalkyTop> what if the house was made of time
<MalkyTop> this time
<MalkyTop> this cat
<Sanzh> I wish Ix were here for this
<Slorange> Okay bedtime
<Slorange> Th
<Slorange> an
<Slorange> k
<Slorange> y
<Slorange> ou
<Slorange> fo
<Slorange> r
<Slorange> you
<Slorange> r
<Slorange> words Solaris
<Sanzh> night Slor
Slorange has quit (Quit: Zzz)
<Pharmacy> Night
<MalkyTop> oh no
<MalkyTop> it's an
<MalkyTop> anagram
<MalkyTop> i know
<Solaris> awww i didnt get to goodnight
<MalkyTop> anachrogram
<MalkyTop> the cat lap
<MalkyTop> i love this
<MalkyTop> hap
<MalkyTop> she doesn't like my face
<MalkyTop> this face
<MalkyTop> of a litttile
<MalkyTop> trumpet
<MalkyTop> my universe trumpet
<Pharmacy> I feel like i am looking at lovecraft
<MalkyTop> if only
<MalkyTop> the horn of the century
<MalkyTop> i ate
<MalkyTop> this
<MalkyTop> speaker
<MalkyTop> speakersss
<MalkyTop> speakeres
<MalkyTop> now I can talk from my stomach
<MalkyTop> this mouth
<MalkyTop> of mine
<MalkyTop> mine sotmach
<MalkyTop> oh m ygod
<MalkyTop> someone
<MalkyTop> stop me
<MalkyTop> and this journal
<MalkyTop> this jounral from hell
<Agenmacy> :O
<Agenmacy> i hear Journal
<Sanzh> Malky please go to sleep
<MalkyTop> the journal
<MalkyTop> is a journey
Agenmacy the most unrelated whatsoever
<MalkyTop> i have found
<MalkyTop> the etymology
<MalkyTop> this is my
<MalkyTop> secret
<MalkyTop> i shall apply this jouranl
<MalkyTop> to my head
<MalkyTop> jourjal
<MalkyTop> journaly head
<Flummoy> man
<Flummoy> sometimes
<Flummoy> sometimes i wonder
<MalkyTop> i will be all
<MalkyTop> i will be everything and everybody
<MalkyTop> my me particles
<MalkyTop> in the world
<MalkyTop> all over
<MalkyTop> the stench
<MalkyTop> like a skunk
<MalkyTop> skunktank
<MalkyTop> this mouse doesn't wokr
<MalkyTop> my mouse miss
<Agenmacy> this entry into the hall of fame is going to be fantastic :3
<MalkyTop> spit
<MalkyTop> split
<MalkyTop> spittttt
<MalkyTop> this cat is my lovely
<MalkyTop> luute
<MalkyTop> my me
<MalkyTop> it's
<MalkyTop> gone
<MalkyTop> i am gone
<MalkyTop> from the plane
<Flummoy> gone
<MalkyTop> my only mementoes
<MalkyTop> are these
<MalkyTop> bears
<MalkyTop> my bears
<MalkyTop> if i had hair
<MalkyTop> in the eys of my
<Sanzh> your bears?
<MalkyTop> nunchucks
<MalkyTop> they would be
<MalkyTop> brown
<MalkyTop> brownberas
<Flummoy> nunchuck bears
<MalkyTop> like maracas
MalkyTop has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client
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