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Shank A Bitch 3 Day Six: The Handsman Cometh (10/71 Alive)
06-27-2014, 04:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2015, 03:39 AM by Mirdini.)
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Spoiler![[Image: shank_a_bitch_2_by_cmdrfaust-d4ihlbt.gif]](
Image within ye spoiler courtesy of the incredible Fragowump
What's this? It's the return of Shank A Bitch!
Created by the magnificent Niall, first run on a forum by the marvelous Blueberry and continued by the also incomparable Niall, I've arbitrarily and unilaterally decided to revive it because there's nothing like stabbing your friends and/or enemies in the back and/or front.
Due to thinking things over and the fact that I love coming up with ~shenanigans~, this game will be using the base rules, which are as follows:
During the day, all the players vote on who to groupshank.
During the night, each player may shank one person.
Other Rulethings/Important Info mildly adapted by Dini
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Spoiler- Don't communicate privately about the game/your role/what-have-you-related-to-shankings with others outside the thread in the interest of fairness and shank transparency :3
- There will be role shenanigans. A large number of you may nevertheless be vanilla shankers. Some roles may be kind of useless. Some of the roles may have a chance of failure. There may be some secret roles. Some of the roles may be duplicated. I will, however, do my best to not be a bastard. If you have a serious problem with your role, please feel free to talk to me about it.
- There won't be any teams, it's every shankplayer for themselves.
- Roles (including secret roles) will be revealed on death.
- I will be giving every player a quicktopic because I am insane.
- Everyone starts off with ONE (1) regular shankproof vest unless informed otherwise, courtesy of LIZZARD INC. and using their proprietary SCALEFIBER TECH. This vest will save you from ONE (1) shank.
- The majority of communication with me should be done through yer QT. Also feel free to hit me up on irc or another IM program if you have questions or just want to chat.
- I'll be using the Imperialist American Eastern Time for deadlines. is a good resource if you’re not sure what time something is happening relative to you.
- Standard voting rules apply. Please vote in bold or bold red. The use of other colors or formats outside a spoiler, even as a joke, may result in a penalty unless your role specifically allows it.
- Don't edit/delete yer posts in the interest of TRANSPARENCY~
- Nonplayers and dead people should not spam up the thread, that's what your graveyard chat will be around for!
- If someone posts a BOLDED MECHANICAL ACTION (colloquially a 'day activation') in the thread, please stop talking until I can get in to address it!
- Please do not fake an aforementioned day activation!
- Remember that this is a game, and a pretty silly one at that. You may play 'in character' if you wish, but being a jerk to your fellow players (or forumers in general) will not be tolerated. Also, keep in mind the use of the word "bitch" in this thread. Shanking a bitch is different from calling someone a bitch as a legitimate insult. I know it's a fine line sometimes, but can we all just accept that language is fickle/inconsistent/subtle/vague, and just use our common sense, please? Okay. 
Sign up by posting in this thread with a image or some text that represents the shanking implement you'll be using in this game. All knives and sundry are cool except the knife Niall used to win the first Shank A Bitch.
Do not be intimidated by the large player list, we need as many bitches to shank as possible!
1. Schazer
2. Solaris - Vest Magnate, EXPLODED N4
3. Sai - Regular Shanker, ORBITAL (mod)SHANKDROPPED D5
4. NottheAuthor
6. ICan'tGiveCredit - Regular Shanker, Shanked N2
7. Akumu - Zombie Shanker, Shanked N5 - (Regular Shanker, LOVE VENGEANCE VICTIM D4)
8. AgentBlue - Insomniac Shanker, Shanked N3
9. Seedy
10. Crowstone - Regular Shanker, Shanked N3
11. Donut - Double-Vested Bomb Shanker, Exploded N1
12. Garuru - Arms Dealer: VEST-PIERCING SHANKER, Shanked N2
13. SupahKiven
14. OztheWizard - Zombie Shanker, Groupshanked D5 - (Regular Shanker, Shanked N1)
15. Palamedes - Godfather Shanker, Shanked N5
16. Pharmacy - Séance Shanker, EXPLODED N4
17. Granolaman
18. Seawyrm - Regular Shanker, Shanked N1
19. Coldblooded
20. TehPilot - Chatty Shanker, Shanked N5
21. Cat - Zombie Shanker, Groupshanked D4 - (Regular Shanker, Shanked N1)
22. anacreon - Regular Shanker, Shanked N3
23. Visceral - Regular Shanker, MESSILY SHANKED N2
24. cyber95 - Regular Shanker, Shanked N4
25. Niall - Postmaster General, Shanked N4
26. makerofthegames - Regular Shanker, Shanked N3
27. bigro - Zombie Shanker, Groupshanked D6 (Regular Shanker, Shanked N3)
28. Stiqqery - Zombie Shanker, ILL-ADVISED COMMS WITH THE BEYOND D3 (Regular Shanker, Shanked D2)
29. amosmyn
30. Red709 - Shenanigans Shanker, Shanked N2
31. Eidolonic - Shenanigans Shanker, MESSILY SHANKED N1
32. Airey - Insane Television Survivalist, Shanked N1
33. Deviant One - Voodoo Wizard, MESSILY SHANKED N4
34. Sanzh - Regular Shanker, DAYSHANKED D5
35. druplesnubb - Regular Shanker, Shanked N2
36. Pharas - Lover Shanker, Love-Based Heart Failure D4
37. Phish
38. konec0 - Untraceable Criminal Shanker, MESSILY SHANKED N4
39. fivex - Regular Shanker, MESSILY SHANKED N2
40. Prime Intellect - Untraceable Criminal Shanker, GROUPSHANKED D3
41. Chirality - Vest Magnate, MESSILY SHANKED N1
42. yd12k - Regular Shanker, MAILSHANKSPLODED D4
43. Dragon Fogel - Regular Shanker, EXPLODED N4
44. Gnauga - Regular Shanker, Shanked N4
45. Pick Yer Poison - Voodoo Wizard, Shanked N2
46. Sotek - Quack Princess of Shanks, Shanked N2
47. Whimbrel - Acupuncture Specialist, Shanked N4
48. Fragowump - Escape Artist, Shanked N2
49. Ixcaliber - ZOMBIE CARL GARLAND, Zombie Shanker, Shanked N5 - (Regular Shanker/DETECTIVE CARL GARLAND, Shanked N2)
50. LegendaryQ - (Regular Shanker, Shanked N1)
51. Chwoka - Insane Television Survivalist, GROUPSHANKED D4
52. antisequitur - Elite Bodyguard, MAILSHANKSPLODED D4
53. Kíeros - Regular Shanker, Shanked N1
54. Dalmationer - ????, EXPLODED N4
55. Sruixan
56. x1372 - Elite Bodyguard, Shanked N3
57. Breadpocalypse - Sentient Metric Ton of C4, EXPLODED N4
58. beruru - Lover Shanker, Shanked N3
59. Scoffles - Double-Vested Bomb Shanker, Died in the WHALE DIMENSION N3
60. Acionyx
61. BlazerC - Shameless Shanker, Shanked N2
62. Plaid - Regular Shanker, Shanked N4
63. speedchuck - Regular Shanker, EXPLODED N4
64. waterbottles - Chatty Shanker, Shanked N1
65. Mikeee - Escape Artist, Shanked N3
66. Truegreen - Regular Shanker, Shanked N5
67. Loather - Insomniac Shanker, Shanked N3
68. Demonsul - Acupuncture Specialist, Shanked N3
69. Everanix - Regular Shanker, Shanked N2
70. Chocolate Pi - Zombie Shanker, GROUPSHANKED D3 (Regular Shanker, DAYSHANKED D2)
71. MalkyTop - Sentient Wormhole, IMPLODED D2
Pre-Game Flavor Smoothie | Day One Start: Off The Deep End | Whale Awards | Gunshanks | Night One Start: Whale of a Time
Day Three Start: Riptime Bechop Jazz | Breaching Dimensions | Challengers Approach | Night Three: Porpoiseful Delays
Day Four Start: Fair and Baleenced Coverage | ❤ ~ I LOVE SHANK ~ ❤ | More Mail | SPECIAL DELIVERIES | Soggy Shank Failures | Night Four: Porpress Conference
Day Five: Rest In Pisces | Post-Mortem | Tri-Shank | Night Five: So Long And Thanks For All The Plankton
Day Six: The Handsman Cometh | BLIND Mail | Zombie Disposal
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:00 PM
inin inin ininininin
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:02 PM
fuck i meant
kinfeinfe infe ninkninfe
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:10 PM by Solaris.)
im in and im going to use one of my skellington boyfriends ribs as my knife
for the unimaginative, attempt to imagine one of
![[Image: GeRxvSb.png]](
only like a billion times sharper
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:03 PM
I will use my pointiest digit as established on tonight's skype
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:40 PM by Sai.)
This sounds like a fun time for the whole family.
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Classy gentlemen shank bitches with bayonets.
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:05 PM by Mirdini.)
I'd like to reiterate that you can't really compete without a knife.
Post ye knives, knaves.
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:07 PM
didn't forget her password for 2 years
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:16 PM by icanhasdonut.)
can we shank the host
i will be using my wit as a blade provided our knives don't have to be sharp
[insert image in a bit]
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:14 PM
gonna have to give me something sharper than that donut
(No image, no stabbin')
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:14 PM
I can carry this so yeah it counts as a knife, vaguely
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 06:00 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoiler![[Image: untitled_by_icantgivecredit-d7o71ni.png]](
This is my knife.
Because I'm such a conkniving person
edit: Shankzooka 2.0/ "Bashanka"
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:18 PM
Yes I will do this thing, this thing of stabs
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:21 PM
![[Image: getcut.jpg]](
bitch please
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:28 PM
![[Image: Rock-1.png]](
it's time
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:39 PM
didn't forget her password for 2 years
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:41 PM by icanhasdonut.)
fine i'll use a sharper blade
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 05:52 PM by Gatr.)
I am going to kill you all with the smallest knife that I have.
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 05:53 PM
![[Image: 250px-Eternal_reward_large.png]](
Sorry to pop in unannounced.
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 06:00 PM
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RE: Shank A Bitch: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 06:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 06:14 PM by Palamedes.)
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Let's do this shit.
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RE: Shank A Bitch 2.5: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Do I hear shankalanks.
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Bringing my friends Tosa and Larry Tosa over.
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RE: Shank A Bitch 2.5: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 06:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 06:53 PM by Granolaman.)
Found my old knives skittering under the bed, let's do this!
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RE: Shank A Bitch 2.5: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 07:31 PM
It seems I'm not the only spy.
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RE: Shank A Bitch 2.5: The Shankshank Redemption
06-27-2014, 08:00 PM
Guess it's finally time to come back out of shankdeathtirement and go dig up my trusty knork for one last hurrah.
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