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02-11-2012, 03:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2012, 04:48 AM by SleepingOrange.)
In the Age of Exploration, when the world was new and the maps unfilled, the first wizards discovered the tantalizing call of magic; as others blazed trails and sought the secrets of the land, they penned grimoires and sought the secrets of the unseen. In a world where everything was strange and new and unknown, magic itself was no more magical than the strange properties of herbs or the flow of a river. Wizards were considered no more mystical than any other man, and none gave a second thought to learning a touch of spellcasting if it could help them find what was over the next ridge or keep their crops from withering.
In the Age of Dusk, when the world was more easily explain and the boundaries of The Continent had been found, the concept of mundanity began to make itself known. While the world was less of a mystery, there always seemed to be more to discover about magic; wizards became exalted, their powers bringing them prestige, wealth, and egos. The borders of the world closed in, so the greatest wizards decided to find new borders: they struck out beyond the sky, opening great gates to new worlds and constructing vast networks of tunnels between the planes beyond the material. It was their thirst for knowledge and novelty that was their undoing, as the fabric of reality could only take so much stress before it collapsed. Great waves of fire and frost and nothing lashed the land as the world unravelled, and only the intervention of the greatest mages sealing their gates prevented the unmaking of all that existed. Ultimately, though the archwizards were the saviors of those who survived, it was they who had brought about the cataclysm to begin with.
In the Age of Shadow, the masses turned against those who studied magic, seeking to remove every trace of arcane power and knowledge from what remained of the shattered world. Even the mightiest wizard couldn't hold off an army of enraged warriors clad in magic-dampening nullsteel, and the towers that had so long dominated The Continent fell, taking their inhabitants with them. Those few who survived lost much of their power and knowledge, and were forced to hide or abandon their pursuits. Many even willingly submitted to the mobs or took their own lives, unable to live with what magic had done to so many.
Now, in the Age of Dawn, memories of the cataclysm have faded, and the scars left on the land have receded. Power and knowledge will always have its seekers, and without the sky disintegrating as they watched, people once again sought to improve their lives through thaumaturgy. Magic as a study and career is returning, although without the fervor and glamor it had in the past and with a fair amount of opposition from those who staunchly believe it will only cause more pain. Wizards freely walk the street without fear of more than the occasional jeer or thrown stone, and all manner of magic is freely studied.
Well, nearly all magic.
The School of Translocations is forbidden to study and even more forbidden to be practiced; with the world still torn around the edges from the vast interplanar explorations undertaken in the Age of Dusk, mages worry that even minor teleportation could gradually weaken or break it. Rumors persist of renegade wizards who blinked across a room only to have demons or worse push themselves through the gap left in the air. Only the mad still pursue this branch of study, and they are ruthlessly hunted by magebanes and wizards alike.
More generally, those who practice what could loosely be called "necromancy" have only rarely found acceptance in society, even before the cataclysm. The reminder of mortality is rarely taken well, and more importantly people tend to assume all those who deal in death are the sort to raise zombie armies or subjugate the souls of the deceased. All types of death mages tend to band together in secret, for mutual protection and because more "virtuous" mage guilds would refuse to accept or even incinerate them. These cabals tend to be small and varied, and generally hide themselves in small towns and rural villages where they can ply their trades without arousing suspicion or attracting attention.
You are a member of one such cabal, and this is your story.
Welcome to Interra Nex! This game is a strategy RPG for approximately five people, with as much or as little focus on role-playing as the players decide. Every character will be an aspiring wizard with a focus on one aspect of death magic, with a wide variety of classes and races and customization allowing the players to make each one unique.
One thing to know before you sign up and to remember as you play is that I intend to make it harder than most forum games of this sort. Characters can easily die with bad luck or bad decisions, and death may well prove permanent. I've been on a roguelike kick lately, so expect a lot of elements drawn from that type of game.
Without further ado, the signup sheet!
Name: Your character's name. No gameplay effect, of course.
Race: Your character's species. Affects your starting stats, what equipment you can use, and how you grow as you level up.
Gender: Your character's biological or self-identified gender. Few, if any, gameplay effects.
Class: Which of the nine classes detailed below are you? This determines what skills you have available to you and more broadly how your playstyle will likely be. Very experienced or powerful characters will gain the ability to branch out from their archetype, but for now – and for a long time – the classes will each be very distinct and interclass skills will be rare.
Equipment: What, if anything, you bought before the game began. All characters begin with 20 GP.
Biography: A bit about your character's history, personality, and motivations. Largely optional and unlikely to impact the game, but I may use how interesting I find the various characters to determine who gets to play if I get more signups than playable slots.
And now, for The Mechanical Stuff:
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SpoilerThere are four main stats – which are determined by race, class, and level – and a number of secondary stats that are determined by the main stats and modifiers like your race and equipment.
Main Stats
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SpoilerStrength determines how much you can carry, how hard you hit, and whether you can physically use various kinds of equipment. It also affects the likelihood of your success with blocks and parries, and how likely you are to overpower an opponent's.
Dexterity determines how evasive you are as well as how likely you are to hit in both melee, ranged, and magical combat. Very dextrous characters may get multiple attacks per turn!
Toughness determines how healthy you are and how likely you are to resist or overcome various negative effects. Very tough characters may even survive having 0 or negative HP for a time.
Intelligence determines your magical capacity and abilities, as well as how likely you are to notice or understand things. It also determines your success with complicated tasks and use of magical items.
Secondary Stats
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SpoilerHP: Health Points, Hit Points, or Hat Peaches are a numerical representation of how robust or injured you are. Typically, a character with 0 or fewer HP is dead, but there are various situations or effects that might contradict that. HP replenish themselves over time, although slowly, and can be restored with various spells, items, and abilities.
MP: Magic Points, Mana Points, or Magick Power are a numerical representation of how much Mystic Potential you have untapped. A character with too few MP will usually be unable to cast spells, but there is typically no penalty to being without magic. MP recover over time, rather faster than HP, and can be restored in various other ways as well.
Armor: Armor determines approximately how much damage you can ignore from physical sources such as blades, arrows, or even magically-hurled bolts of stone. It does not typically affect things like fire, cold, electricity, or other non-physical sources of damage. It is determined by your race and your equipment; it is NOT affected by your Toughness, as even the toughest human doesn't have skin that can turn steel.
Evasion: Evasion measure how likely you are to dodge attacks, completely negating all damage from them. It applies to all attacks, both physical and magical, although certain spells or enchantments may be able to bypass it. It is determined by your Dexterity and equipment.
Block: Block measures how likely you are to raise a shield or parry an attack with your weapon, completely negating the damage from it. It applies to all attacks, but takes a penalty against spells and ranged attacks, and as with Dodge may be circumvented. It is determined by your Strength and Dexterity, as well as your equipment.
Overpower: Overpower measures your ability to overcome a block when attacking. It applies only to melee attacks you make. It is determined by your Strength.
Resistance: Resistance measures how likely you are to overcome negative physical effects like poison, bleeding, or stunning. It affects both resisting the effect completely and shortens the duration of such effects. It is determined by your Toughness.
Magic Resistance: Magic Resistance measures how likely you are to overcome negative mental or magical effects like confusion, petrification, or curses. It affects both resisting the effect completely and shortens the duration of such effects. It is determined by your Toughness and Intelligence, as well as your race.
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SpoilerHumans are extremely common, and as such they tend to be the standard against other races get compared. Versatile and industrious, they excel in any role. They are medium-sized and humanoid, and as such can use nearly any kind of equipment. They begin play with a base of 8 in every stat, and gain one point in a random stat on every even level. Their Magic Resistance is average.
Stone Elf
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SpoilerFollowing the cataclysm, stone elves became the most common elven race. Like all elves, they are feeble but nimble, but are considerably less so than their more elfin brethren. They are largely quiet and reserved, and tend to be perceived as uncongenial by other races, but lack the capriciousness of and have a much stronger sense of community than the less-stolid elven races. They are medium-sized and humanoid, and as such can use nearly any kind of equipment. They begin play with a base of 6 in Strength, 9 in Dexterity, 9 in Toughness, and 8 in Intelligence as well as 1 point of Armor. They gain a point in a random stat, excluding Strength, on every fourth level and a point of Armor every fifth level. Their Magic Resistance is slightly above average.
Forest Elf
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SpoilerThe elf most think of if someone says "elf", forest elves are a fey people that are as nature-affine as they are fun-loving. They tend to embody the fickleness and mystery of the great forests they originally called home, and are often regarded as too flighty and impulsive by other races. They are medium-sized and humanoid, and as such they can use nearly any kind of equipment. They begin play with a base of 6 in Strength, 6 in Toughness, 11 in Dexterity, and 9 in Intelligence. They gain a point in either Dexterity or Intelligence on every third level. Their Magic Resistance is slightly above average.
Marsh Elf
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SpoilerA pallid and sallow race hailing from The Continent's southern swamps, Marsh Elves are cunning and thoughtful to a fault. Though in actuality no more evil than any other race, they tend to draw sidelong looks, and rumors persist that it was a small group of powerful marsh elf warlocks that instigated the cataclysm. It's hard to say whether they tend towards solitude because of these attitudes or if the other races are suspicious because marsh elves are so insular, but at this point it hardly matters; that they often use their own blood to fuel their magical abilities certainly doesn't help. They are humanoid and medium-sized, and as such they can use nearly any kind of equipment. They begin play with a base of 5 in Strength, 6 in Toughness, 9 in Dexterity, and 12 in Intelligence. They gain a point of Intelligence on every fourth level and have the ability to use HP in addition to or instead of MP when casting spells. Their Magic Resistance is above average.
Mountain Dwarf
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SpoilerTough, stolid, and withdrawn, mountain dwarves are known to be canny merchants, metallurgists, miners, and craftsman. They are the least likely of the common races to pursue magical training, less because they lack aptitude for it than because most simply see it as a waste of time; other races tend to see them as greedy and narrow-minded, but it's hard to call that really true. They are humanoid and, though shorter than most humans or elves, stout enough to be called medium-sized, and as such they can use nearly any kind of equipment. They begin play with a base of 9 in Strength, 9 in Toughness, 6 in Dexterity, and 8 in Intelligence. They gain a point of a random stat, excluding Dexterity, every third level. Their Magic Resistance is average.
Dark Dwarf
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SpoilerA near-strictly subterranean race, the dark dwarves were long thought to have been wiped out the cataclysm. In truth, they'd merely cloistered themselves in their vast cavernlike complexes through the Age of Shadow, reemerging into society at large only when the world above had stabilized and repaired itself. They are pale and small, thoughtful and careful, and known to be among the most resilient races in existence despite their stature. Other races often wonder how they survived their long hermeticism, and some believe they made dark deals with evil powers to save themselves. They are small and humanoid, and as such have somewhat limited options for equipment. They begin play with a base of 7 in Strength, 11 in Toughness, 6 in Dexterity, and 8 in Intelligence. Their Magic Resistance is high.
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SpoilerMycolids are small humanoids with many fungal traits and a propensity for magic. They're often mistaken for fairies of some kind, but are as mortal and biological as any human despite their bizarre appearance and resemblance to ambulatory mushrooms. Other races tend to regard them as weird, and indeed most mycolids tend to develop more than their fair share of quirks as they grow and age; their uncertain development makes them rather unpredictable, but they certainly don't deserve their reputation as racially insane. They are small and (usually) humanoid, and as such they have somewhat limited options for equipment. They begin play with a base of 7 in Strength, 6 in Toughness, 8 in Dexterity, and 11 in Intelligence. They gain a point in Dexterity or Intelligence on every fourth level and begin play immune to poisons; in addition, they gain various fungal abilities and changes as they level. Their Magic Resistance is average. They are hermaphroditic.
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SpoilerLarge, strong, a little slow, and notoriously bloody-minded, orcs lack the magical intuition of most races but make up for it with enthusiastic application of its more destructive aspects. Many – indeed, perhaps most – orcs still live a nomadic, tribal lifestyle dominated by making war on other orcs, but some have begun to adopt more cosmopolitan existences. They're regarded as a bit barbaric and none too trustworthy by the other races, largely because of their relatively recent emergence into civilized society. They are large and humanoid, and as such they have fairly limited options for equipment but can use many things smaller races cannot. They begin play with a base of 10 in Strength, 10 in Toughness, 6 in Dexterity, and 6 in Intelligence. They gain one point in Strength or Toughness on every even level. Their Magic Resistance is low.
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SpoilerDevious and often self-serving, kobolds are small and reptilian with a tendency towards dishonesty and deceit. They're not innately evil or even incapable of producing pious individuals, but a lot of suspicious people tend to watch their wallets more closely when a kobold is around. They are intensely curious, often putting themselves in danger just to find out what's around the corner or what happens when you cast this spell on this mysterious artifact, but they're resilient and quick enough that they tend to make out fine. They are small and humanoid, and as such they have somewhat limited options for equipment. They begin play with a base of 7 in Strength, 8 in Toughness, 9 in Dexterity, and 8 in Intelligence as well as 2 points in Armor due to their thick scales. They gain a point in a random stat, excluding Strength, every other level, but are cold-blooded and do poorly in cold weather or against freezing attacks. Their Magic Resistance is above average.
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SpoilerGelkin arrived on The Continent during the cataclysm; some say they were created when the intense magical energies unleashed by the disaster took physical form and gained intelligence, while others assert gelkin are native to another world and ended up trapped here as their own plane of existence collapsed. The gelkin themselves certainly don't know; the first group of them discovered had little recollection of anything and were nearly eradicated as monsters before they tried to communicate. They still tend to terrify children who aren't familiar with them. They are medium-sized but amorphous, which severely limits their options for wearable equipment. They begin play with 6 in Strength, 8 in Toughness, 8 in Dexterity, and 10 in Intelligence. They gain a point in a random stat every third level and take reduced damage from physical attacks; this reduction is NOT the same as Armor. Their Magic Resistance is average. They are asexual.
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SpoilerThis group of classes practice necromancy in the truest sense: they use the dead to gain knowledge and information by magical means. They tend to get rather frustrated when zombie-raisers get called necromancers too.
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SpoilerAnimancers deal with ghosts, spirits, and all manner of incorporeal beings. They typically do not exact any control over those they communicate with, using them as sources of information rather than spectral minions. What they lack in raw power or tough subordinates, they make up for in utility and knowledge; in addition, most of their spells function even without fresh bodies around, as a spirit can typically be found anywhere or summoned from its afterlife regardless of location. They begin play with 4 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Counsel and Consultation.
4 MP
The caster seeks advice and tips from any nearby souls with magical knowledge or power; this effectively raises the caster's Intelligence stat by 3 for the duration of the spell. Its duration increases with the caster's Intelligence.
2 MP
Cast on item; close-range
The caster entreats spirits to grant them information about an unknown item's abilities. If successful, it reveals some aspects of the item's nature and enchantments, if any exist. Its chance of success and the completeness of the information granted increase with the caster's Intelligence.
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SpoilerBrainpickers seek knowledge, power, and information from the remains of the deceased, rather than from the spirit. The practice originated as a way to mollify anti-necromancy mages, saying that it didn't violate the departed the way other necromantic traditions do; needless to say, brainpickers did little to improve necromancy's reputation, but the rituals stuck around because they offer a lot of versatility that other mantic traditions lack. Most brainpicker spells do require the presence of a not-completely-rotted corpse, and cannot affect the bodies of mindless creatures. They begin play with 1 extra point of Strength, 1 extra point of Dexterity, and 2 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Borrow Skill and Examine Recent Memories.
Borrow Skill
1 MP
Cast on corpse; close-range
The caster delves into the subject's brain, seeking out abilities that were ingrained enough to be easily adopted by the caster. It allows them to temporarily use skills or spells that the subject used in life; it cannot be used to learn innate attributes or skills that utilize specialized aspects of the subject's physiology unless the casters' match them. The caster may retain three such abilities at any time, and the number of times they may be used before being forgotten rises with the caster's Intelligence.
Examine Recent Memories
2 MP
Cast on corpse; close-range
The caster explores some of the subject's most recently-made memories, allowing them to learn a measure of information about the location the subject died in and any other beings the subject was aware of within it. More intelligent subjects typically retain more usable information. In some situations, especially if the caster is specifically searching for it, other information (perhaps regarding the subject's motives and affiliation or other things the caster may find noteworthy) may be available. The amount of information the caster can glean rises with their Intelligence.
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SpoilerHaruspices are perhaps the most unfairly-oppressed class of necromancers; a haruspex would tell you their art is no more sinister or demonic than looking for omens in tea leaves or the lay of the land. In point of fact, they look for omens in the manner of death and lie of the recently-deceased. As such, most of their spells are passive, and they tend to be more robust than other casters. To begin with, haruspices can only use their abilities if they witness the death they attempt to divine from, but can gain benefits from watching the deaths of things that don't leave corpses, don't have minds, or even are already undead. They begin play with 1 extra point in each stat, knowing the spells Secrets and Wealth.
1 MP cost on witnessing death
Passive; automatically used unless otherwise specified upon witnessing a death
The caster seeks subtle clues in the death of the subject that give them arcane hints about the hidden and unseen. For the duration of this spell, the caster is more likely to notice things like traps, invisible enemies, hidden doors, or anything else deliberately hidden from sight. The duration and magnitude of the perception increase scale with Intelligence. Like most haruspex omens, this spell cannot stack with itself (and thus will not be cast again if it's already in effect) but can be used in conjunction with other omens.
1 MP cost on witnessing death
Passive; automatically used unless otherwise specified upon witnessing a death
The caster allows the hints the world places in front of them to guide them to greater riches. This makes the caster more likely to find money from all sources, effectively increasing the monetary value of treasures and spoils; in addition, it makes them better barterers, reducing the price to purchase items and increasing the price of sold items for the duration of the spell. The duration and magnitude of the wealth bonus scale with Intelligence. Like most haruspex omens, this spell cannot stack with itself (and thus will not be cast again if it's already in effect) but can be used in conjunction with other omens.
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SpoilerThe type of death mage most present in the minds of those that hate them, necrosurgists are those who focus on things like zombification, reanimation, and fleshy experimentation. Depending on how they go about it, this can be as benign as binding the soul of the deceased back into their mortal body or as profane as enslaving that soul and using it to power a towering construct of bone and demonic energies. Obviously it's the latter sort that people most object to, but a layman wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them at a glance and tends to grab torches and pitchforks before asking.
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SpoilerResurrectors would frankly prefer to be called biosurgists rather than be lumped in with a bunch of corpse-botherers, but since those corpse-botherers are the only ones who tolerate their branch of magic, they tend not to complain too loudly. Resurrectors typically work by repairing bodies and restoring the souls to them, allowing their subjects to cheat death… to a point. Inexperienced resurrectors cannot restore true life to a corpse, and novices cannot even grant false life permanently, but truly powerful resurrectors are capable of completely circumventing death itself. Resurrection is not a magical path for the dabbler. They begin play with 1 extra point of Toughness and 3 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Prepare Body and Temporary Resurrection.
Prepare Body
Variable MP cost
Cast on corpse; close range
This spell must be cast before nearly all other resurrection spells; resurrecting a corpse that is severely damaged would just bind the soul back in momentarily before the body died again. Prepare Body restores a corpse to full health over the course of 20 turns: taking the full 20 turns costs NO MP; spending 1 MP will reduce the time it takes to cast by 5 turns, with each MP past the first reducing that time by a further 2 turns. Casters with 20 Intelligence or more reduce the time to cast by 5 turns for each MP spent instead, and casters with 30 Intelligence or more reduce it by 10 turns for each MP spent.
Temporary Resurrection
5 MP
Cast on corpse; close range
This spell restores a measure of life to the subject by returning its soul for a time. For the duration of the spell, the subject is treated as undead, and cannot be healed by any means. Their HP at the time of the casting is set as their new max HP. Mindless or non-intelligent subjects will be resurrected friendly to the caster for the duration of the spell, but intelligent subjects will keep whatever attitudes they had in life. Spells that attempt to re-bind the subject's soul to its body may only ever be attempted once per subject; once this spell wears off, no form of resurrection may ever be attempted on the subject again. Its duration is a number of turns equal to the caster's intelligence times 10.
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SpoilerReanimators prefer not to bother with morally-ambiguous methods like soul-binding or demonic possession; instead, they treat corpses more like ready-made golems, bringing them to unlife with no motive intelligence or connection to the person that once inhabited the fleshy shell. Reanimation is fast, easy, and reliable, but creates servants that are clumsy, stupid, and often fragile. As such, expert reanimators often experiment with numerous methods of enhancing or improving their creations, and eventually themselves. They begin play with 1 extra point of Strength and 3 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Animate Skeleton and Death's Door.
Animate Skeleton
7 MP
Cast on corpse; close range
This spell gives a semblance of life to a skeleton, placing the now-ambulatory corpse under caster's control; if the skeleton is still encased in flesh, it bursts forth in a messy but convenient process. Skeletons can follow simple orders, but are slow and very literal-minded; they are best used as shock troops, meat(less) shields, and manual labor. A caster can control a number of skeletons at any time equal a third their intelligence score. Skeletons' stats are derived from the corpse's base stats and the caster's intelligence; corpses do NOT need to be prepared before being animated, as they are held together by magic more than actual physical structure.
Death's Door
5 MP
Cast on living being; can be cast on any visible target
This spell forces a living body to go past its usual boundaries, essentially granting it a temporary measure of unlife. For the duration of the spell, the subject will not die if their HP does not go below the negative of the caster's Intelligence. If the spell ends and the subject has 0 or fewer HP, they immediately die. The duration scales with the caster's Intelligence.
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SpoilerCorpselords are the sort of necromancer feared by peasants and mages alike, often shunned even by others who practice less-profane necromantic disciplines. They use whatever methods they can to gain power over life and death, often employing demonic energies and servants in addition to their deathly ones. Many of their spells require the sacrificing of their own life force for power, and most corpselords are only too happy to provide it. They can raise vast armies of incredibly-dangerous minions, but constantly walk a knife-edge between life and death. They begin play with 2 extra points of Toughness and 2 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Ueztane's Necrotization and Enslave.
Ueztane's Necrotization
2 MP, 1 HP
Cast on living being; can be cast on any visible target
This spell sends a wave of necromantic energy over the subject, causing severe pain and tissue damage. Unlike many spells that deal damage, this spell never misses but can be completely negated by magic resistance. Mindless and amorphous creatures receive a bonus to their attempts to resist. Damage and resistance penetrations scale with Intelligence.
10 MP
Cast on corpse; close range
This spell roughly infuses unlife into a body, forcing its soul back in and binding it to the caster's will. Enslaved minions retain all skills and abilities they had in life and serve the caster to the best of their capabilities; however, they may periodically attempt to throw off the control and will almost certainly turn on the caster at that time. A caster may have any number of enslaved minions at any time, but if they have more enslaved than a third of their Intelligence, those minions may attempt to break free of their control with increased frequency. As the caster's Intelligence rises, escape becomes more difficult.
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SpoilerChannelers are unique among necromancers in that their spells only tangentially involve actual dead people; rather, they tap into and exploit the powers of the various afterlives that exist, resulting in a melange of divine, natural, and arcane powers. Aside from the fact that meddling with the afterlife tends to be viewed as blasphemous or at least dangerous, laypeople worry that channeling is a form of translocation that could once again shatter the world. Channelers insist that the afterlives are overlaid on the material world, not distant from it, but to no avail.
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SpoilerLightbringers channel their magic from good afterlives and benevolent gods, meaning their powers tend to focus on healing, protection, and a smattering of traditionally "holy" elements. Unlike devout priests or divine wizards who are granted their magic by the grace of the god they worship, lightbringers simply subtly take the power they need, meaning they need not follow the good gods' dogma or even be particularly moral people. Nevertheless, few truly evil people walk this path, as it focuses on rather benign abilities. Lightbringers begin play with 1 extra point of Dexterity, 1 extra point of Toughness, and 2 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Lay On Hands and Cleansing Touch.
Lay On Hands
5 MP
Cast on non-undead, non-demonic being; close range
This spell infuses the subject with regenerative energies, restoring a small amount of HP. It has no effect on undead or demonic subjects, neither damaging nor healing them. Unwilling subjects may attempt to dodge, necessitating a dexterity-based roll to hit in the unlikely event this situation crops up. HP Restored scales with Intelligence.
Cleansing Touch
3 MP
Cast on any being; close range
This spell uses soothing magic to restore the subject to health. It removes any poisons and many diseases, but has no effect on magical ailments, curses, or indeed anything but poison and disease. Unwilling subjects may attempt to dodge, necessitating a Dexterity-based roll to hit in the unlikely event this situation crops up.
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SpoilerGravechillers borrow power from Limbo and the void between life and death. They lack the pure destructive potential of hellcallers and the unparalleled restorative ability of lightbringers, but they make up for it with versatility and a wide array of hampering effects. Many kobolds historically took up this path, as it not only afforded them protection against the cold as they grew stronger, but gave them great power in intraspecies conflict. They begin play with 1 extra point in Dexterity and 3 extra points in Intelligence, knowing the spells Chill Touch and Frost Bolt.
Chill Touch
2 MP
Cast on any being; close range
This spell infuses the subject with the essence of the void, dealing modest cold damage and potentially slowing them temporarily. Like most melee spells, it requires a Dexterity-based roll to take effect; if the caster misses, the spell is wasted. It cannot, however, be resisted with Magic Resistance. The damage scales with Intelligence and the accuracy with Dexterity.
Frost Bolt
4 MP
Cast on any being; Dexterity/2 range
This spell opens a tiny pinprick to the void, draining all heat out of a small area; the resultant ball of frozen air and water is then launched at the target, dealing half its damage as physical damage and half as cold damage. Like most ranged spells, it requires a Dexterity-based roll to strike; if the caster misses, the spell is wasted. It cannot, however, be resisted with Magic Resistance. Damage scales with Intelligence, and accuracy and range scale with Dexterity.
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SpoilerHellcallers are death mages who siphon their power from the various afterlives created to punish the wicked and house demons. In the same way that a lightcaller doesn't necessarily have to be a righteous person, a hellcaller needn't actually be evil. Still, it does take a certain kind of person to specifically study how to weaponize damned souls and hellfire. Hellcallers boast impressive offensive capabilities as well as various summonings, but the powers of the hells aren't to be wielded lightly. They begin play with 2 extra points of Dexterity and 2 extra points of Intelligence, knowing the spells Fire Bolt and Unquenchable Flame.
Fire Bolt
4 MP
Cast on any being; Dexterity/2 range
This spell pulls a ball of elemental fire from the depths of hell and launches it at a foe before it can dissipate or burn out. It deals half its damage in the form of actual heat and flame and half in the form of unholy energy. the target, dealing half its damage as physical damage and half as cold damage. Like most ranged spells, it requires a Dexterity-based roll to strike; if the caster misses, the spell is wasted. It cannot, however, be resisted with Magic Resistance. Damage scales with Intelligence, and accuracy and range scale with Dexterity.
Unquenchable Flame
6 MP
Cast on any being; Dexterity/4 range
This spell opens a number of tiny gates on and around the subject, through which hellfire constantly pours. There is no way to extinguish or stop this spell save for completely submerging the subject in water (which merely lessens the damage slightly as the water around the subject is boiled) or dispelling magic around the subject. Any beings striking or stuck by the subject with an unarmed attack or small weapons risks taking a round's worth of damage. This spell cannot miss or be dodged, but can be resisted with Magic Resistance. Damage and duration scale with Intelligence.
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SpoilerFirst, a template and explanation of what the fields mean:
Size: A general classification of the size and mass of the weapon. Small weapons cannot be used as effectively by large characters, but can be wielded by anyone; medium weapons can comfortably be used by any character; large weapons cannot be wielded by small characters, and are more effective when used by large ones. Huge weapons can only be wielded by large characters.
Min Str/Min Dex: The minimum Strength to use the weapon at all, followed by the minimum Dexterity to gain extra attacks with the weapon.
Hands: The number of hands it takes to wield the weapon; one-handed weapons may be wielded in each hand (at the expense of accuracy penalties) or with a shield; hand-and-a-half weapons may be wielded two-handed for a damage bonus or with a shield; two-handed weapons must be wielded in two hands; double weapons may be wielded one-handed with a shield or two-handed for extra attacks with fewer penalties than dual-wielding. Ranged weapons can never be dual-wielded, regardless of their hands rating.
Accuracy: A rating of how easy the weapon is to use and score hits with; higher numbers are better.
Damage: How much damage the weapon does; higher numbers are obviously better.
Price: The cost in GP to buy before the game begins
Size: Small
Min Str/Min Dex: 3/10
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 6
Damage: 4
Price: 2
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/12
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 4
Damage: 6
Price: 3
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex 7/15
Hands: 1 1/2
Accuracy: 1
Damage: 10
Price: 5
Size: Small
Min Str/Min Dex: 4/11
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 3
Damage: 7
Price: 2
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 7/15
Hands: 1 1/2
Accuracy: 0
Damage: 11
Price: 5
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/14
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 3
Damage: 5
Price: 0
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/12
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 3
Damage: 8
Price: 3
Size: Huge
Min Str/Min Dex: 10/20
Hands: 2
Accuracy: -6
Damage: 20
Price: 0
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/12
Hands: 1 1/2
Accuracy: 4
Damage: 7
Price: 3
Size: Large
Min Str/Min Dex: 7/15
Hands: 2
Accuracy: -3
Damage: 13
Price: 4
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/10
Hands: Double
Accuracy: 6
Damage: 7
Price: 4
Size: Small
Min Str/Min Dex: 3/10
Hands: 1
Accuracy: 2
Damage: As Ammunition
Price: 1
-Damage: 4
-Price: 1 for 20
-Sling Bullet
Damage: 6
Price: 1 for 10
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min DexL 5/14
Hands: 2
Accuracy: 1
Damage: As Ammunition
Price: 3
-Damage: 10
-Price: 1 for 5
Size: Medium
Min Str/Min Dex: 5/17
Hands: 1 1/2
Accuracy: +4
Damage: As Ammunition
Price: 7
-Damage: 14
-Price: 1 for 3
Show Content
Fit: The slot the piece of equipment occupies as well as who can wear it. "Armor" and "Clothing" both occupy the torso slot, but only humanoids can wear armor. "Helmet" and "Hat" both occupy the head slot, but mycolids and non-humanoids cannot wear helmets. "Boots" occupy the foot slot, but can only be worn by humanoids; "Gloves" occupy the hand slot and can similarly only be worn by humanoids. "Cloaks" occupy the back slot and can be worn by anyone. Shields can be worn by anyone.
Size: Small armor can be worn by small and medium characters; medium armor can be worn by anyone; large armor can be worn only by large characters.
Armor: A rating of how much the equipment reduces damage; higher is better. Only included when relevant.
Evasion Penalty: A rating of how much more difficult the equipment makes it to dodge; lower is better.
Block: A rating of how likely you are to block attacks with the equipment; higher is better. Only included when relevant.
Price: The cost in GP to buy before the game begins
Fit: Clothing
Size: Medium
Armor: 2
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 1
Fit: Armor
Size: Small
Armor: 4
Evasion Penalty: 1
Price: 3
Fit: Armor
Size: Small
Armor: 7
Evasion Penalty: 4
Price: 5
Fit: Armor
Size: Medium
Armor: 3
Evasion Penalty: 1
Price: 3
Fit: Armor
Size: Large
Armor: 5
Evasion Penalty: 3
Price: 5
Fit: Shield
Size: Small
Evasion Penalty: 1
Block: 5
Price: 2
Fit: Shield
Size: Medium
Evasion Penalty: 3
Block: 8
Price: 5
Fit: Hat
Size: Medium
Armor: 1
Evasion Penalty: 1
Price: 1
Fit: Helmet
Size: Small
Armor: 2
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 3
Fit: Boots
Size: Medium
Armor: 1
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 2
Fit: Cloak
Size: Medium
Armor: 1
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 1
Fit: Gloves
Size: Medium
Armor: 1
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 1
Fit: Gloves
Size: Small
Armor: 2
Evasion Penalty: 0
Price: 3
Show Content
Effect: Restores 10 HP instantly; takes a turn to consume.
Price: 2
Effect: Restores 10 MP instantly; takes a turn to consume.
Price: 2
Effect: Restores 1 HP per turn for 10 turns; takes a turn to consume.
Price: 1
Effect: All beings with MP within five tiles of the character carrying the incense regain an extra 1 MP per turn; takes a turn to light, burns for 10 turns.
Price: 2
Effect: Removes all negative physical effects on the user; takes a turn to consume.
Price: 1
Effect: Creates a temporary barrier five tiles wide wherever the user wishes within their line of sight; takes a turn to read
Price: 3
Effect: Reveals secrets and effects of an unknown item that the user must be holding or next to; takes a turn to read
Price: 1
Effect: While worn, the ring provides its wearer with 2 extra max HP. A character may wear any number of rings, but if they wear more than two the jewelry's magic may interfere with other magic items or even the wearer's own spells in unpredictable ways.
Price: 10
While worn, the ring provides its wearer with 3 extra max MP. A character may wear any number of rings, but if they wear more than two the jewelry's magic may interfere with other magic items or even the wearer's own spells in unpredictable ways.
Price: 10
Effect: As long as this ring is worn, the wearer's Intelligence is treated as 1 higher for all variable spell effects. A character may wear any number of rings, but if they wear more than two the jewelry's magic may interfere with other magic items or even the wearer's own spells in unpredictable ways.
Price: 15
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02-11-2012, 04:36 AM
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02-11-2012, 04:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2012, 04:51 AM by Akumu.)
Name: Pethenar
Race: Forest Elf
Gender: Male
Class: Hellcaller
Show Content
SpoilerLeather Armor
Scroll of Identify
Bolts x6
Biography: Pethenar struck out from the ancestral forests at a young age for no particular reason other than wanderlust. This drive to explore has led him across the land and has taken the sting out of being ousted from many a temporary home due to curiousity towards matters the locals would rather have left well enough alone. For instance, necromancy. As of late he has fallen in with a necromancer's cabal, primarily for their usefulness in furthering his studies. Pethenar dreams of swashbuckling adventure, and the caution and secrecy of the cabal is starting to grate.
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02-11-2012, 05:28 AM
Name: Zuine
Race: Mycolid
Gender: Neuter-she
Class: Corpselord
Equipment: Gauntlets, Ring of Power, Potion of Mana
Biography: Zuine learnt two things in life while growing up. One, the ossified knuckleheads were in charge of the world, and there wasn't a hell of a lot one disgruntled Mycolid could do about it. Two, good manners could get you anywhere in life - or at least cushioned your fall into the less pleasant bits. The fact the knuckleheads in the former couldn't recognise the latter as trouble-dodging rather than sincere contrition didn't improve Zuine's opinion of the backboned bourgeois any. Instead, it pushed her from a more respect branch of destructive magic into something a lot less accepted by the establishment.
Zuine probably hates your guts. Eternally resentful of the flesh-and-blood she believes has no place at the top of the food chain, Zuine has quiet aspirations to someday take over the world. Considering how well a sudden villainous reveal with a legion of corpses would go down, she's settled for being the self-styled head of the local necromancers' cabal.
I mean, her necromantic profession's the only one with "lord" in the name. She's perfect for a leadership postion, right? Truth be told, the whole thing is an exercise in keeping tabs on useful allies when she deems the time ripe for world domination.
She loves to nurse her opinion of animals all being equally rude and crude no matter how many legs they walk on, and her mild manner and impeccable courtesy are merely part of her well-buried condescensions. Because Zuine's had her studies interrupted more than once by forced relocation (following some apparently-sympathetic snitch sneaking a confession of megalomania out of her), she still maintains a policy of honesty - just one that often relies on tactical omission.
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Location: Sunshine, Lollipops and Diabetes
02-11-2012, 05:48 AM
Name: Deta Cayla
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Haruspex
Show Content
SpoilerShopping List
Crossbow: 7gp
Bolts(9): 3gp
Robe: 1gp
Cloak: 1gp
Gloves: 1gp
Potion of Health: 2gp
Incense of Meditation: 2gp
Potion of Wellness: 1gp
Total: 18gp
Biography: Deta Cayla saw her mother die, slowly – a wound, incurred by crossbow bolt after being run out of town by a riot, stubbornly refused to heal – becoming infected despite the best intentions of their cabal. As her mother drew ever closer to the afterlife, it grew harder and harder for her to enter her mother’s room – not out of bravery, a sense of acceptance or maturity, but for fear of what she could see. Secrets, memories, things long buried – and should stay that way, necrosurgists notwithstanding. One thing she saw still haunts her: a man she could swear was her father, at the head of a mob.
Deta is a shy, reserved young woman. She doesn't like to talk much, and is deathly afraid of people she doesn't know - especially if they're holding pitchforks and torches. For some reason she can't shake the paranoid feeling that her father is hunting for her, and is behind every mob they encounter...
I thought it would be funny.
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02-11-2012, 05:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2012, 08:14 AM by thriggle.)
Name: Sparkles Slimeburg
Race: Orc
Gender: Female
Class: Haruspex
Show Content
Orcish Ringmail
Short sword
1x Potion of Regeneration
1x Potion of Wellness
1x Scroll of Identify
Equipment Bonus To Armor: 9
Evasion Penalty: 4
![[Image: sparkles.png]](
Biography: Sparkles was raised among the nomadic Slimeburg tribe of orcs in the Kriwork swamplands. Where the others of her tribe enjoyed bashing things with clubs and eating their entrails, Sparkles delighted in bashing things with clubs and then studying the way the entrails spattered. Some days the spleen would sploosh to the east, sometimes a kidney would squelch in a very distinct way, and she gradually, unconsciously, learned to correlate many of these details with the events that would happen throughout the day. With no true magic users in the tribe, and magic almost wholly unknown to her, Sparkles began--without realizing it--to teach herself the natural ways of haruspicy. When her tribe disbanded after a particularly bad encounter with some toxic mushrooms, she made her way into a small township, making a living as an herbalist... or at least, as someone who goes out in wolf-infested woods to gather simple herbs, killing anything that moves.
As she learned more about the study of wizardry from other townfolk, she came to realize that her hobby was in fact a form of magic, and a frowned-upon one at that. Having a hard enough time getting along with the locals due to her race, she took pains to conceal her haruspicy from them, while keeping an ear to the ground for the so-called necromancers that might tolerate her practice. Eventually she was able to join up with a necromantic cabal and begin her studies and arcane arts in earnest.
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02-11-2012, 06:22 AM
Name: Amanita Vasgnuk
Race: Mycolid
Gender: female
Class: Ressurector
Show Content
Spoiler Hat
Leather armor
15 arrows
2 mana potions
1 health potion
Biography: Amanita originally lived in a small town that was plagued with scandals, feuds, and family-destroying secrets. This was largely Amanita's doing. An infamous drama monster, Amanita is a meddler of the highest caliber and not all who cross her path come out of it emotionally unscathed. A source of many Ill-fated romances and tragic misunderstandings, Amanita carries out her sinister manipulation of the lives of others under the guise of "friendly advice". However, when one of her most favorite romance plot was fatally cut short by a nut allergy, Amanita quickly went into the study of Necromancy, more specifically, Ressurectory. Citing "a need to fix this rather anti-climatic ending and provide some much needed closure" as reasons for taking up this practice, many of her fellow townsfolk were stunned and disgusted by her callous attitude towards the lives of others. Upon her immediate exile, Amanita joined a nearby cabal of necromancers. Amanita has high hopes for these turn of events, as this dangerous and much maligned practice of arcane arts will surely lead to passions and tensions running high. At least. If Amanita has anything to say about it.
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Location: a deeper level of texan hell
02-11-2012, 07:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2012, 06:47 PM by Anomaly.)
Name: Somerled Kilmuir
Race: Mountain Dorf
Gender: Male
Class: Reanimator
Show Content
SpoilerHand Axe - 2 gp
Chainmail - 5 gp
Helmet - 3 gp
Buckler - 2 gp
Gloves - 1 gp
Potion of Health (2) - 4 gp
Potion of Mana - 2 gp
Potion of Regeneration - 1 gp
Biography: Somerled didn't really have time for the whole "every dwarf ever" thing growing up, and in fact enjoyed neither imbibing copious amounts of alcohol or digging holes. He spent more time than not locked away in his room, though what exactly he did while there was a mystery to all. What was noticed, though, was the periodic disappearance of various deceased animals from cages scattered throughout the Dwarven city of Belegrodia, and perhaps the occasional scratching or clattering noise from behind Somerled's door. Little heed was paid to him, though, and he was put to work in the mines all the same. After a few unfortunate incidents he was transferred to livestock care, which did nothing to stop the disappearances of animal corpses (if anything, it increased them).
Naturally, this was more due to a natural affinity for the necromantic arts, or rather, the art of reanimation. He practiced this skill as often as possible, hence the disappearances, though he had no intention to test his abilities on the dwarven deceased. But eventually, enough notice was taken of the disappearances and the odd sounds from behind Somerled's door that an investigation was finally launched. Evidence of Somerled's powers was discovered, and he was ultimately thrown into Belegrodia's prison for his use of the "dark arts", as it were.
After a number of years isolated in this prison cell, the city of Belegrodia was attacked by enormous mole-like creatures, unleashed from underground by an errant mining operation. These creatures tore through the dwarven population, murdering all in their paths before just as quickly disappearing into the depths. All, that is, except for Somerled, kept safe in the isolated cell. Driven near to starvation, Somerled managed to animate the skeleton of the nearby deceased guard, retrieving the keys and letting himself out.
Driven half-crazy by his stay in prison, Somerled stumbled out into the devastated city, dwarven corpses littering the streets. Somerled could scarcely believe what he saw. The city had been destroyed, except for him. Why hadn't he been killed?
No, he decided, the city wasn't lost. He could bring them back, and he could rebuild the once-great city of Belegrodia.
And so it was that stories spread of the so-called "Mad King of Belegrodia", based on the report of adventurers with (disputed) first-hand experience with the halls of the ghost city. Eventually a formal investigation was launched, and the public was turned against him. Raids on the city became too much for Somerled to withstand, and so he fled to one of a number of hidden necromantic cabals. His goals hadn't changed since his early years - perfect the art of reanimation, no matter the cost.
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All credit to Pharmacy.
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02-11-2012, 08:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2012, 10:27 PM by Godbot.)
Name: Vahrlan
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Gender: Male
Class: Lightbringer
Show Content
Mace - 3 gp
Shield - 5 gp
Chainmail - 5 gp
Cloak - 1 gp
Incense of Meditation x2 - 4 gp
Potion of Wellness x2 - 2 gp
Biography: Vahrlan isn't into the whole "necromancy" thing so much as he's into the whole "power of the gods" thing. He's the leader and only frequently-practicing follower of Solism, a fake religion that he's mostly just making up as he goes along in hopes that he can sucker a few fanatics out of their money. It isn't really working out.
Posts: 416
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02-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Name: Akurac
Race: Marsh Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Gravechiller
Show Content
SpoilerQuarterstaff (4 GP)
Cloak (1 GP)
Gauntlets (3 GP)
Leather Armour (3 GP)
Potion of Regeneration (1 GP)
Scroll of Earthwall (3 GP)
Potion of Health (2 GP)
Scroll of Identify (1 GP)
Potion of Mana (2 GP)
Total Cost: 20 GP
Akurac was always a dreamer and a wanderer. Her childhood days were spent under the open sky, exploring the broken and collapsed ruins of buildings claimed by the marsh. Most dwellings built by the marsh elves were successful in staying upright on the fickle land of the swamp, but there would always be those that failed. When it happened the owners would always flee and move miles away, as if the ghost of the house might seek vengeance. No marsh elf family would live too close to another, but the spaces surrounding these ruined homes were always the emptiest.
Perhaps it was because the owners didn't always get out alive.
Day and night she would slip away and lose hours in the derelict structures, surveying her empire. Sometimes she would feel something swirl around her, something deeper and darker and colder than night, and sometimes she would feel the gazes of those who no longer breathed, but she was never scared. This was her domain.
In time, even when she walked under sunny skies and far from the houses of the dead, noting the presence of that deep dark coldness became second nature. It seemed quite natural to her that there was a potent power in this chilling void, and from there it was only a small leap for her to be able to tap into it. It was quite comforting for her to be able to form some tangible effect from what had previously perhaps only been a part of her daydreaming.
As she grew older she was no longer satisfied by the small scale explorations and expeditions within the marshes. She left for longer and travelled further, testing the boundaries of her world, until one day she simply ceased to return to her home. She explored the world, led by curiosity and unfettered by commitments, and sooner or later she found herself amongst fellow necromancers, even though it wasn't a name she had ever thought to give to herself before. Even so, she was far too passive and far too interested by them to leave. She was, as she had been for the majority of her life, perfectly content.
(Easily pleased, solitary but always smiling. (It can be a little unnerving, or perhaps just irritating.) Most of her time is spent with her imagination running wild, but she's quite good at keeping enough awareness about her to not die. Akurac is quite gullible. However, being so solitary for most of her life makes it difficult for her to connect with people and she's often quite cold without intending or even caring when it's pointed out.)
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02-12-2012, 02:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2012, 05:13 AM by Gnauga.)
Wanted to say that the term "corpse-botherer" appeals to me greatly.
Name: Benpa
Race: Gelkin
Gender: Asexual
Class: Animancer
Show Content
Spoiler- Ring of Power x 1 (10gp)
- Cloak x 1 (1gp)
- Robe x 1 (1gp)
- Hat x 1 (1gp)
- Buckler x 1 (2gp)
- Dagger x 1 (2gp)
And 3gp on hand.
Biography: A natural outcast from most thought-clusters across the land, Benpa found it unnatural and frustrating that it should be unable to access thoughts and ideas that the elder pieces found free access to. Although sometimes permitted to co-exist physically beside elder pieces, it was never granted the same permission to co-exist mentally. Sound conversations ceased, piece-related cues was fouled with unnatural self-consciousness, mailboxes were locked tight from his seeking eyes.
Even amongst fellow Gelkin, the limitations of its physical piece irritated it. The tedious process of resolving reflected light and cross-referencing vocabulary and previously read texts into ultimately a paltry sum of arbitrary thoughts left much to be desired. The ritual of converting infinite overlapping atmospheric vibrations into a handful of ideas was tiresome. It branched out into more senses and more knowledge, seeking to further expand and accelerate the thoughts it could access. Accessing the thoughts of minds that lack cumbersome pieces was a logical option.
It finds it easier to hear thoughts when the speakers are unaware or unattentive of its presence. It tends to be reserved and quiet when in public, covering itself with whatever clothing fits, but generally sees no reason for being private for privacy's sake and will speak freely and openly in a conversation.
Posts: 970
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Pronouns: he/she/they
Location: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
02-12-2012, 06:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2012, 01:30 PM by Not The Author.)
Name: Vassilis Fane
Race: Dark Dwarf
Gender: Male
Class: Reanimator
Show Content
SpoilerHat [$1]
Cloak [$1]
Robe [$1]
Gloves [$1]
Boots [$2]
Quarterstaff [$4]
Scroll of Identify [$1]
Scroll of Identify [$1]
Potion of Wellness [$1]
Potion of Wellness [$1]
Potion of Regeneration [$1]
Potion of Regeneration [$1]
Potion of Mana [$2]
$2 spare
6 Armor | -1 Evasion
Mr. Fane, if asked, will say that he is a junior officer in charge of managing a rather large, ongoing mining operation. If pressed about his choice of magical expertise, he'll say that, due to a series of unfortunate setbacks, they're currently experiencing a bit of a labor shortage. Mr. Fane has been assigned to find an alternative source of workers, and believes Necrosurgy to be the best option. He's trying to get some field experience, get a feel for the magic before reporting the results to his superiors. He's not received much support for the proposition, but to all appearances he's not been outright rejected, either.
Mr. Fane is a stern dwarf who looks out for himself below others. He's gruff, stubborn, and reserved, and tends to get along better with the dead than the living.
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Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
02-16-2012, 03:01 AM
Alright, so!
I didn't expect to get this much interest; I honestly thought that the wall of intro and great wall of mechanics would chase more than a few people off, and I wouldn't have to pick anyone over anyone else. When I got a couple more than I planned for, I just figured I'd run a bigger game and ramp the difficulty up a bit; when I got several more, I figured I'd just have to cut a person or two; now I'd pretty much have to halve the entrants, and too many of you have too-interesting characters to do that.
So what I'm going to do in the interest of fairness is roll a d%; everyone who wants to play, PM me a number between 1 and 100, inclusive. The people who come closest to the number will be the starting party; others will be added (as soon as narratively convenient) as the original players die off. In the event that people send in the same number and it's relevant (two people are tied for the last slot, for instance, or reserve characters are tied), I'll flip coins.
I'd like to start the game tomorrow night or Friday, so hurry hurry hurry!
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02-16-2012, 05:25 AM
Name: Qiklik Hodhedkin
Race: Kobold
Gender: Female
Class: Brain-picker
Show Content
SpoilerDagger (2 GP)
Gauntlets (3 GP)
Helmet (3 GP)
Leather Armor (3 GP)
Sling (1 GP)
Slingstone x60 (3 GP)
Sling Bullet x30 (3 GP)
Scroll of Identify x2 (2 GP)
Total: 20 GP
Armor: 8 +2(Scales)
Evasion penalty: 1
Biography: What Qiklik really most desires is knowledge. It's a rather insatiable thirst that drives her to do a lot of reckless and stupid things. Like try to subtly figure out forbidden spells. Like teleportation. To see what all the horror stories are about. If these interdimensional demons (or whatever?) can be contained and tamed. For science. Sure, she's read history books about this stuff and the ripping of the fabric of the universe and crap, but wouldn't it be cool to see it for real? For science?
She really hasn't made much progress on that, though. Partly because she's still figuring out what the necromantic community's all about and seeing what's kosher or not, partly because she's somewhat of a kleptomaniac. Or, at least, she uses it as an excuse. In any case, not many people like trusting her too much. And how she tends to ask too many questions? Highly suspicious. Where'd she even come from? She just seemed to have always been there, roaming between streets, hiding in alleyways. And have you seen how friendly she acts? Highly suspicious.
She really only thought that brainpicking would be helpful for her pursuit of knowledge and got into necromancy only for that. But really, she likes learning things first-hand. Hands on kinda gal, y'know? ...It's a wonder she hasn't killed herself yet.
Show Content
SpoilerStrength 8
Toughness 8
Dexterity 10
Intelligence 10
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SpoilerI have no idea how these games even work oh well HANDS ON EXPERIENCE.
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02-17-2012, 12:23 AM
Well, everyone's gotten their numbers in. New players are still welcome to queue up later, but they'll go at the end of the list. Without further ado, the Official Roster™ for the game set to start tomorrow afternoon isss...
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SpoilerFrom most distant to least:
Fifth Alternate: Schazer (28)
Fourth Alternate: Gnauga (40)
Third Alternate: Not The Author (47)
Second Alternate: Whoosh (50, Heads)
Alternate: Godbot (50, Tails)
Akumu (51)
AgentBlue (54)
thriggle (56)
fakeimpostor (59)
Anomaly (63)
MalkyTop (72)
Me! (91)
Congratulations to all the players, and to the alternates... Well, cross your fingers for dangerous monsters and angry peasants and bad decisions. You should be playing before too long.
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02-17-2012, 01:37 AM
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Ah well, Zuine can just take over the cabal as soon as she rolls into town~
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02-19-2012, 05:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2012, 05:31 AM by SleepingOrange.)
Beginnings are funny things. There's no real way to ever go all the way back to the absolute start of the chains of events that eventually form a narrative without simply starting with the universe, but no-one would have the time or patience to listen to such a wandering tale. So where do you start? What's salient, and what's not? It's different for every story, of course, but if you asked most anyone who knew this one, they'd start on a cool evening in late spring in the little town of Ordburg.
You know the town well, of course. Most of you have lived there for years, and even those of you who are newer would have had a hard time not becoming accustomed to the tiny hamlet fairly quickly. There simply wasn't much to confuse, and not much to take note of. It was quiet and reliable, and the perfect place for people of your predilections to practice their arts without too much scrutiny.
But there are always those who will seek out what they fear. Or perhaps one of you was careless. Maybe simple chance conspired to reveal your cabal. It would be hard to know; there certainly wasn't much time to talk once things began.
That night began as most others did; several times a week, the members of your group would try to meet together in the house you'd chosen for its location and carefully cloaked with subtle illusions. It was as much a social event as it was an experimental one, and most of you liked being able to freely talk as much or more than you did being able to ply your spells. There was little worry about discovery. Why should there be?
Maybe there should have been. When the sound of angry voices and dozens of feet approached, most of you perfunctorily grabbed a weapon and threw on your armor as usual; you expected it to be a werewolf hunt or chasing a thief out of town. You expected it to be another of the hundred times a potential threat had arrived and proved to be completely unrelated to you. But when the mob outside stopped by your house, panic rose in your throats and you pulled your protection closer around you.
Several harsh words rose above the noise of the crowd, and with them a screeching, grinding cacophony. A wall collapsed, and with it, the illusions that hid your corpses and masked the scent and made your arcane decanters seem mundane. Dozens of eyes looked in at your stunned faces, some furious, some seeming betrayed, others terrified.
A forest elf in the front of the group, slotting a nullsteel bolt into his crossbow, sneered.
"I told you! I told you they were devils!"
Charles Wokansin, a locally-notable playwright and vehement decrier of magic in all its forms, appeared to be the one heading the mob. He leveled his crossbow at poor Deta, who happened to be the closest, and shouted at the crowd to burn the warlocks.
Apparently the only thing keeping the mob from leaping at once was the presence of Father Solmson.
"Please," the priest said. "Come quietly, and renounce your wicked ways. The Seven can forgive even the most grievous of sins if the repentance is sincere."
The future split into a dozen paths before the six of you, and the potential filled your minds. Would you stand and fight? Could you perhaps stand against the mob, even outnumbered two to one? Their only real mage was Ari Goldsmith, a second-rate geurgist who was already winded from taking down your walls, and most of the peasants were armed with nothing more than pitchforks. Would you flee, trying to find your way in the world somewhere else? Give in to the crowd and trade your skills for your life?
![[Image: IN1.png]](
Turn Order: (PC turns always precede NPC turns, but NPCs choose their own order within the NPC phase. PC order is randomized each encounter.)
During your turn, you may move one square or make a single action. Actions include casting spells, making an attack in melee or at range, switching to another weapon in your possession, picking up an item on the ground, and opening doors or otherwise interacting with the environment. Movement and attacks can be made along the four cardinal directions as well as at diagonals; obstacles like rubble or other characters (NPC or PC) don't block vision, but cannot be stood on or passed through.
Remember that you can't fire through characters, but can fire through obstacles that block movement but not sight. Long-range attacks must be made along straight lines, but are not restricted to 45- and 90-degrees. If you're not sure about the validity of a shot, just ask and I'll show you the lines I draw to determine whether an obstacle is in the way.
EDIT: Oh, and it occurred to me to mention this for those who don't play RPGs and the like often... The mantra every tabletop gamer knows is "Talking is a free action"; feel free to role-play even if it's not your turn, and discuss strategy to a point. If things get too out of hand with that last bit, I'll hurry things along, but I expect I can count on everyone to be reasonable.
Posts: 134
Joined: Dec 2011
02-19-2012, 05:38 AM
OH dear oh dear, whatever are we to do? Do the rest of you feel up to a fight? I must admit I feel rather put upon on the moment!
I suppose a plan is in order... preferably one that involves the majority of our group surviving. Though that is negotiable!
Posts: 747
Joined: Jul 2011
Pronouns: she/they
Location: a deeper level of texan hell
02-19-2012, 05:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2012, 05:59 AM by Anomaly.)
"Bah. It's only the villagers. Damned if they could actually stop us from escaping. Just need to take out the guy with the crossbow, the rest'll scatter. I don't mean we have to kill him, just send him running for his life."
Somerled moves southeast.
Posts: 2,016
Joined: Jul 2011
Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
02-19-2012, 05:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2012, 06:01 AM by SleepingOrange.)
![[Image: IN2-1.png]](
Turn Order:
Pretend-Edit: Hurf Durf this is something I needed to include:
Show Content
SpoilerForest Elf Hellcaller 1
6 Str
6 Tgh
13 Dex
11 Int
5 HP
13 MP
6 Armor
21 Evasion
14 Block
3 Overpower
12 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerLeather Armor (e)
Buckler (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Crossbow (e)
Scroll of Identify
Bolts x6
Deta Cayla
Show Content
SpoilerHuman Haruspex 1
9 Str
9 Tgh
9 Dex
9 Int
6 HP
11 MP
4 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
18 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerCrossbow (e)
Robe (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Potion of Health
Incense of Meditation
Potion of Wellness
2 GP
Sparkles Slimeburg
Show Content
Spoiler Orc Haruspex 1
11 Str
11 Tgh
7 Dex
7 Int
7 HP
9 MP
9 Armor
11 Evasion
0 Block
5 Overpower
22 Resistance
10 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerOrcish Ringmail (e)
Hat (e)
Gloves (e)
Cloak (e)
Boots (e)
Halberd (e)
Short sword
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Wellness
Scroll of Identify
Amanita Vasgnuk
Show Content
SpoilerMycolid Resurrector 1
7 Str
7 Tgh
8 Dex
14 Int
5 HP
16 MP
5 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
3 Overpower
14 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHat (e)
Leather armor (e)
Dagger (e)
15 arrows
2 mana potions
1 health potion
2 GP
Somerled Kilmuir
Show Content
SpoilerMountain Dwarf Reanimator 1
10 Str
9 Tgh
6 Dex
11 Int
6 HP
13 MP
10 Armor
11 Evasion
13 Block
5 Overpower
18 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHand Axe
Potion of Health (2)
Potion of Mana
Potion of Regeneration
Qiklik Hodhedkin
Show Content
SpoilerKobold Brainpicker 1
8 Str
8 Tgh
10 Dex
10 Int
6 HP
12 MP
10 Armor
21 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
16 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerDagger (e)
Gauntlets (e)
Helmet (e)
Leather Armor (e)
Slingstone x60
Sling Bullet x30
Scroll of Identify x2
Posts: 134
Joined: Dec 2011
02-19-2012, 05:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2012, 06:00 AM by fakeimpostor.)
"I suppose you are right, dear! You go show those ruffians how a REAL MAN handles things! I am sure the rest of the team supports you."
Moves towards the back wall, away from any nasty surprises.
moving right right right!
Posts: 2,016
Joined: Jul 2011
Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
02-19-2012, 06:02 AM
![[Image: IN3.png]](
Turn Order:
Show Content
Show Content
SpoilerForest Elf Hellcaller 1
6 Str
6 Tgh
13 Dex
11 Int
5 HP
13 MP
6 Armor
21 Evasion
14 Block
3 Overpower
12 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerLeather Armor (e)
Buckler (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Crossbow (e)
Scroll of Identify
Bolts x6
Deta Cayla
Show Content
SpoilerHuman Haruspex 1
9 Str
9 Tgh
9 Dex
9 Int
6 HP
11 MP
4 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
18 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerCrossbow (e)
Robe (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Potion of Health
Incense of Meditation
Potion of Wellness
2 GP
Sparkles Slimeburg
Show Content
Spoiler Orc Haruspex 1
11 Str
11 Tgh
7 Dex
7 Int
7 HP
9 MP
9 Armor
11 Evasion
0 Block
5 Overpower
22 Resistance
10 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerOrcish Ringmail (e)
Hat (e)
Gloves (e)
Cloak (e)
Boots (e)
Halberd (e)
Short sword
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Wellness
Scroll of Identify
Amanita Vasgnuk
Show Content
SpoilerMycolid Resurrector 1
7 Str
7 Tgh
8 Dex
14 Int
5 HP
16 MP
5 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
3 Overpower
14 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHat (e)
Leather armor (e)
Dagger (e)
15 arrows
2 mana potions
1 health potion
2 GP
Somerled Kilmuir
Show Content
SpoilerMountain Dwarf Reanimator 1
10 Str
9 Tgh
6 Dex
11 Int
6 HP
13 MP
10 Armor
11 Evasion
13 Block
5 Overpower
18 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHand Axe
Potion of Health (2)
Potion of Mana
Potion of Regeneration
Qiklik Hodhedkin
Show Content
SpoilerKobold Brainpicker 1
8 Str
8 Tgh
10 Dex
10 Int
6 HP
12 MP
10 Armor
21 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
16 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerDagger (e)
Gauntlets (e)
Helmet (e)
Leather Armor (e)
Slingstone x60
Sling Bullet x30
Scroll of Identify x2
I thought it would be funny.
Posts: 1,779
Joined: Dec 2011
02-19-2012, 06:15 AM
Sparkles hefts her halberd with a grunt.
"That... was my favorite wall. You want to talk? Let's talk."
She advances west toward the waiting mob.
Posts: 822
Joined: Jul 2011
02-19-2012, 06:19 AM
"I'm not sure if that crossbow guy's gonna just flee if we attack him. Attacking's also really just gonna turn all fourteen of them against us rather than just get them to run away, I think? Though he is also apparently the leader! But you know, there's also the priest there I guess! It'll be okay if we can keep ahead of all of them, though. But yeah, if we're gonna run instead of kill 'em all, it'll be good to take out Mr. Crossbow first somehow! We'd just have to do it quickly before any of them comes too close. But there's also a mage! (Something to do with rocks?)"
Posts: 2,016
Joined: Jul 2011
Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
02-19-2012, 06:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2012, 12:45 PM by SleepingOrange.)
![[Image: IN4.png]](
Turn Order:
Show Content
Show Content
SpoilerForest Elf Hellcaller 1
6 Str
6 Tgh
13 Dex
11 Int
5 HP
13 MP
6 Armor
21 Evasion
14 Block
3 Overpower
12 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerLeather Armor (e)
Buckler (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Crossbow (e)
Scroll of Identify
Bolts x6
Deta Cayla
Show Content
SpoilerHuman Haruspex 1
9 Str
9 Tgh
9 Dex
9 Int
6 HP
11 MP
4 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
18 Resistance
12 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerCrossbow (e)
Robe (e)
Cloak (e)
Gloves (e)
Potion of Health
Incense of Meditation
Potion of Wellness
2 GP
Sparkles Slimeburg
Show Content
Spoiler Orc Haruspex 1
11 Str
11 Tgh
7 Dex
7 Int
7 HP
9 MP
9 Armor
11 Evasion
0 Block
5 Overpower
22 Resistance
10 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerOrcish Ringmail (e)
Hat (e)
Gloves (e)
Cloak (e)
Boots (e)
Halberd (e)
Short sword
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Wellness
Scroll of Identify
Amanita Vasgnuk
Show Content
SpoilerMycolid Resurrector 1
7 Str
7 Tgh
8 Dex
14 Int
5 HP
16 MP
5 Armor
19 Evasion
0 Block
3 Overpower
14 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHat (e)
Leather armor (e)
Dagger (e)
15 arrows
2 mana potions
1 health potion
2 GP
Somerled Kilmuir
Show Content
SpoilerMountain Dwarf Reanimator 1
10 Str
9 Tgh
6 Dex
11 Int
6 HP
13 MP
10 Armor
11 Evasion
13 Block
5 Overpower
18 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerHand Axe
Potion of Health (2)
Potion of Mana
Potion of Regeneration
Qiklik Hodhedkin
Show Content
SpoilerKobold Brainpicker 1
8 Str
8 Tgh
10 Dex
10 Int
6 HP
12 MP
10 Armor
21 Evasion
0 Block
4 Overpower
16 Resistance
13 Magic Resistance
Show Content
SpoilerDagger (e)
Gauntlets (e)
Helmet (e)
Leather Armor (e)
Slingstone x60
Sling Bullet x30
Scroll of Identify x2