Welcome to MyBB!

Welcome to MyBB!
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
Turns out! We don't have a button in the editor for spoiler tags!
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RE: Welcome to MyBB!
I thought that was a known issue. Man, if I'd known I could have been complaining about that, I would have been!

Friggin spoilers need buttons yo.
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
Is that a known issue? Well consider my post a post-it with URGENT!! on it or something slapped haphazardly on the file.
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RE: Welcome to MyBB!
Sometimes, when I'm bored
[Image: eagletime_whoisonline.png]
I just keep refreshing
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
It appears a guest was creeping on all our piccies ._.
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
How do "GUESTS" work?

Earlier there were like 30 guests all creeping on the same mini-grand. What was that about?

Have spambots taken an interest in our competitive literature?
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
Guests are just any visitor who isn't logged in. I dunno if something got linked somewhere, but for reference Pines once showed me how many spam accounts were attempting to sign up for our forums (their IP addresses or email addresses now get cock-blocked against a huge list.) Since we implemented it, it's been hundreds of attempted registrations blocked. Thousands. Dozens a day.

As for why they suddenly got a Mini-Grand obsession, beats me.
RE: Welcome to MyBB!
I think Meet 'n' Fuck Kingdom is having a bad influence on the forumbots' standards
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RE: Welcome to MyBB!
Duckreport better tasting!

Drudgerepond less filling!

But yes please save my fingers from manually wrapping my saucy spoilers in tags.