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Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-22-2011, 09:00 AM
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SpoilerSo this is a role-play/chat thread where you are yourself, but only yourself as you were in the fifth grade. All our fifth-grade selves can hang out together and are probably friends! If you are currently in the fifth grade -this will probably be very easy for you.
Oh man guys I saw this HUGE rattlesnake today and it ATE A MOUSE. Then we all had STEAK for dinner and I really think I can eat the 72 ounce steak this place has but maybe I can't because you have to eat all the sides too and I DO NOT like coleslaw or baked potatoes.
Oh if you eat it all you get it for free, also a t-shirt!
Oh hey if anyone missed the episode of Yu-gi-ho do not worry! I recorded it AND made sure I skipped all of the commercials. It was hard too. I had to stop the VCR whenever the commercials started but also start it just before they ended because it takes a while to start up again.
I'm pretty proud of the result though!
How have you guys been?
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SpoilerSpoilers are for regular talking, and maybe this will not be that different from a regular chat thread?
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 06:42 AM
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SpoilerI actually really like this as an exercise. You have to think about "where was I living/what was I doing/what was important to me" back at that age. You have to consider how you were different than now (so its not just a normal chat), but you also have to think about "if I was that age and writing now what would I write about?" Of course I'm probably blending some of those years and events together, my memory isn't perfect and I'm having to look 12-15 years. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a "btp talks to himself thread" I already have one of those.
Hey guys guess what! My parents bought the internet today!
I am so excited. Lots of my friends at school already have it. Now I can go to websites that they talk about! The noise it makes is kind of annoying though, but it is still SO COOL. I even have my own email account!
My sisters have watched that movie so many times that I've heard that sound and now I can hear it whenever I log on!
How long have you guys had the internet???
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SpoilerI was probably not nearly this excited about things as a child but WHATEVER
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 06:45 AM
everybody hates me, but they all suck. i still yearn for their acceptance or really just anybody who understands me.
time for wACKY HUMOR
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 06:51 AM
That's terrible! But I guess you can talk it out here!
Hey what shows do you watch? Spiderman is the reason I wake up on Saturdays, well that and Power Rangers, but I'm not too crazy about their ninja costumes.
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 06:58 AM
guys guys imagine if imagine if
a ninja like
got attacked by bad guys
but then he cut them in half
guys guys imagine imagine
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SpoilerI was/am an annoying child
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 09:05 AM
Wait, why am I still here? I'm pretty sure I graduated fifth grade ages ago. Surely there's some mistake! Here, look, my ID says I'm...a...fifth grader...shit, what the hell's going on here?
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 09:33 AM
Pyp said a baaaad word
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 10:15 AM
PyP's stop swearing! it is NOT COOL. I don't care what those middle-schoolers say.
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 10:24 AM
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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Spoilerthen again me being small, me swearing like a sailor and me hating school because it's too mainstream or whatever haven't stopped until this year, all at the same time.
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 10:32 AM
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SpoilerI said next to nothing through fifth grade.
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 02:22 PM
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 07:23 PM
No, it wasn't a bad word, honest! It's uh...well, okay, maybe that was a bad word. But look, kids, you gotta help me out here! Did you maybe see me stumbling in here with...I dunno, a bottle or something in my hand? Maybe I barfed in the trash can or something and passed out?
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 08:46 PM
everyone SHUT UP
i am TRYING to do the INTERNET
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Re: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-23-2011, 10:50 PM
guys i really hate my gifted math teacher or whatever. her name is MRS. SCHAFER but i caller her MRS. CHAFER because she is so horrible.
so like in our school at fifth grade they like have us start changing classes and teachers and things and i'm not super organized so like sometimes i leave things lying around without realizing it, like empty water battles.
whenever i do this mrs. chafer makes me WALK during recess which is basically where you have to walk around in a circle for like ten minutes at the start of recess following these lines and things and maybe walking around in circles can be interesting it is not DURING RECESS.
PLUS, she hates us kramer kids, apparently. She teaches at like two elementary schools- kramer and marshall. and she always talks about how great the marshall kids are and gets down at us for not being as great and is all "RAWER" at us and it's horrible. she is the worst.
i don't understand why she teaches gifted kids either. once, when all of us didn't do well on a project or whatever she lectured us and was all "JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE 'GIFTED' MEANS YOU EXPECT ALL A'S. YOU THINK YOU DESERVE THEM. WELL, YOU DON'T."
i don't remember the exact words but it was along those lines
it was bad enough for me to tell my mom, and she complained to the school
she's not gonna be teaching at kramer after this year now
i'm pretty happy about that.
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SpoilerI wouldn't actually be able to type paragraphs so long in fifth grade because I had yet to learn how to touch type. Nor is it exactly how I would have talked back then. It's more of a direct translation of my thoughts back then into text
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RE: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
12-25-2011, 04:43 PM
Yay internet! Check it out guys, I found this cool sight at covered in dancing santas!! You guys should totally check it out!
This 12 second clip's gonna take about half an hour to load so I'm gonna go train for my Math 24 tournament while I wait.
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RE: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
01-07-2012, 01:08 AM
hy how r u guys???
i thought tht santa page was rely funy :P nd my bor
*bro new the guy hu made tht!!!
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Spoiler I hate how I was back in the day.
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RE: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
01-07-2012, 01:12 AM
My best friend suddenly decided he hated me today. I'm just going to go... cry now.
*spends the next week talking to nobody and playing games on an snes emulator*
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RE: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
01-07-2012, 01:41 AM
...(don't hurt me)
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RE: Lets all be our 5th grade selves!
01-07-2012, 07:30 AM
hey ev'rybo'y
hi 'ow are you
im awesome so anyways i was like playing this awesome game its super mario sunshine im sure you know about it anyways it is so cool cause i was like PCHOOOOOOOO with the rocket (you know the rocket you can only get after getting like 35 stars (sun stars i mean) then running after that water mario i was all like WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because we were running fast but then i used the turbo (you know it was that thing that lets you go AAAAAAAAAa on the water but your legs on land are like FWIPFWIPFWIPFWIP bbecause youre going so fast) and then you jump (thats a secret i just found out all by myself btw is that you jump then boost because you go higher that time) and then you DO A GROUND POUND! BOOOOOOOOM BWAAAAAAH YEEEEEEEAAAAH) and all but then i went WAAAAAAAAAAAAA all the way down and then the bad guy turtle dragon whatever he was like NOOOOOOOO and i was like YEEEEEEEAAAAAAH (but i actually really think hes cool i mean hes a dragon omg dragons are like the best animals ever (shut up i know theyre not real but they are in my head (i have lots of imagination btw) and thats all i need) anyways hes not so bad after all because he was like really nice to his son oh and also he can breathe fire like FWA FWAAAAAAAAAH KRKRKRKRKRKRK BOOOOOOOOOOOOM how cool is that) and then i beat the game it was so cool like seriously but now im bored what do i play now huh