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Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 06:25 AM
Currently beside me is a mug (with a sun on it) and within it is a mug's worth of Coca-Cola. Sort of. It's mixed, at four parts Coke to one part Apple and Aloe Vera juice, with apple juice that has aloe vera bits floating in it. Result is nom!
But in any case! What are your beverages of choice? What do you drink when at home? When working? When lazing about? When huddled under blankets on the couch with a book and and a mug of _____? What do you drink at buffets when they have those neat self-serve machines that let you have free refills (I mix everything :P)?
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 06:29 AM
There are at least 10 empty coke cans in my room right now. I have a terrible habit. D:
I also drink a lot of coffee. Trying to get into the habit of drinking water most of the time, though.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 06:37 AM
Soda and milk are the most had by me, though not at the same time of course. Juice is about tied with milk.
It's particularly dry out this time of year and I've been feeling unusually dehydrated the past few days. I really need to drink more plain ol' water than I do, but I don't like the taste, or lack thereof.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 09:03 AM
Doctor Pepper forever. When I first tasted it it was disgusting but now I can't stop drinking the stuff. The Doctor Pepper addiction is all consuming! All will eventually be infected! Flee! Flee while you still can!
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 12:58 PM
I have always been unable to drink soda of any kind, and have recently found the same to be true of booze, as both carbonation and alcohol burn my mouth.
I feel so aloooooooooooone
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 05:53 PM
I drink far too much soda of various kinds but tend to just buy whatever Sainsburys has on sale that week, I have no particular brand loyalty
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 06:55 PM
oh man you guys know what is actually the bestest beverage
hot cocoa
love it so much
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-03-2011, 07:57 PM
Very topical question! Just today I consumed a beverage!
My bf has been raving about his latest mix: heated milk, nutella, and godiva chocolate liqueur.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 02:16 AM
In my room here, there are currently... 79 empty cans of mostly Coke but a few of ginger ale. (That's mostly because I last emptied my recycling container in mid-September, though.)
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 02:46 AM
I try to go mostly water. Some soda happens.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 03:23 AM
I drink quite a lot of water. But I've been drinking more teas the last couple of years, too (Unsweetened. I don't like sweet tea, for some reason.). But I like sodas too. And caffeinated beverages. I try not to overdo on those too much, though.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 03:44 AM
I drink uh, apple juice in the mornings usually, then sometimes water but mostly milk? Milk is my weakness it is too delicious.
Also lots of Coke whenever I've got too much schoolwork and I'm staying up late.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 04:55 AM
Milk is pretty much as close to food in liquid form you can get.
Like, even liquid-foodier than a burger put through a blender.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 07:10 AM
I drank part of a bottle of Dr. B (off brand Dr. Pepper. Still good.)
Then I filled it back up with tequila.
I am having some mostly orange juice right now.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 07:45 AM
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 06:26 PM
Schazer Wrote:Milk is pretty much as close to food in liquid form you can get.
Like, even liquid-foodier than a burger put through a blender. Beer is liquid bread. It's true. The Brewers Association said it.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 07:05 PM
I'm pretty partial to juice. Generally smoothies, but normal juices are fine too.
But not orange juice. I hate that stuff.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-04-2011, 11:52 PM
it's a threeway between tea and softdrinks and boooooooooze
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-05-2011, 12:01 PM
I...think I miiiight have a problem with soft drinks actually...because I drink them waaay too much
But it's not the sugaryness that gets me (but it's a nice bonus!) But what I'm really addicted to is bubbles. CO2 and its relevant happiness is like dancing on my tongue :3 I'll drink practically anything bubbly that isn't disgusting (I glare at youuu, red creaming soda that tastes like medicine) for the bubbles. Even tonic water, which actually tastes lemony and is nice.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-05-2011, 04:35 PM
EDIT: now it's a threesome between tea, soda, and booze.
don't ask
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Spoilerno seriously
oh alright 
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-06-2011, 06:25 AM
I am mostly a water drinker. I'm so boring. ;-;
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-09-2011, 10:26 AM
Hm. Coffee, and then there's me and trying to make decent spritzers out of pretty much any kind of juice.
Mmm, cranberry lime spritzer.
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-09-2011, 05:16 PM
mmmmm Caffiene.
It's prolllly not a good sign that my coke bottle is empty when I bought it this afternooon
all 2.5 liters of iiit
and now I can't sleeeeeeeep
imma try again :3
wish me luck~
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-09-2011, 10:24 PM
Don't mind the above ^, I was just messing around with some forum persimmons.
Also I've had fixin's recently for iced coffee?
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Re: Soda! (And other beverages too)
12-12-2011, 02:44 PM
On the Carbonation of Coca-Cola
When a fresh batch, bottle or can, of Coke is opened and poured into a dry, unused receptacle, the 'head', or mean bubble height, is roughly 50% of total poured volume (TPV) regardless of receptacle shape, dissipating at the same rate of pour considering that pour rate remains constant. Upon resealing and second pour, head height is then reduced to 25% of TPV, 10% in a wet container. Successive pours reduce carbonation level to the point where head disperses upon pouring, eventually resulting at 0% or unmeasurable head height at approximately seventh or eighth pour, the limit on household consumption in the case of a 2.3 liter bottle.
An ordinary mug should contain approximately 300 ml of liquid at full volume. This results in seven and 2/3 servings to empty a 2.3 liter bottle (unless I've royally screwed up my units...again :3). This shows that the maximum seen single-receptacle distribution of Coca-Cola is in fact not an accident but rather a carefully crafted design element to maximize BUBBLES