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01-31-2013, 07:31 AM
Robert rushes the guy, and tries to disarm him! And tries not to have him land on the bar, because if all the drinks got broken that would be so. tragic.
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01-31-2013, 12:38 PM
AH! HARV! BANANA DEFENSE BANANA DEFENSE! Also maybe he'll find some sort of flotation device while fumbling around in his carry-on luggage.
(tertiary roll for looking so pathetic that the guy refrains from slashing him open)
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01-31-2013, 03:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2013, 03:55 PM by Gnauga.)
Max attempts to create a tripline to stop the drinks cart, using his seatbelt by clicking it into nearby seats. Max then man-dives out of the way.
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01-31-2013, 06:21 PM
Robert(3,2,6): High die, you disarm the gunman. Low die, all the drinks get broken. Low die, you get shot in the arm.
Harvard(2,2,5,6): High die, you block the knife with a banana. High die, you look pathetic enough that he stops being angry. Low die, you elbow the woman in the side of the head and she freaks out again. (Finding a floatation device will have to be another action.)
Max(6,4,4): High die, you stop the cart. Low die, the seatbelt breaks and is unusable. Low die, your man-dive makes you land awkwardly right in someone's lap. Maybe that smelly, unshaven guy over there whose tshirt doesn't quite cover his belly. Also, 4s are only mostly-successes.
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01-31-2013, 08:39 PM
Harv fumbles around in his case, but not quickly enough! (2)
With that knife wound added to his already unimpressive demeanor, Harv sure does look pathetic! (6)
Also he managed to avoid freaking out his gal! (5)
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02-01-2013, 04:03 AM
4 - Cart is mostly stopped
6 - The seatbelt is in pristine condition
4 - Mr. Manson's sense of dignity, somewhat less so
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02-01-2013, 04:59 AM
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02-01-2013, 08:36 PM
Die roll: +2
Air {...........O....} Ocean
PLANE STATUS: Still plummeting.
CREW STATUS: Somebody needs to take charge!
Robert: Robert tackles the gunman, but not before a bullet grazes his arm! As the two go over the bar, the gun goes flying, as well as drink bottles. Robert lands on top of the gunman in a puddle of alcohol and broken glass, but the gunman is still fighting, trying to force Robert off of him, and Robert's arm hurts too much to be good for anything.
Harvard: Harvard fishes around for his toughest, most resilient banana, but as he pulls it out, the dude's knife goes into his shoulder. Yeouch! He looks so forlorn, clutching his shoulder in agony like that, that the dude takes pity. "Look," he says, "I'm sorry you got involved in this, whoever you are. You should stay here, it'll be best for you in the long run." He handcuffs Harvard to the woman (who is too indignant to be freaked out), shakes his earbuds out of his ears, and dashes away down the airplane towards business class, leaving his iPod behind.
Max: The cart slams into the seatbelt. It holds perfectly, though the drinks come tumbling out and land on the floor. Max dodges the flying drinks and stubs his shin on the seat of the guy whose belly doesn't fit in his tshirt. Suddenly, thick white smoke starts pouring out from under the cart! The shouts and screams from the panicking passengers rise in intensity.
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02-01-2013, 09:15 PM
YEOUCH! oh geeze that hurts. Harvard hasn't hurt this bad since his last kidney stone. And this moment of weakness, he finds his arm bound to what just may be the most enchanting, plumpy wristed, hand that he's ever seen. As the screams of the passengers and the billowing white smoke fill the air around them, Harvard and Ms. Crossword Flower-print lock eyes in unabated (roll for love!).
Harv collects the ipod and places it and the banana back in his pack. He then attempts to locate a flotation device. (perhaps one that would serve multiple people?)
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02-01-2013, 09:32 PM
Max Manson affirms that he must exhibit his manly leadership.
He recovers his example seatbelt while confidently directing all passengers to move themselves toward the upward end of the plane, in hopes of leveling out the aircraft so the landing is less violent. Or if there isn't enough time, hoping the nose end of the plane will absorb some of the impact.
He then holds his breath and man-kicks over the cart to see what's underneath.
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02-02-2013, 01:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2013, 01:37 AM by AgentBlue.)
Stake for actually ending the fight.
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02-03-2013, 11:51 PM
Robert (2, 4, 1): High die, you kill this guy with the glass. (I assume that was your intent? Stating intent is important!) Low die, you horrify the other passengers. Low die, the alcohol fumes make you woozy.
Harvard (4, 1, 5): High die, she falls in love with you. Low die, you waste a bunch of time staring dreamily into her eyes instead of retrieving the floating seat cushion you're sitting on. Low die, her husband shows up to check on her. (Assigning a low die here also of course implies she has a husband, whereas if it gets a high die, maybe she doesn't.)
Max (6, 5, 3): High die, the passengers listen to you instead of flailing and shouting and clambering over each other and otherwise making things worse in their blind panic. Low die, kicking over the cart makes the gas canister explode. Low die, you and the passengers nearby all get a big lungful of gas and start hallucinating.
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02-04-2013, 12:29 AM
6 - The passengers quickly make their way out and up
3 - the gas canister kinda explodes a bit but
5 - most of the crazy gas is destroyed in the blast
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02-04-2013, 02:02 AM
4 - Robert stops short of actual murder. The gunman doesn't seem inclined to do anything other then bleed though.
1 - Everyone is now staring at him with ._. face.
2 - How the hell is alcohol making him woozy he drinks more than this every day
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02-04-2013, 04:47 AM
This goes to show that even in the most fretful scenarios, love can blossom anew! (5)
Much to the detriment of noticing anything else! (1)
Unbeknownst to Harv, however, she's married, but in the middle of a drawn out divorce. (her husband works overseas, hence her trip to japan) (4)
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02-04-2013, 06:56 AM
Robert: The gunman's lying on the carpet, unconscious and bleeding through a dozen glass-inflicted stab wounds. All of the passengers in the compartment are staring at Robert, shocked and horrified by the violence. (Some gratitude, eh?) Suddenly, an asian guy with piercings comes running purposefully up the stairs, holding a knife. He looks at the broken glass, swears, and dashes over to the bar. The shocked passengers do nothing to stop him. Robert, dizzy from the adrenaline and alcohol fumes, is slowly standing to his feet when the asian guy comes around the corner with the knife - and then there is a sudden loud noise and the cabin is shaken ferociously and-
Harvard: He had brief plans to find floatation devices when suddenly, the flashing emergency lights catch the woman's eyes in just the right way and he falls hopelessly in love with her.
"Oh," she says, as he gazes at her with infatuation. "You're more handsome than I realized." She blushes. They lean together, oblivious to the shouting of the nearby flight attendant and the hallucinogenic gas that is floating around them, and kiss passionately. It is as if time stops - and perhaps it does indeed, for at the moment their lips touch-
Max: The passengers were just waiting for someone to take charge, it seems. They hear his loud, confident tones and begin making their way in an orderly fashion to the rear of the plane, where they assume crash positions (except for those two over there kissing, but whatever, you can't save everyone. At least they'll die happy.) Satisfied that all is in order, he kicks over the drinks cart to see what's emitting all that gas - but perhaps he kicked just a little too hard, or perhaps it was rigged to blow anyway, because the whole thing tears itself apart with a loud noise. Metal shrapnel flies everywhere, and Max is sent hurling backwards - but just as he lands, there is-
Die roll: +6
Air {................}.O Ocean
Robert: The room stops spinning and your head clears. You are alone in the upper deck, still behind the bar. Your arm still hurts, and there is no sign of the other passengers, the asian guy, or the gunman. Everything's at a horrible angle, and the stairs down to the main deck are up a steep slope - but to make matters worse, there's a hatch blocking them, and it's locked. Also, looking out the window, you can see that the plane is sinking into the ocean. (But on the bright side, you finally have your pick out of all the premium class seats!)
Harvard: When the shaking ends, you and your newfound love have been knocked into the aisle, where your fall was cushioned by a convenient pile of spare tiny airplane pillows. You're uninjured, except of course for the horrible knife wound, which is still bleeding. The woman is not so lucky. She's got a nasty head wound and looks to be unconscious. Looks like the rest of the passengers are all scrambling to get onto giant inflatable rafts at the tail end of the craft's emergency exit - it'll be an uphill climb to get there, and you're not sure if it's safe to move the woman, who is still handcuffed to you. (You still don't even know her name!) Also, there's still a cloud of gas hanging in the air between you and there, which, you don't know, maybe it's poisonous or something?
Max: The explosion sent you flying, and then the airplane nosediving into the sea sent you flying even farther - maybe the passengers going to the tail would have leveled things out more if there had been more time, but there wasn't, so you fell down most of the airplane and landed near the captain's cabin. You've also taken some painful shrapnel wounds. Looks like you have the whole airplane to climb before you can get to the unsubmerged exit - if you can make it in time!
But what's this? It looks like the copilot is still down here, strapped to his seat.
From a gunshot wound.
(Third person? First person? Who says I have to pick one, anyway?)
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02-04-2013, 01:35 PM
So the plane nosedived
But the cockpit is not underwater already?
Visualizing this is hard.
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02-04-2013, 06:07 PM
The cockpit is underwater and sinking, but still full of air. The latter will no doubt prove to be a temporary set of circumstances.
Does this make any sense from a physics point of view? Why didn't the nose take more structural damage? I say it's all probably the fault of moon gremlins.
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02-04-2013, 06:38 PM
Alas! Poor Harv has never been much of a strong man, even if he wanted to he probably couldn't carry his frumpy muse. With one arm bleeding and the other chained to Ms. Floralblouseheadwoundstein, Harv cries frantically for help, hoping another passenger will take pity on him.
Between cries, Harv attempts to stave off some of his bleeding by pressing his shoulder against one of the tiny pillows.
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02-05-2013, 01:50 AM
Robert pounds on the hatch, hoping to get an answer. If he doesn't, I guess he tries to climb up to find another way down, a service elevator or something?
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02-05-2013, 06:01 AM
Wounded with little odds of survival. Lesser individuals may give up in such circumstances.
But not Max Manson, for he is a man.
Max quickly scans the cockpit for first aid supplies, then grits himself and begins climbing up the aircraft, using his seatbelt to help him where he can, and keeping an eye out for stragglers.
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02-06-2013, 05:41 AM
Robert (4, 1, 5): High die, someone helpful comes to your aid. Low die, while you're doing this, water starts leaking in. Low die, your bleeding gets worse.
Harvard (4, 1, 1): High die, someone helpful comes to your aid. High die, you staunch your bleeding. Low die, the woman's bleeding gets worse.
Max (1, 3, 1): High die, you make it to the stairs to the upper deck. High die, you find a first aid kit. Low die, your bleeding gets worse.
Wow... the dice hate you guys this go. Particularly Max. Gnauga, remember that a 3 means a sort of not total failure!
I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that your special useful thing in your luggage is assumed to be on your person at all times save for if circumstances explicitly determine otherwise.
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02-06-2013, 12:16 PM
There's a pretty good deal of blood. Harv's shoulder isn't getting any better. (1) Ms. Frumpnstuff is getting worse. (1). But hey, who is that? (asian dude? max? NEW PERSON???) (4)
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02-06-2013, 02:27 PM
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02-07-2013, 02:24 AM
1 - Who designed this aircraft that makes it so hard to climb?
3 - I kinda found some stuff I could maybe use to almost help someone
1 - Oh jesus heck my blood is everywhere but my body