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Schazanoia and Other IRC Games
01-16-2013, 08:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2013, 08:50 AM by AgentBlue.)
Welcome one and all! This here shall henceforth be known as the IRC Games Thread, a one-stop archive/reference point for games played amongst us, the Eagle Time and Grand Battling Crew!
Paranoia - ask schaz
16 January, 2013: Schazanoia
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RE: Schazanoia and Other IRC Games
01-17-2013, 02:24 AM
For a mostly-impromptu session, I think it went reasonably well.
I can say with utter confidence the reason the team fucked up on their mission so badly was that the team failed to have a Loyalty Officer. I was fully misremembering Mandatory Bonus Duties as I recalled them on the spot during briefing, which is probably why that oversight happened.
Oh well, we can have plenty of double-dipping next time.
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RE: Schazanoia and Other IRC Games
03-28-2013, 02:43 PM
Oh yeah, impromptu mafia game happened in #selectyercyanide a couple days back.
Dragon Fogel and myw as town cop and town oneshot doc+vig+roleblock
NTA as the survivor (GLOBAL WARMING)
DrakenForge as scum who could also perform a roleblock
and Guy as the Gigajester, the game-ending Jester
The game broke on D2 with myw, Forge, and Guy alive. Neither of them wanted to lynch Guy because there was some weird shit going on, and I didn't think about how horrendously broken the game was at this point.
Jester wins, everyone else went home. Fogel probably got the best flavour seeing as he was town that broke into people's houses and checked they didn't leave their stove on. Seeing evidence of criminal activity was just an afterthought to that.
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RE: Schazanoia and Other IRC Games
03-28-2013, 04:37 PM
We picked our rolenames for that.
In retrospect, I'm pretty sure the name I picked was influenced by the fact that Slorange had left his own stove on that night.