New Subforum for an MSPAFA?

New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
There is now a thing!

Eagle Time >> Cool Shit You Can Do >> Projects! >> Mediawarks

It exists.

(Also, wheat, the font is Schaz Does Words In Pixels. It's proprietary, we had to lease it from Microsoft for BIG MONEY.)
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
Yeah, the font was made from scratch because literally every technological solution I can propose is a hackjob workaround lmao
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
I have to say one thing: the licensing on FontStruct is prohibitive in the extreme. If I had made this font using it, which I will neither confirm nor deny, I wouldn't have been able to share the font without its respective license or through the website itself. In addition, I wouldn't have been able to use the font for any commercial purposes (which is fair, I suppose), or for that matter any purpose other than "personal purposes" or "work". But of course, "work" is only allowed so far as that work is noncommercial. Basically all I would have been allowed to do with this font is to make my word documents look funny, or to print up things that are guaranteed not to make me any money.

On top of that, the license actually forbids the use of the font as a webfont - so if we were to actually use this hypothetical FontStruct font on the forums, we would be up against the license agreement and would be compelled to destroy the (again, very hypothetical) font and any copies of it.

It sure is a good thing that here is another font I made in a completely unaffiliated way that happens to be what we need and has nothing to do with that license agreement at all!
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
[Image: Eaglefont.png]
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
It is done! Mediawarks should now override people's themes to "Four Tuna"(name changeable on request) when they venture on in.

The buttons at the top of the page (and the New Topic button on the right) still being black-on-white is kind of butts, but the only workaround I can think of is changing the base images so the white is transparent, which then makes them nigh-unreadable against a dark background.

There's an option in the Admin Control Panel to change the Image Directory from whence the theme pulls its graphics, maybe I can get it to yank a different set of (recolored) images for the banner buttons? I'd have to ask Pines about that
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
(Also you've got two images in there of little computer screen-head fellows, where/when are they supposed to pop up? Would you like me to upload those to the site as well?)
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
Not sure if this is the place for mentioning it but does anyone find reading the blue on black font in the Four Tuna stylesheet somewhat uncomfortable? It's not impossible or anything but with larger chunks of text my eyes start getting tired pretty quickly.

That might just be me though?
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
I do not like it, Sam-I-Am
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
I don't see a problem with blue text on black background. Then again, I do have stuff modified so that blue on black is the default color scheme on Youtube, Wikipedia, Google, Tumblr, etc...
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
I think that might help? Part of the problem for me is that Futura is a lot thinner than the usual font n'the color scheme makes it worse.

It might also just be that Futura isn't an incredible font for forums but we can face that bridge if the changing the colors doesn't prove helpful.

(Are you fine with the Futura font as well Kieros?)

Also I'd like more than three people's thoughts on this before saying there's any real mandate for change.

EBWOP: Having glanced on my phonething it feels particularly difficult to digest on smaller resolutions.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
I'd also like to propose that 'unread topic' styling be a little more different, it's hard to tell the difference in the Fortuna style.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
It's tolerable on a larger screen for me but definitely a strain on smaller screens. The "link white" would definitely make for a better main text color imo, or maybe a very pale blue to compromise?

I don't know how to make it so a theme grabs a different set of images for the top bar of buttons, things like post icons, etc. I agree though it's impossible to differentiate unread posts from read posts when the background is darker. if anyone knows their way around myBB then I'd let them tackle the problem, otherwise I can't help beyond pestering Pines about it next time I see him.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?

I figured out how to change that! There's a formatting option in the ACP for how moderators/admins/etc's names display, so I took the <strong> tags off the usergroup Gime is in.

Gime, your color is currently #A00000, if you'd prefer something different it's a piece of cake for me to change that.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
Added it in as for2.0na! The Fortuna subforum proper still has Four Tuna as the default override, so if folks seem happy with this revision I'll replace Four Tuna's code with whatever gets finalised.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
(11-27-2015, 08:50 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Added it in as for2.0na! The Fortuna subforum proper still has Four Tuna as the default override, so if folks seem happy with this revision I'll replace Four Tuna's code with whatever gets finalised.

I will quote myself to at least point out quotes look hideous in this format but I'm not sure if that's something easily changed Wheatside

E: Uh, are replies/post content meant to be a monospace serif font? Because I see futura in things like the "Thank you, this post has been edited. You will now be returned to the thread." notice, and on the site itself, but not in the post content.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
the "Four Tuna" theme has been updated with the pastebin from Post #59 (apologies for the delay!)

If this looks up to snuff for Wheat and others, I can delete the "For2.0na" theme and make "Four Tuna" the overriding theme for Mediawarks.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
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RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?
It might just be me, but I think the new font size looks huge.
RE: New Subforum for an MSPAFA?

Uuuuuh it looks like I added Fortuna, then For2.0na, then overwrote For2.0na? And just now I overwrote Fortuna.