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04-09-2012, 05:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2012, 01:58 AM by Mehgamehn.)
![[Image: stephen-fry-qi.png]](
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD EVENING Good evening goodeveninggoodeveninggoodeveninggoodevening
And welcome to QE! The show that worms its way into even the thickest of bird brains and is guaranteed to never leave you feeling even the slightest bit peckish.
What a wonderful show we have for you tonight, but before we begin, let me introduce you to our fine feathered friends, and they are...
1. The Flightless Kiwi, Schazer
2. The Fire-breathing Chicken, Dragonfogel
3. The Mythical Magpie, Fabricati
4. The Color-confused Cardinal, AgentBlue
5. The Rockin Robin, MrGuy
6. The Mechanical Hawk, Cyber95
7. The Unwilling Penguin, Chwoka
+Any others
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SpoilerSo, having recently gotten on a QI kick and discovering it is just the most wonderful of shows, I thought that this could make for a fun game. QE is just a morphed version of QI; If you don't know how QI is done, I suggest at least reading a summary, although finding episodes on Youtube is much more fun because you get to watch it. But I'll also outline the basic point for you here. QI is about interesting questions, with a panel of (usually) hilarious comedians giving interesting (Re: Hilarious) answers to the questions, and then having Stephen Fry explaining the facts behind them. Points are distributed based on how interesting the answers given are, whether they are spot on or dead wrong. Points are deducted for painfully obvious answers, that are also usually dead wrong. Some of just small deductions, but some of the MOST obvious ones are called Forfeits, which make a buzzer go off and the player who said it loses 10 points. A good example here of that happening
Well for QE, we have a slightly different setup going, mostly to compensate for two facts. A) I'm not Stephen Fry and B) Google is RIGHT THERE. The game will still revolve around interesting questions and giving interesting answers, but clearly the questions themselves must have a more, lets say, local appeal to them. Not every category will be about Eagletime or Eagletimers surely, but some will be.
I must stress that while technically competitive, and I do hope you try to win because winning comes from being interesting, this game is more for fun than anything. The most important thing here is that people reading the thread or participating come away from the thread feeling like they had a good time. And a great thing about this game is that its very non-intensive; Even if you sign-up, you don't necessarily even need to show up if you decide you don't want to. Though if you all run off I'm gonna be super sad.
So, just of the basics recap: Its a game where I ask questions based on a current category, and players give any kind of interesting answer. Points are decided by me, the unbiased host, which will usually come in 1,2,3, or the fabled 4 point varieties, though do beware of the Forfeits, which will LOSE you 10. Oh and also be alert for any bonuses, which will reward you 10.
That's it in a nutshell. 4 is the basic panel but I am welcoming all who want to all who want to come.
And for the theme of our activities this evening, we will be asking and answering all about Adventures. So all aboard our able avian, and let us ascend toward greatness.
If anyone would like to play the part of QE elves, helping come up with questions, such as in this first case a question about an adventure you like, or come up with the obvious answers to try to trap a fellow eagletimer, then by all means get in touch with me on the Eagletime IRC.
This is a great episode of QI if you want to see how it rolls
One last thing I wish to impart. The spirit of this game is about being interesting. Whether your answers are funny, ironic, or in complete earnest, always be interesting.
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04-09-2012, 05:44 AM
I wanna play!
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04-09-2012, 05:46 AM
What the heck, I'm in.
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04-09-2012, 06:06 AM
Also, for those who have seen the show, the format for a forum game and of having to work around google does call for a few changes, most notably the fact that regular questions aren't really gonna be separated into regular and "General Ignorance" rounds.
Unlike most of QI's, my forfeits aren't really gonna be oft-quoted but wrong facts, but instead on any answer I, and anyone helping me, can predict beforehand. So even if your answer is funny, if its obvious, you getting KLAXON'D.
Also, I will leave it up to you guys if you want your points always showing, or in the spirit of QI, to be held until the end of a round.
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04-09-2012, 07:15 AM
.. .Eh, sure should be interesting
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04-09-2012, 10:19 AM
Ohhhh I want in I want in~
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04-09-2012, 10:50 AM
God yes
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04-09-2012, 04:56 PM
Just as a heads-up, most questions will be asked during my evening, and I'm American Central Standard Time. 5-8 Central is where to look into this thread for THE BUSINESS, though I might sneak one in like if I wake up and am like "Haha suckers".
Most questions will last only as long as their interest. It would be mighty optimistic to say that all questions would last a single 24 hour period but Eagle time is not a particularly fast time, plus putting time constraints on them really takes away from the spirit. But if we tear it up, then some questions will have a short life, and then some questions might just be made to have a short life anyway.
Rounds last really as long as I feel like, though I'll try to get in a fair few questions on each subject. Victories are accrued based on rounds. So when we are finished with Adventures, I'll tally up the points, give out the victory, then we reset the points and go on to the B subject. I will keep tabs on total points though, which, if we HAPPEN to make it to the end, could be worth an extra victory.
Be on the lookout later tonight, game will start then
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04-09-2012, 05:02 PM
Oh man can I be in I love QI so much
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04-09-2012, 10:13 PM
Well well well, I do believe we are ready to go!
Remember, you can enter in at any time, but you have to actually enter before you can play. If you try to play without entering I'm afraid I will have to deduct points from you before you even have a scorecard!
So, now that all the introductions are out of the way, lets get on with it shall we? Our first question of the evening is really a very simple one:
What are Adventures made of?
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04-09-2012, 10:15 PM
Andrew Hussie and Richard "Lord British" Garriott are secret lovers. Every time they kiss, an MSPAFA is born, formed of pure love. The bad ones are formed from the kismesis when they're angry at each other.
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04-09-2012, 10:16 PM
They are made of ones and zeroes transmitted over the Internet in the form of updates (which may consist of images, text, audio, or any combination thereof) and suggestions.
They are also made of love, hope, and dreams.
Oh, no, wait, those are all wrong, they're made of modified Homestuck sprites and Homestuck-based plotlines.
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04-09-2012, 10:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2012, 10:19 PM by Mehgamehn.)
So what you're saying MrGuy, is that they do not love each other very much?
Fogel you were dangerously close to a forfeit, but the post's construction gives you save cause I am not an unfair host
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04-09-2012, 10:51 PM
Adventures are made of co-dependency (between authors and their readers), poor planning, delusionally looking up to a secretly terrible parental figure and merely making the same mistakes they did, and feeling bad when you don't remember things like anniversaries or festive dates.
Basically, adventures are made of loooove.
Oh and can't forget there's a whole spectrum - of conservative "doing what was good enough for the forefathers" adventuring to sexual adventurial deviancy, the latter of which the conservatives gormlessly wonder what it's doing on their turf and hadn't they made an internment camp for those kind of things?
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04-09-2012, 11:04 PM
In a bit more detail, my adventures are generally made of an initial (generally wacky) idea, followed by a period of just doing whatever comes to mind with the suggestions I get, and eventually a part where I finally come up with actual plot details and start building on that.
Clearly this is the only correct way to make adventures and anyone who plans things out ahead of time is doing it wrong.
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04-09-2012, 11:58 PM
Adventures are made out of STUFF! All sorts of stuff, gathered like the accretion disk of a black hole in the center of which is invariably a sick, twisted mind.
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04-09-2012, 11:59 PM
Well see that's not interesting at all
What KIND of stuff? Purple stuff? Red Stuff? Purpred stuff?
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04-10-2012, 12:37 AM
I don't know, I think getting sucked into the infinite maw of existential horror that is any given adventure is pretty interesting itself! The point isn't the stuff around it, it's the strange chaos-realm you find yourself in while the entire universe is deconstructing around you.
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04-10-2012, 03:10 AM
Adventures are ideas, forced into reality by a strange creature that lives in the realm of the mind! It eats raw idea from the firmament of the imagination and poops out piccies and text!
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04-11-2012, 12:55 AM
All wonderful answers, all able to avoid the traps, no matter how closely you got to them
Now, for a more personal touch, I think the next question should revolve around our contestants specifically. So tell me
What was your first adventure?
If you didn't have one, well, then wait for someone else to say there's and comment on that. Interesting discussion earns you just as many points as interesting answers!
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04-11-2012, 01:03 AM
Patently awful.
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04-11-2012, 01:04 AM
Well, that depends on the definition of adventure! My first adventure was actually the Collossal Cave! It was pretty big. And you fell in pits a lot. And it was full of twisty passages, all alike!
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04-11-2012, 01:04 AM
Well, hmm. That depends on the definition, I suppose.
I did a few short text adventures on IRC before I even knew MSPA existed, but the first one I actually did on a forum was The Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss, which I did all the way back on Wars World News.
I'd introduced the character of Nopor Puss to them a while back, and then the site went through a text adventure fad (which lead to me discovering MSPA), and somewhere in there I decided to make a Nopor Puss adventure.
The basic concept was simple: since Nopor Puss always does the most pointless thing he can, I'd have a setup where he could immediately end the adventure, if not for the fact that he was trying to be pointless. So I started him in a room with a nonsensically-named artifact and made it his goal to get that artifact. Then the adventure was a series of increasingly ridiculous events that kept him from getting the amulet.
In addition, my avatar was actually inspired by a joke in there, where he received the command "Pretend you are Pac-Man" and interpreted it as pretending that I was Pac-Man. In addition, every subsequent command which used "you" was treated as referring to Pac-Man.
Later, I reposted the whole mess on MSPA and then made a sequel, and I still make Nopor Puss jokes pretty often because he's such a ridiculous character. Actually, I should update the sequel sometime now that I have the relevant files again.
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04-11-2012, 01:08 AM
That actually brings up a good topic for discussion
How many things were you were aware of that were LIKE Adventures before making Internet Adventures got popular?
I mean obviously the whole thing is based on the old text adventure games, but do you remember every seeing any forumventures before the little boom?
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04-11-2012, 01:12 AM
Ask Fogel, he's the resident old codger ranting on and on about shit he once done did.
I guess the earliest thing like that I would've done had to be Granny's Garden. I could never feed the right dragons the right fruit or whatever the hell I was supposed to do to rescue the third kid, though.