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RE: Vedkle
>Call the bookstore. Ask about Clara. If the owner doesn't know the name, then you may want to head into the village to investigate - and also check if you made any deliveries yesterday while you're at it.
RE: Vedkle
You seem to have dropped into an alternate worldtrack! Your memories don't mesh with that of the world - so are you /sure/ this is your bedroom?
RE: Vedkle
Yep, better go make the rounds of your house & surroundings and see if your memories and reality match up at all anymore.
RE: Vedkle
(03-10-2012, 04:47 AM)goggleman64 Wrote: »Yep, better go make the rounds of your house & surroundings and see if your memories and reality match up at all anymore.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Vedkle

Does boyfriend exist
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Vedkle
(03-11-2012, 01:14 AM)Woffles Wrote: »Quick

Does boyfriend exist

On that note, are you /sure/ you're not a sir?
RE: Vedkle
(03-11-2012, 03:38 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »
(03-11-2012, 01:14 AM)Woffles Wrote: »Quick

Does boyfriend exist

On that note, are you /sure/ you're not a sir?

Seriously, this is not a comfortable topic anymore. Let's not think about this ever again.

(03-10-2012, 04:47 AM)goggleman64 Wrote: »Yep, better go make the rounds of your house & surroundings and see if your memories and reality match up at all anymore.

[Image: Panel65.png]

Everything still looks the same.

There's the same truck, and this is the same view out of this same window, and this appears to be the same house. There aren't any boxes outside today.

[Image: Panel66.png]

Anna sees that the deposit box is still full. Meaning the farmer dude never picked up the new orders. So nothing would be coming in. It also proves that she actually did deliver some stuff yesterday.

(03-09-2012, 08:41 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Call the bookstore. Ask about Clara. If the owner doesn't know the name, then you may want to head into the village to investigate - and also check if you made any deliveries yesterday while you're at it.

[Image: Panel67.png]

Right. She doesn't really know the phone numbers of everybody in town, so it looks like now's a good time to stop by.

[Image: Panel68.png]

[Image: Panel69.png]

[Image: Panel70.png]

[Image: Panel71.png]

Anna blargles something loud in the shopkeeper's face rather awkwardly about how she might've came here yesterday but she's not sure and she thinks she might've bought a book but she's not sure and does the shopkeeper know anything about that or anything?

The shopkeeper responds something along the lines of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.

When the two of them calms down, the shopkeeper nervously replies from halfway under the counter that she doesn't know anything about a Clara and no, she doesn't remember seeing you yesterday so if that's all, do you mind leaving now?

Anna barely hears this. She's too busy wondering what the hell's going on.
RE: Vedkle

Ask around for information on her.
RE: Vedkle
Now, I know you said to not talk about the whole amnesia thing

But if the town is acting funny

Maybe you should ask someone who isn't part of the town

Where'd Arthur get off to? I know you mentioned Clara to him at some waaaaaaaaaaait a second

You never got his last name, did you? D'you think it might possibly be Vermilin?
RE: Vedkle
Some things that you remember are confirmed by the world, and others aren't.

Or are they? You bought the book, didn't you Anna? Find a way to see if you've still got the money you remember spending.

Whatever the result of that, now seems like a good time to retrace your steps in detail and see just how much of yesterday is confirmed by the world and/or the town. Is there, for instance, any kind of sign that Arthur was lying by the rode or that you picked him up?

But before all that, make it known that you feel sick today. A bad head cold or something. You gotta have some explanation for why you're acting all out-of-sorts.

Oh, and stay the fuck away from Arthur/Clara's place until you figure out why the butler said you go there all the time.
RE: Vedkle
Why don't you ask where that manor is and go there?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Vedkle
(03-18-2012, 03:05 AM)goggleman64 Wrote: »Or are they? You bought the book, didn't you Anna? Find a way to see if you've still got the money you remember spending.

[Image: Panel72.png]

"...Okay wait...I need to check something..."

Anna can't help but notice that her wallet seems to be short more money than what the book even cost.

(03-18-2012, 01:46 AM)MrGuy Wrote: »IT WAS OBVIOUSLY UMBRELLA GIRL'S FAULT.

Ask around for information on her.

[Image: Panel73.png]

While she's at it, Anna asks the shopkeeper whether she knows a little girl, 'bout this high, wears all black and has an umbrella...

The shopkeeper shakes her head. Anna decide you've terrorized her enough and leave.

Out of habit, the shopkeeper calls out, 'Thank you, sir.'

(03-18-2012, 06:59 AM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »Why don't you ask where that manor is and go there?

[Image: Panel74.png]

The manor is on the top of the hill, as it always is.

[Image: Panel75.png]

[Image: Panel76.png]

...Anna thinks about perhaps exercising more often.

"Oh. Hey."

[Image: Panel77.png]

Arthur waves in a friendly manner.
RE: Vedkle
If you (allegedly) frequent Arthur's house much as you did Clara's, then it's likely you bought him something yesterday. It'd account for the missing cash, certainly.

You should ask h


is that bush pouting at you
RE: Vedkle


But you were naked"
RE: Vedkle
But seriously, it may be better to go the Act Normal route. Try to hold a regular conversation, and when that inevitably fails, tell your friend-apparent that things are not quite right. Y'don't have to tell him everything just yet, mind, but at the very least an I haven't been feeling very well since this morning might be warranted.
RE: Vedkle
Why don't you just pretend he's Clara? Carry on a perfectly ordinary conversation with him, maybe mention some crazy naked girl you drove into town to get some clothes for. If you run into anything else different from the norm (interests, landmarks, jobs, etc.) then make a mental note of it.
RE: Vedkle
"hey arthur! I had this crazy dream! I found you naked and we talked about parties and then this little girl showed up and the butler was missing and then a monster attacked me and it was the future!"
RE: Vedkle
Tell him you can't remember anything about what happened yesterday, and you don't know why! Say it's unhinged you a bit. Ask if he's got any idea about how this happened; what went on yesterday.

Act the part like your life depends on it.
RE: Vedkle
(03-27-2012, 03:02 AM)Not The Author Wrote: »But seriously, it may be better to go the Act Normal route. Try to hold a regular conversation, and when that inevitably fails, tell your friend-apparent that things are not quite right. Y'don't have to tell him everything just yet, mind, but at the very least an I haven't been feeling very well since this morning might be warranted.

[Image: Panel78.png]

Arthur wipes his hands on his overalls and asks Anna how she is.

She goes ahead and says that she's not feeling too well, honestly, but it's not that bad. Hesitating a little, she asks whether he liked the, uh, the, thing she gave him yesterday?

Arthur did like it very much, apparently, and it's by his bedside right now, though perhaps he should move it to a better place.

Anna nods vaguely and makes a nice comment about his garden or something.

Arthur nods vaguely back, then mentions that he was going to ask whether Anna could help out tomorrow setting up for the festival and stuff, but if she's not feeling well...

Anna quickly says that no, it's okay, she wouldn't mind helping out.

Arthur says okay.

Anna says okay.

[Image: Panel79.png]

Anna suddenly asks if the butler dude's around and why isn't he helping with the garden right now?

Arthur shrugs and says that Winston went out just a while ago after picking up the phone. No idea where he went, really, maybe he had to pick something up.
RE: Vedkle

First things first, see what you bought him.
RE: Vedkle
Probably should look around the estate too, see what else is different.
RE: Vedkle
(04-02-2012, 08:01 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »Hm.

First things first, see what you bought him.

(04-02-2012, 11:20 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Probably should look around the estate too, see what else is different.

[Image: Panel80.png]

Anna suggests that, if he really needs to move his gift, why doesn't he do that now?

Arthur says okay.

[Image: Panel81.png]

[Image: Panel82.png]

The only thing that's really all that different are some decorative things. There's a lot more flowers around, for one.

[Image: Panel83.png]

Arthur seems to use the same bedroom as Clara did. It looks a lot more benign now with the curtains open and the lack of blood. And corpses. And monster.

The gift was apparently a lovely vase of flowers.

[Image: Panel84.png]

Arthur mentions again that he really appreciates these al--alstro...lilies.

[Image: Panel85.png]

[Image: Panel86.png]

Anna doesn't answer because she's too busy remembering things.
RE: Vedkle
RE: Vedkle
Slam him up against the wall.

"You mean Aligheri, motherfucker?! TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW"
RE: Vedkle
Act calm. Act calm. Act calm OKAY FREAK OUT