Sisterhood of glowing metal pants

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Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
[Image: CPqxs3c.png]

You are 4eva (pronounced fevvah), on the left, that's you, the viewers left, and also Ttyl (pronounced like teal!), the one on the right with teal skin.

Your travels have brought you to this desert. You're only on the edge of it now, where the CAVE ON THE EDGE OF THE DESERT is and the PORTABLE POTTY BOX.

The other two members of your group, Rofl (pronounced Rowflay) and 0:-) (pronounced like the letter O) are not here right now. Rofl is in the PORTABLE POTTY BOX doing her private business and 0:-) is in with her, analzing the results for science.

What shall the two of your do in the meantime?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Get a huge crowd of people to gather around the Portable Potty Box, then tip it over when Rofl least expects it.
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Play cards.
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Get in on some of that science while the getting's good
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Chuck rocks into the cave.
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants

(02-20-2013, 12:17 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »Get in on some of that science while the getting's good

[Image: 9ROEi8Q.png]


4eva: "LET'S DO SCIENCE <3 "

Wait- what's going on in here???
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
The port-a-loo is bigger on the inside and there's a bloody music festival going on in here
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
(02-23-2013, 11:07 PM)Schazer Wrote: »The port-a-loo is bigger on the inside and there's a bloody music festival going on in here

[Image: m78C22F.png]

How are you ever going to find your friends in here?

Who is that band playing?

What food is being served?!

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Run up on the stage and do something embarrassing, that's sure to get the attention of your friends.
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
It's obviously some kind of trap! Interrogate one of the concertgoers until they admit to what's going on
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Start beating people up until you find your friend.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Wonder where the bathrooms are.
RE: Sisterhood of glowing metal pants
Start a food fight! That's always a constructive thing to do, right?