Let Me Entertain You (Chat)

Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
Noticed we didn't have a topic yet to nak on about movies/books/television series/whatever entertainment media your heart desires (except a music since I believe we already have a thread for that!)

So here is one! Nak on about your favorite television series, how that one movie didn't live up to your expectations, how thrilling the latest chapter of so and so manga is - pretty much anything under the sun as far as entertainment media go!

If anyone wants to make a shiny banner for it be my guest, I am not very good at that sort of thing!

So to kickstart:

Speaking serieswise I've really liked the first season of Sherlock and would highly recommend that anyone who hasn't seen it check it out. Both of the main actors in it (Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman) are also starring in the new Hobbit movie as Smaug and Bilbo respectively Happymelon

Also also I just watched Summer Wars after finally getting it on DVD and it was /excellent/.

Aaaand that's pretty much it for recent stuff (True Grit's a bit older just watched that it was good, saw LOTR on Blu-ray which was pretty glorious as well~).

I'm unsure whether we should get another thread for Vidja Games or just discuss 'em in here as well considering the scarcity of general generalchatting around, what do you guys think?
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
I loved Sherlock but it's a pity it was so short, and that the middle episode was a bit iffy. In terms of films I have been watching all the films recently.

I really enjoyed Sucker Punch, though I've heard it's got some really bad reviews and stuff. I sort of enjoyed the feeling that the writer sat down and was like 'I'm gonna write whatever the fuck I want' and then did so. The battlescenes were fun and inventive, the storyline was sort of simplistic, despite confusing voiceovers but all in all it was a fun film with more substance than most action films and really cool set peices.

Limitless which I also saw was not as good because: ACTUAL SPOILER


I also saw Megamind and Despicable Me. Megamind was fantastic, and a very clever twist on superhero films. Despicable Me was less so and was actually really annoying me at first but when it got going it was okay.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
I must say, casting Arthur Dent as Watson was a brilliant move on the part of the Sherlock folks. I'm quite looking forward to season 2 of that, which is supposed to be 2012 or something.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
So I saw Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness the other day, and for some reason I kept thinking of Ocarina Of Time during it. Like the part where Ash is being held down I kept thinking "Dead Hand", for example. It was kind of weird.

That said it was an awesome movie overall. Must-see.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
[Image: tumblr_lqf0h6eHYh1qhzdcmo1_500.jpg]


2014 is looking to become the year of sequels to franchises that really don't need one, and remakes of movies that resisted the touch of time perfectly. Among others: Pirates of the Caribbean 6, Terminator 5, Chronicles of Narnia 3/4 (I lost track because they can't just number their sequels) National Treasure 3, Avatar 2, a new Wizard of Oz, a new Addams Family, and so on. IMDb has the entire list.

I am however excited for the movie adaption of Heavy Rain. I hope they can do the story justice.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
Quote:I am however excited for the movie adaption of Heavy Rain. I hope they can do the story justice.
In before the movie is more like a video game than the video game was.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
What? Kill Bill Vol. 3? Fucking seriously?

Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
I get more films of the narnia books, I mean there were seven of them. Film of Heavy Rain, though? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that stupid? In fact, let me amend that statement: That's stupid.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
Mushishi is a thing I found recently and kind of adore.

It's an episodic anime series that follows Ginko, who's a travelling expert on weird-arse life-forms known as mushi. Each episode is centred around a particular mushi and the strange phenomena it causes, and the whole thing's rocking this slightly eerie but gorgeous Shinto vibe that makes each story like a folk tale. Except instead of a crazy explanation for a mundane thing, it's a slightly less crazy explanation for all kind of weird shit that happens.

I dunno I'm just explaining it really badly. Point is y'all should try it out.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
What am I watching.
Why can't I stop

I can stop when I realise it's 3am
[Image: 76561197978639938.png]
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
I don't watch a huge amount of TV.
But I do like me some Adventure Time.

Edit: No embedding for this one, linky here.

Also did anyone see that they have started making an Atlas Shrugged film adaptation (the first part of three is out)? I'm not sure if I'll watch them or not. I read the novel, and whereas I don't agree with Rand's philosophy, it was well written and interesting enough... but ye gods was it long. It took me like three months to finish it. It never takes me that long to finish a book. And there was a fifty-page monologue (maybe more) towards the end that's supposed to be two hours long in-universe. I'm guessing they'll cut that from the films.
I don't know how well it will translate into film, though. It's been a while since I've read it, but I seem to recall that quite a few of the conversations tended to become a kind of back and forth of monologues extolling the virtues of Objectivism. Apparently the intellectual elite are a long-winded bunch.
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
Oooh, Atlas Shrugged. I remember reading that for the Accelerated Reader points :3

As a book, it was all right - Rand's philosophy was a little oblique for me to really understand, but I did find her ideas around plutocracy and economic collapse centered around the preservation of the status quo to be...um...complex? Maybe too complex for a film? It sort of worries me, to be honest - I just hope they don't butcher it.
Re: Let Me Entertain You (Chat)
A quick look through the reviews of Part 1 showed that professional critics didn't like it much, but general audience ratings seem to have been somewhat higher (though I'd take both of them with a grain of salt...). A lot of the problems seem to come from the movie not having a very high budget, and not casting very well, though the writing's been pretty much panned as well.
But then there are the people who rave about how great and visionary it is, so go figure (though those mostly seem to be adherents to Rand's philosophy).
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]