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[Image: 9YLYo.png]
A disreputable-looking undergraduate stands in a disreputable-looking workspace, and eschews any further riffing off of things which have been riffed off of more than any one thing could ever truly deserve.

Also because no introductions are necessary. You know this bitch. Put her through her paces.

RE: Campusromp
>Rifftastic Bitch: Get your riffraff in order and tell us what you gonna do
RE: Campusromp
RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 01:13 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »>Rifftastic Bitch: Get your riffraff in order and tell us what you gonna do

[Image: zs9gY.png]
Wiiiiiith pleasure.

PHONE has been located! You are more than welcome to give PHONE a nickname, as you are for the most part intangible agents of capriciousness muttering through the fourth wall. It shouldn't make much difference.

[Image: mdWvu.png]
PHONE's many talents include service with a smile, a fun motion-sensitive rotating effect that would be cooler if you couldn't use the damn thing on its side, camera, contacts list minion messaging system, and a dozen nifty features that collectively conspire to make a bitch worried something in the proximity of her arse is outsmarting her.

Minions aren't allowed inside the building since the incident with Mephisto and Friends' Impromptu Proctor's Office Picnic. If between the threescore-odd of them they can't think of a Fun Campus Activity, one or more of them could probably be... misappropriated. To similar effect.

(07-04-2012, 01:40 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Time to GET REPUTABLE!

[Image: MDK18.gif]

What does this look like to you

Does this look like someone with a scarf because if so you are mistaken

Trust me, if a bitch had a scarf with which to nurse their ill repute they totes would. Being the bastard frigid winter it's been, a scarf is essential for all out-of-doors activities like listening to minions complain about how fucking wet it is.

Sadly, a bitch's venerable scarf collection has vanished across the Campus. Probably because scarves are great and any self-respecting academic would insist they'd only be borrowing it for a moment.

Fuckers. A bitch swears, then swears she's gonna track down all her scarves one of these days when she has time (swearing to do so with much swearing therein).
RE: Campusromp
>Rapacious RuffMiss: Look up those ruffians on the contact minionlist
RE: Campusromp
Perhaps you could tidy up?
RE: Campusromp
rifle through the trash for scarfy things
RE: Campusromp
Knit a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.
RE: Campusromp
Bitch, your room is full of shit. Make that shit into a scarf.
RE: Campusromp
no, make one of your minions send you a scarf via carrier eagle
RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 05:16 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »CROCHET a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.

RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 05:55 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:16 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »CROQUET a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.


RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 06:35 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:55 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:16 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »BOCCE a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.

RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 06:44 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 06:35 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:55 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:16 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »BOTCH a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.


RE: Campusromp
>Go find some cephalopods, hats, or combinations thereof.
RE: Campusromp
Screw all of this and steal the deans car already. We have all seen 80s movies, we all know what college is REALLY about.
RE: Campusromp
(07-05-2012, 04:31 AM)fakeimpostor Wrote: »Screw all of this and steal the deans car already. We have all seen 80s movies, we all know what college is REALLY about.

[Image: 1e7ZR.png]


As this is NOT AMERICA, bitches think of colleges as "High school but egregiously expensive." Please check your location/privilege to prevent this error from occurring in future.

(07-04-2012, 05:55 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »
(07-04-2012, 05:16 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »CROCHET a new scarf, with infinite-inventory pockets.


[Image: ixmM0.png]
A backpack stashed between a couple of desks yields the following:

-One (1) somewhat used ball of Eerily Glowing Violet novelty yarn
-One (1) unfinished minion, in Eerily Glowing Violet novelty yarn
-Jack-knife Jenny, a crochet hook (1/?? found)

[Image: 05bvX.png]
Any scarf made out of this would simultaneously make one easy prey for all things nefarious and nocturnal, and some kind of walking crime against good taste. It's mohair, for fuck's sake.

The loot is all stashed in the newly-acquired inventory (bag) nonetheless.

RE: Campusromp
What are the stats on that crochet hook?
RE: Campusromp
(07-04-2012, 02:19 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Sadly, a bitch's venerable scarf collection has vanished across the Campus.

Probably because scarves are great and any self-respecting academic would insist they'd only be borrowing it for a moment.
Oh man this happens all the time!
Seriously, where do all my scarves go?

> Act all posh

(so I looked into NewZealand colleges and whatnot... I don't really see much of a difference, but whateves.)

RE: Campusromp
RE: Campusromp
RE: Campusromp
oh! is that knitthread soft? rub it against your cheek and purr :3