Podcasts and things to listen to

Podcasts and things to listen to
Podcasts and things to listen to
I have real trouble focusing on one task at a time (which i suspect is an undiagnosed attention disorder) but anyway: when i work on things i like to have something playing in the background. Usually either a documentary or a podcast, and i was wondering if you guys have any recs?

What i listen to: Mystery podcasts + ones about art and/or comics, largely. Faves:

(interviews with comics folks. Each ep is a new interview so you can pick it up anywhere).
Dirty Old Ladies (I listened to one ep so far and i love Spike so i'm v on board for this. 3 comics women talking about comics stuff, basically)
Limetown (kind of like serial but fictional? An entire town disappeared and a radio person is trying to figure out what happened. It gets really creepy really fast and i ended up accidentally marathonning it while sitting in bed b/c i couldn;t handle being alone during)
Serial (no doubt you know what serial is :v I'm very undecided about season 2. Enjoyed season 1).
Thinking Sideways (listened to a couple eps and they seem p interesting too? Another weird mysteries podcast)

What i watch: A lot of true crime documentaries or ones about social issues. Also reality shows b/c i'm trash :B I enjoyed:

Making a Murderer (this one is very recent; only a few weeks old now. A guy gets wrongly accused of a violent rape and goes to prison, despite strong evidence the police know who actually did it. 18 years later he is proven innocent, then soon afterwards put back in for a violent murder in again, fishy circumstances. This follows the latter case in court + the sentencing of his 16 year old at the time nephew who has a v low iq and was def coerced into a confession for the same crime. Fascinating and awful).
Dear Zachary: (a woman murders her ex, then announces she is pregnant with his child. A friend of the man goes around interviewing the man's friends and family so that the child (Zachary) will have an idea of what his dad is like. During this, the woman escapes to canada so as not to be charged due to the court system moving at a glacial pace. Turns into a true crime documentary, more or less, and is heartbreaking.)
The Jinx: (this one is p well know- rich guy probably kills his wife and somehow gets away with it. This follows his life and who he is and also manages to catch him letting slip on tape that he murdered her. Whoops!)
Do i sound gay? (a gay man who doesn't like his campy 'gay' voice makes a documentary about getting voice training and also addresses the cultural issues/background around the voice and culture. Suuuuper interesting and doesn't end up as problematic as it first sounds lmao)
Little White Lie (a black woman raised by white jewish parents who was told she was white her entire life goes looking for what actually happened re: her parentage and why everyone in her life just ignored it. My fave quote from it is "white people will believe anything")
Hot coffee (about that one story of the woman who sued mcdonalds for their coffee burning her when she spilled it, and other 'frivolous' lawsuits. Its really horrifying and *shocker* is largely about corporations screwing people over and reforming the law to benefit themselves)
The Price of gold (a figure skater from the wrong side of the tracks is implicated when her husband takes a baseball bat to the knee of her biggest competitor. Really interesting look into her life and how classism affected her performance in the sport, and also led to her ending up with said shitty husband)
Uhhh shit arty reality shows
Stuff like Face off, Project Runway and Work of Art are my jam

Feel free to recc anything, not just similar stuff.
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
If i'm doing stuff i gotta hae something i can listen to an look at maybe on occasion. It means i have to be dubs trash for everything too because i gotta be doing something with my hands.

Sometimes i have to do sudokus during movies to not lose my shit :B
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
i listen to video game podcasts mostly because im bad

the two that id recommend if you like video games in any capacity are

Jimquisition's Podquisition: Jim Sterling, Laura K Buzz, and
Gavin Dunne talk about video games, video games journalisming, and all kinds of wretchedly disgusting things (as in like, gross or messy not like, offensive)

The Giant Beast Cast: Giant Bomb Dot Com's podcast for their employees in new york or whatever talk about video games and shite and are wrong so often that they have a corrections segment. it has austin walker in it who i like bc he's a nerd who's in grad school for Nerd Crap or something and is generally smart??? they talk about some industry things sometimes that i find interesting and austin also has nother podcast thing called friends at the table which is him and friends playing tabletop stuff but i havent listened to that yet bc i havent had the time with jac being here

raocow's youtube videos: are also good for a thing to listen to most of the time, i find, mostly because i like his tone of voice and stuff and its at times independent of whatever mario thing or whatever hes playing? sometimes its less so though

im sorry for probably not giving you anything you actually want to listen to :p
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
Me and my dad are slowly working through Mike Duncan's The History of Rome because we can't agree on any music in the car, so it serves as neutral, educational, entertaining ground. I keep up with his Revolutions podcast on my own time as well, and also the gargantuan The History Of Philosophy (Without Any Gaps) when there's no more episodes of Revolutions and I'm still in the mood for something dry and educational. (Good for the shower.)

When I'm in the mood for something funnier the surefire stops are The Flop House, which is nominally a bad movies podcast (and the best one) but in reality is a stream-of-consciousness nonsense podcast, and The F Plus, where they read and commentate on horrible things they find on the internet.

Do you mean the silent movie Metropolis or... what? I can't imagine a silent movie being good background noise...
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I used to listen to the flophouse but they really started to get on my nerves :c
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
The only experience I've had with The Flophouse was their swap episode with The Adventure Zone, and... that pretty effectively put me off wanting to listen to their actual show. A lot of really offputting het bullshit.
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
Yyyyyeah, that and that it was Very Male was what put me off i think
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
The Flop House has plenty of good moments, but yeah it does always get super grating to hear the hosts discuss which famous actresses they most want to bang for like the tenth time in the same episode.

But anyway I'm pretty sure that the best podcast is actually just anything done by the McElroy brothers.
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I've been listening to the One Shot Podcast (specifically, their Campaign podcast) and it is really good
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
the only podcast i actually ever listen to is podcasts from The Midnight Frogs, which is an abridging group on youtube. Their stuff is good most of the time so I like listening to them talk about what was going through their heads when they wrote a dumb joke into their last episode.
A few of the same guys on that team also do letsplays, which, depending on the series, I'll just listen to while I draw stuff.

I also watch raocow sometimes but I can never only listen to the audio unless it's from an episode i've rewatched multiple times, I get too interested in the whole video... not good "listen while i draw stuff" material ;u;
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
OTTO Wrote:
Quote:about what, ?
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about filling niches
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
The eagle time podcast is me shilling ffxiv while other people talk about the normal things they did in their weeks and discuss bad tumblr posts
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
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In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I would do guest lectures about cool Critters
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I'm super on board with this. Always down to complain about things
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
i'd like to guest too i guess, but like, all i talk about is aywas

and videogames, when i feel like i have a thing to say about them that no-one else ever thought up
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I have opinions on virtually every kind of media if it goes in that direction
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RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I'm roughly used to talking about things now, so even if I did end up not saying much, I'd be down for being up to it
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
Oh, and on the topic of 'casts, I rather enjoy Extra Credits. They do videos, but they're usually a visual-aid-to-a-lecture kinda deal; you can get everything just by listening most of the time.

They discuss game design and game-related issues-- usually not news, but the big-picture stuff and broad-context that lead to the things that become news, kinda deal. Each episode's pretty short, but there's 11 seasons of material t'keep you occupied if you end up liking it. They've also some more recent stuff where they talk about actual legit historical stuff like the Punic Wars and the Byzantine Empire, but I haven't kept up with that series.
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
i listened to the zeroth and first ep of austin walker's and friends' "actual play podcast about nerd shit" friends at the table that i mentioned before and i can confirm that i like their sci fi mecha anime setting, predictably
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Podcasts and things to listen to
I would love to be part of an eggletem podcast!