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One subject of Hammerhall is touched by a heroic fate.
RE: Hammerhall
The bird magician.
RE: Hammerhall
> The huntress
RE: Hammerhall
I'm also in favor of the Magician being our hero, with his bird-like features/mask.
RE: Hammerhall
This is a tough choice. I say the Huntress, with the Bird-Mage as her side-kick, yeah!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Hammerhall
I'm for the huntress!
RE: Hammerhall
It's the Huntress.
[Image: 8dSOaSv.png]
[Image: UU4KxPC.png]
[Image: Mysd2mS.png]
[Image: LIpnsgm.png]
let's post righteously & having good times /// check out The Book of the Courtier /// ensure proper vegetable consumption /// also check out The Blade and the Cycle /// post it up!!
RE: Hammerhall
> Offer him tea
RE: Hammerhall
King, where has the thrallbeast fled to?
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Hammerhall
Have tea with the big thing! It looks friendly.
RE: Hammerhall
[Image: lDeJGQI.png]
[Image: iFuiIM3.png]
[Image: wYVzzAX.png]
let's post righteously & having good times /// check out The Book of the Courtier /// ensure proper vegetable consumption /// also check out The Blade and the Cycle /// post it up!!
RE: Hammerhall
Blast. We are too late.
Which way did it go? Let's send the soldier after it [as bait]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Hammerhall
"... Oh that thing is toast."
RE: Hammerhall
> Ask if he knows how it got in there.
RE: Hammerhall
Politely ask where the beast went. Then go laugh in the Courtier's face because 'HAHA it's real!'
RE: Hammerhall
This did not seem like a matched marriage.