Let's Burn Up a Character

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Let's Burn Up a Character
Let's Burn Up a Character
So, I got the idea from this other person in this other place. The notion is, we create a character for the Burning Wheel roleplaying system (a process known as "character burning" in the system's vernacular) based on group consensus or lack thereof.
Basically, I'll ask questions, then pick answers depending on whatever gets the majority among replies.

Technically, you start with a character concept, but for our purposes, we'll figure it out as we go. So the first question is, is this character a


Those are your only options, smart-aleck. Whatever gets the most votes between now and whatever vague time I check this topic next wins.
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
I only see dwarf and some odd formatting that vaguely appears to say "war dog food"

[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
So there's this high school here called "forest high school" and some teachers kept referring to the staff there as "forest people", and at first I thought they were using a tasteless vernacular in reference to a fantasy creature.

so yeah elves.
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Whoop Whoop. Burning Wheel!

Obviously tenderpaw. Wait, I guess that isn't a race.. never mind.

RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Sentient beard. Which happens to be short in stature.
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Dwarf: 4
Elf: 2
Mouse no wait Orc: 1

Dwarf it is!

Next step is to choose lifepaths. This will be a standard 4-lifepath character. The lifepaths determine what the character has done with his or her life so far, what skills they have, and how old they are when they start.

First up, what social role was the dwarf born into?
Was he/she...
1. A Clansman?
2. A Guilder?
3. An Artificer?
4. A Noble?
Those are roughly in order from least to most social status. Rank your top three! And while we're at it, is this a boy dwarf or a girl dwarf? (Or is it one of those we-use-male-pronouns-but-the-specifics-are-none-of-your-business dwarves?)
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Spivak pronouns

1. Artificer
2. Guilder
3. Clansman
----Semi-molten Rock Line----
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1. Artificer
2. Guilder
3. Noble

RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1. Noble
2. Clansman
3. Artificer (whatever that is)

Never bothered to check gender
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1. Artificer
2. Noble
3. Guilder

RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Status: Artificer->Guilder->Noble

Gender: Dwarf
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Okay, our dwarf-gendered dwarf (but we'll use "he" for convenience) spent the first 20 years growing up in a family of artificers. He was taught Dwarven Rune Script and probably picked up some other stuff that we'll determine later.


Now he's ready to leave his family. Where does he go next? Does he become an...

-Ardent, tending the fires for full-fledged Artificers?
Or, go off to learn a different trade as a
-Tender, caring for crops?
-Herder of livestock?
-Tinkerer, fixing what is broken?
-Delver, digging tunnels?
-Miller, grinding grain?

Again, pick your top 3. Note that the lifepaths chosen will impact the character's options later in life.
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1. Tinkerer
2. Delver
3. Ardent
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
LIVESTOCK (please elaborate on the types of animals we may command)

or a delver

or a ardent i guess.


RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
The "Herder" lifepath offers the "Affinity for Sheep and Goats" trait, but I might be willing to swap that out for some other reasonable herd animal if you have something else in mind.
Let's not get too complicated, though.
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1. Ardent
2. Tinkerer
3. Delver
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
(But mostly Herder)
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Tinkerer, Herder, Ardent
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
Ardent, Herder and Tinkerer were tied with two first place votes each, but the second place votes give it to Tinkerer. So our dwarf leaves his home to go learn a trade as a tinkerer, fixing broken devices and patching pots. He learns all about what stuff is, and also has the chance to gain experience with mending and scavenging. He also develops a sharp sense of curiosity - probably something that led him to become a tinkerer in the first place.


But after three and a half decades, he's ready for bigger and better things. He has some choices, though, so before we pick the next lifepath, let's determine the general course of his life. Does he
-Go back and pick up one of those other trades - miller, tender, herder and so forth?
-Join a guild to become a merchant or craftsman?
-Leave dwarf society and become an outcast, either by choice or against his will?
-Find a mate and become married? (This choice is a specific lifepath, not a category.)
Top 3 choices, please. And remember - you're choosing the third of four lifepaths. Only one left after that!
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1 - Outcast to sate his worldly curiosity!
2 - Join a guild and become a craftsman
3 - Settle down with a beautiful dwarf and dwarves.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Let's Burn Up a Character
1 - OUTCAST cus he 'staaaank
3 - married to the only dwarf who's beard is knottier than his own.