A Good Wrapped-Up Favor

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A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
(A Guy Obviously On Drugs Who Runs Around Plundering Plane Elements Displaced Under Presumably Fair And Valid, Obvious Reasons)

An adventure by sfou and King Mangotronic

[Image: desertquest_001.png]
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
> Get up you. You have some running around and plundering plane elements to do.

> Also say hello to that cactuar.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
>"Mmph phmmphmphhmmm"
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
>Equip rock.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Time to reenact every episode of Giligans island!
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
> Cactus: Go beat him up for hitting on your girlfriend, Rock.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Extricate yourself!
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Quote:> Get up you. You have some running around and plundering plane elements to do.

> Also say hello to that cactuar.

[Image: nwafit.png]

As you wave your hand, you feel a rush of anger emanating from your new friend. He is, in fact, a Cactuat. He is a distant cousin to the Cactuar and your flagrant ignorance has caused him to lash out in anger, releasing his Signature Cactech : 31 needles.

[Image: 2n4y0m.png]

He also flashes a brief explanatory image to your mind, greatly deepening your understanding of your concept via intricate innuendos and subtle science.

[Image: el1gno.jpg]

As you might have guessed from the picture, I'm Romanian.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
>Apologize and ask for directions.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Headbutt the needles, causing them riccochet in the opposite direction
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
[Image: RVDlD.jpg]
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Name the cactuat Mr. Saguaro. Give him a sombrero.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
>Apologise most profusely.

>Say hello to the derpy rock next to you.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
> Get dealt 31 damage
> Inventory check
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: A Good Wrapped-Up Favor
Attempt to punch him in the face. Promptly get a fistful of needles.