The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room, Scene Two

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The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room, Scene Two
The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room, Scene Two
[Image: 26A5aty.png][Image: m8.gif]

You stand in a dark room. When the lights come up, you need to decide who you are. Provide:
  • A name.
  • A favourite food.
  • A secret talent.
  • A hair colour.
  • A shoe size.
  • Where you see yourself in five years.
am i supposed to put something here | 💡 the lights come up again 💡
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure]
>Skeet-o the Great
>Boiled rat stew
>Either dead or in jail
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure]
* Reciprocal Orbison
* French fries in honey
* Spinning
* Gray
* 13 and a half
* Stuck in a window
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure]
> Maude General
> Mineral Vegetables
> You can write in Babylonic Cuneiform
> White
> 2 (It's binomial theorem, you see.)
> Having military knowledge brought down into this century.
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RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure]
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RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure]

The Author Wrote:These won't be a regular thing, I just thought, this being the start of an act and all, that I'd treat you guys.
All content in this video, including the music, is my own. (Even if that music is basic GarageBand guff.)

You, Maka Tanaka, with your yellow ochre hair and tiny feet, are somehow still standing in a dark room. Is this a jail? You weren't expecting that so soon.
If you could see that person advertising Mineral Vegetables, you'd give 'em a good whack, but you can't, because the room is dark and you are in it. What you'd give for some French fries in honey right now...
Your magical talents never progressed to the point where you could produce light, but you suppose this is as good a time as any to learn.

If you could only work out the words...
am i supposed to put something here | 💡 the lights come up again 💡
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
"Abraca fuckin dabra"
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
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RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
"Abracadabra, motherfuckers."
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
"Shooch-ka-do, you can too!"
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
(09-12-2016, 11:54 AM)Schazer Wrote: »"Abraca fuckin dabra"
You know...
The very first thing they tell you in Magic School...
(09-12-2016, 01:52 PM)a52 Wrote: »"Abracadabra, motherfuckers."
Is that random swear words just make spells worse...
(09-12-2016, 04:45 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »"Abraca-fuckin'-dabba-dabba-doo!"
Sometimes you wonder about the sanity of the voices in your head.
(09-12-2016, 08:20 PM)Sleepy Wrote: »"Shooch-ka-do, you can too!"
And going to Crappy Yoyleland would be great right about now, if you had the map, which is locked in a vault back at Magic School.
All of this is rendered meaningless when the lights come up of their own accord shortly after. You are now standing in a well-lit room. The front wall of the room is a large window, you cannot see exactly what is on the other side, but it looks like rows of seats.
Also in the room is a locked door, and a chest of drawers.
You wander over to the chest of drawers, womdering what could possibly be in them.
am i supposed to put something here | 💡 the lights come up again 💡
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
further, miniature chests. you turn the key on the front and it winds up (not like a baseball player) and out pops a tiny statue of a ballerina with clown makeup on that spins in place as some public-domain music chimes. there's 40 of these and a box of 12 matches with one already spent and put back in the box with the rest
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
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RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
Fire and then some more fire
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
>If you open it, you'll find out
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
> How about this wonderful magic word: "Please"
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
(09-13-2016, 12:08 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »>If you open it, you'll find out
Well, yeah, that is what you plan to do...

(09-13-2016, 12:40 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> How about this wonderful magic word: "Please"
Ah, yes, that old classic. A little late, but whatcha gonna do. You say, "Please." The lights brighten further. This was a terrible idea.

(09-12-2016, 11:51 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Fire and then some more fire
This is a blatant safety code violation. Or it would be if the fire was in any way dangerous. No, this is fauxre. You haven't seen this stuff in years. All the warmth, none of the destruction.

You pick up the KEY. Sorry, what? Nope, definitely a gun. There's no reason for you to have mistaken this generic handgun for a key, the very thought is ludicrous. You now have a generic handgun.

(09-12-2016, 09:52 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »further, miniature chests. you turn the key on the front and it winds up (not like a baseball player) and out pops a tiny statue of a ballerina with clown makeup on that spins in place as some public-domain music chimes. there's 40 of these and a box of 12 matches with one already spent and put back in the box with the rest
This isn't creepy at all. It's a good thing you can- And the lid's stuck open... Great. It's not winding down any time soon. On the bright side, you have found the source of the fauxre. You take the fauxre matches and slam the drawer shut. The sound of the music box now echoes throughout the room, as does the sound of the other thirty-nine music boxes. The chest of drawers has been rendered inoperable.

You need to get out of this room. As a reminder, the room has a glass wall, a locked door, and a chest of drawers. (With operation flaws.) Plot your escape.
am i supposed to put something here | 💡 the lights come up again 💡
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
flood this foyer with fauxre
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
eat a match
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
Use your fake fire powers to warm the glass until it fractures, making it easier to shatter it with the drawer.
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
use the chest of drawers as a battering ram to break the glass wall
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
> See if the gun is loaded.
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RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
(09-13-2016, 04:00 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »eat a match
You put a match in your mouth. A filter charm you placed on yourself causes it to fall harmlessly to the floor. Apparently matches aren't edible.

(09-13-2016, 09:50 AM)Schazer Wrote: »flood this foyer with fauxre
You've only got eleven matches left, and fauxre doesn't spread very far. If you had more time, you could work out where the best spots to light are, but you'd like to leave, and soon.

(09-13-2016, 06:12 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »Use your fake fire powers to warm the glass until it fractures, making it easier to shatter it with the drawer.
Ah, now you can do that. You light fauxres on the floor along the edge of the glass. Soon after, the glass becomes more fragile. All you have to do now is...

(09-13-2016, 07:49 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »use the chest of drawers as a battering ram to break the glass wall
Shoot. It's not on wheels. This is fine, there's gonna be another solution such as...

(09-13-2016, 08:35 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> See if the gun is loaded.
Yep, six bullets.

The glass wall is now fragile. The rows of seats are more visible. There are people, but you can't make out any details. The door is still locked. The chest of drawers is no longer relevant. You have a box of spent fauxre matches and a generic handgun with six bullets. Continue plotting your escape.
am i supposed to put something here | 💡 the lights come up again 💡
RE: The Lights Come Up Again [Text Adventure] - Act One: The Room
shoot the glass