Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening

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Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening
Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening
MrGuy Wrote:The year is 3021, 9 years after the end of the Millenial War. The nations of the world have, more or less, rebuilt, and for the fortunate few, the world is entering a golden age. Planes, cars and motorcycles are becoming commonplace, greatly expanding opportunities for travel and work. Both big cities and small towns are constantly growing and improving, and advances in magic mean new careers seem to pop up every few months. The media is, by and large, idealistic, yet artists are making great strides into themes and techniques not explored before.

But others are finding things far worse. Families have been destroyed, old prejudices intensified; even with the buildings returned to their former glory, the losers' economies have yet to fully recover. Women, minorities, and "weirdos" are marginalized, and new discoveries are both exciting and terrifying, with a growing movement that seeks to return to a time before industrialization – by force.

The dark side to the prosperity is exemplified by the Worldwide Guild of Explorers, Cartographers, Collectors and Do-Gooders, formerly colloquially known as The Adventurers' Guild, now more often referred to as "that haven for freaks" or "those poor, hopeless souls." Back in the day, it was exclusive, its members respected, its finds many and impressive. But nothing, it seems, can last forever.

The bad times started when the vast majority of the planet's surface was mapped out, "Cartographers" becoming little more than an artifact in the guild’s name - maps didn't change as much anymore, and the only time anyone seemed to really need a new one was to accommodate a new street or suburb, or some tiny territory gain from a war. Soon afterwards, all the old tombs and temples were cleared of traps and beasts, and a new wave of archaeologists displaced the old-fashioned explorers, being more able to find and carefully retrieve valuable artifacts. The remaining frontiers – space and the deep sea – required a new skillset and expensive technology, so new organizations were set up to explore them instead. The war may have catalyzed the Guild's collapse, but it was really just the last nail in the coffin; everyone agrees it was more or less inevitable.

Now, the Guild is more or less a glorified synthesis of a mercenary corps and a detective agency, more known for violence than great discoveries. There is neither prestige nor an impressive salary for those who they employ. The only people who join are fools who still think they can scrape some glory off the bottom of the barrel, and people who – by skills, past behavior, bad luck or simply the way they were born – can't find employment anywhere else.

As you might have gleaned, you're one of them.
So this is a Tabletop RPG, like Dungeons and Dragons or GURPS. The system this game is using is called Lightweight RPG, and I’m using it mainly because it has enough depth to be interesting, but not so much that it’s difficult to learn and administrate I’ve uploaded the full rulebook for your perusal here; it has information on character creation, and is (as the name implies) a pretty light read, particularly if you only look at the super-important stuff. For any questions not answered by the book, or anything that isn’t quite clear, I’m almost always in the #eagletime or #grandbattle IRC when I can be, so pop by and shoot me a PM.

If you want to join, think up a character concept that fits within the bounds of the setting – if you’re unsure if it works, you might want to run it by me first, but I’m pretty flexible. Character creation rules are in the linked materials so I’d appreciate it if you got statting and such done and posted too (again, if you need help, I’m usually in IRC). Once you’ve got the character sheet and stuff all posted, you’re a candidate to play. Note: If there’s any Secret Backstory Stuff or similar things you don’t want others to know yet, just forum PM it to me. I’ll probably wait a week, week and a half to give people time to set up their dudes – if you need a little more time than that, tell me, I’m totally cool with waiting a bit. I’m probably going to go with 4-6 players, so anyone above that I’m afraid I won’t have room for. Sorry if that leaves anyone out, but it’s just for practicality in balancing encounters/crafting a comprehensible narrative – and you can always look into starting or otherwise getting in on another RP or game!

If you do join, please contribute regularly – even if you don’t have time to make a wordwall, you can put in five minutes a day for an action or a couple lines of dialogue. Disappearances are the bane of roleplaying, and can severely mess up a game’s momentum. If something important comes up, I totally understand – but please try to tell me that you won’t be able to contribute for a while, and give me a decent estimate for how long that’ll be if possible. If you don’t act for a while without any warning, I will skip over your turn (if you’re in a rolling-for-stuff situation), and if it goes on too long I will kick you out and find someone willing to replace in.

Once the game’s in progress, if you aren’t finding the game super-enjoyable for whatever reason, tell me, but give me specifics. Specific feedback means I can try to improve the situation, and do my best to make things fun for everyone – no feedback or vague feedback and I can’t.

SPECIES (probably a good idea to read this before making a character)

Many thanks to bigro for help with refining magic and geography, as well as providing the graphics for them! You're a peach~
Glorified Mercenaries (mystery boxes) [LWRPG]
Original OP (circa February 2, 2014)

RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]

RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
unreserved....... and SUBMITTED YEAH

RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
I... think this is a reserve?

Bluh, never mind, I'm no good at this. Good luck to everyone else I guess.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
All the yes. I'm in.

E: This is what I've got so far. It's been forever since I actually built a character so feedback is rather welcome. Melonspa
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]

RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
is my previous implications an implicit in?
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
Here's a character, all-natural and reserve free.

RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
gonna post my character i made months ago and then read the information to make it actually fit in the world
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
Some dudes were asking me about this in IRC so I should just explicitly mention (for anyone still profilin') that negative points on attacks are probably not a good idea. Since there's no explicit provisions for them in the rulebook and they could be pretty minmaxable, best not to mess around with that imo.

Also Nopad, profile looks good but it would be rad if you could reformat the attacks/heals section (it looks really weird and hard to read)
RE: Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening: Part I: SIGNUPS Harder [LWRPG]
Time to fail all my hit checks forever
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]

The five of you sit in the lobby of the Riverhaven Central Adventurers’ Guild, waiting on cheap wooden chairs and benches to be called up for the entrance exam. It is a small, sparsely-decorated room, far different from the glitz found in the older Guild offices, as a relic of their past glory; only a couple of cheap paintings and a tiny fountain in the corner break up the monotony of the unpainted brick walls.

It’s a cool summer evening, the first one in a while not to be oppressively hot and humid. A few greasers hang out at a nearby garage, nominally tuning up their cars but mostly just chatting and joking around; a Moatin family passes by the window, having just eaten dinner. Small groups of fireflies and wisps are flitting about, and the smell of flowers lingers on the air. The moon has risen, and is waxing gibbous; the stars and the planet’s rings can’t be seen, blocked out by the neon and streetlights of the city.

A Duonasí woman, in her late teenage years, is sitting at the reception desk. Most of her time is spent reading a comic book while chewing some gum; occasionally, she glances at a clock to the right and sighs. After quite a while, one of these glances proves fruitful, and she briefly raises her head from the comic and calls out “Group F, it’s exam time! Go through that door, if ya please!” She jerks a thumb towards an imposing metal door to her left, before spitting out her gum and grabbing a new piece.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"An exam? I do not see why this is necessary. Surely you decrepit lot can't afford but to take in anyone you can find."

The secretary did not even look at Kairui. He stood around awkwardly. Finally he gave a dramatic huff as he strode through the door, muttering something about the plebeians.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Bart flinches, having been dozing in his chair. "Wh-..."

He gets to his feet with a start, dusting off his trousers before hurrying after Kairui.

"You're group F as well? ...ah, silly question. Still, what brings a person of your stature here?" He gestures to Kairui's esoteric robe, in stark contrast to his own attire consisting solely of a pair of neutral-toned silken trousers.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Giles shrugs his blazer back on, grabs his briefcase, and tucks an unlit cigarette into the corner of his mouth purely by habit before following the others.

"Two demons and a Trinity bishop, in the same group? I suppose someone at the Guild has what they like to think is a good sense of humor."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Naisse was kind of idly sketching a man outside the window across the road, too busy listening to some sort of music to even tell somebody's watching him, nevermind drawing him. Oh the pages of sketches Naisse has been able to fill up with people who are unaware of their surroundings. She should take some of those sketches and get a series of paintings out of it. But for now, it seemed like she was needed. She quickly put her sketchbook away and followed the others that were already headed for the door.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Proceeding through the door, you find yourselves in a somewhat dingy break room; the overhead lighting flickers every few seconds, and the refrigerator seems to be leaking a bit of cold into the surrounding area. The room's almost entirely empty of people, save for a Foumillan moving a toothpick about in his mouth and reading a book, and the man in a full mech suit leaning in the corner. (You'd think he'd take it off in private, but to each their own, eh?) They both turn to face you; the Foumillan sighs and gives a half-hearted wave. "Hey, welcome to the auspicious Guild halls, yada yada yada, my name's Ilves, Sylvy over there's gonna be your proctor for this session, something something test your wits and combat ability. Go introduce yourself or whatever." He turns back to his book, waving you on and sighing.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Giles cocks an eyebrow at Ives, an expression most of the mammalian races find a bit disorienting on someone with six eyes, then turns to 'Sylvy'. He proffers a hand as though to shake, glances at the golemsuit, and thinks better of it.

"Name's L-..." He clears his throat and blinks embarrassedly. "Name's Giles. What exactly are we doing here today? Nobody's really been much more informative than Mr. Yadda Yadda over there."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Bart immediately stops in his tracks upon the utterance of 'combat'.

"You don't expect me to fight, right?" He stammers at the Foumillan who said it. "I'm no soldier."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Kairui flinches at the presence of the demons, whom he only just now noticed. Those filthy sinners! And he would be working with them?! This was simply unacceptable. Oh, Trinity have mercy on him...

Still, he was confident that this was the mission that the Holy Three had bestowed upon him. He would win the grace of his people back, no matter what he had to do. Smiting the demons would have to wait.

When the Foumillan made his lackluster speech, Kairui shuddered at the unprofessional delivery. He made a disgusted expression, then he decided it was time to introduce himself to the group.

"Ahem. Everybody, my name is Kairui Kino. Although I no longer bear the title of Bishop, I am still a man of the Holy Three. This, of course, means you would do well not to cross me, demons. I am here on a mission from the Trinity, and, although it disgusts me to be working with such lower-class people, I must heed their word. I will assist you on combat, and hopefully nothing else. Now can we get started?"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Oh lordy, that is the face of a man who's seen far too many idiots pass through.

Like, maybe people signing up for an adventurer's guild without expecting to do any fighting.
Or people who think they're hot shit that everybody should care about pay attention to me dammit I'm obviously important.

After having rolled her eyes as hard as possible at Kairui, Naisse gave her own introduction.
"Naisse Tualle. Painter, traveller, what have you. Normal city life wasn't really doing it for me, so here I am. So, what's this test all about?"
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
With a cough and a rub of the neck to compose himself, Bart looks to Albert and nods slowly. "Likewise. Since we're doing introductions and all... Bartholomew Whose. Doctor by vocation."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
The man in the armor shares a glance with Ilves. The latter shrugs, the former sighs. "Welcome." The moatin's voice rolls as distant thunder across the room. "I am Sylvain Alter, and I will be your proctor for this evening."

Sylvain sweeps his view across the motley crew arrayed before him. "You will undergo a series of trials to determine your worth to the Guild." His gaze lingers on Kairui. "For even we have standards."

The moatin stands, helm scraping the ceiling. "This will not prepare you for what you may face in your journeys. But it will make as good a start as any."

"I am your judge, and your trial begins now!"

Sylvain gestures at the refrigerator. "After you."