Boundless Dungeons TRPG

Boundless Dungeons TRPG
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Run cheat engine
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Begin thinking.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Offer coffee to others
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Fiddle pointlessly with game settings
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Destroy nose
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
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RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Loading Complete!
???: I am completely surrounded…

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[Image: JEcj8gT.png]
???: Welcome, new players, to the Game! I am your Guide, Faye! To start yourselves off, you’re going to have to familiarize yourselves with the basics.
Faye: Firstly...
Faye: What in the everloving #### is going on! You must already be over capacity with your current leadership score! How did you start off with so many…
Faye: No. What?
Faye: There’s no way.
Faye: How can you all be players?! I was told a local session can only hold four!

???: Lol.
Faye: Did you hack the game!
???: That didn’t sound like a question.
Faye: Shut the #### up!
???: Wow, what? You heard me?
???: This game must have voice command interaction. I thought it was just going to be some shit.

Faye: How dare you! I’ll have you know that Boundless Dungeons TRPG is of the highest quality. Certainly beyond your childish standards.
???: This is shameless. What is even going on.
Faye: Hmph.

[Image: oTFEor3.png]
Faye: Well, at least I am a professional. Moving on.
Faye: In a combat, each of your units has an HP stat. If HP reaches 0, a unit will die and be unable to be used until the end of the combat.
Faye: Each unit also has a Move stat, which determines how many squares they can move.
Faye: You can move before or after performing an action, but not both!
Faye: As mentioned, you may also use an ability each round. To…
Faye: Hey!

[Image: CAyAD48.png]
Faye: Stop that! Stop dancing! Don’t take advantage of my tutorial!
Faye: Well, I want you to use the knowledge you can gleen.
Faye: But this and that are not the same! Yes, when you’re not “in” combat, you can use actions freely, but there’s no need to-

[Image: zhOR2lE.png]
Faye: Hey! Stop!

[Image: ACvz7h0.png]
Faye: Alright I’m ####ing out of here. Figure out how combats work yourself.
Combat Start!
Player Turn!

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RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
i'm gonna bootleg, i'll summon the police to arrest these dummies
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Move to (7,4), wonder trade away the summoned imp.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
> dog barks at techno fairy. bark
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Spell Rapscallion is gonna maneuver with its 7 moves nearer to the bottom left enemy, and attempts to cast Manic Mischief on it.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Three Hundred Puppies: Follow Intern around, being playfully obnoxious.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Bring Forth the BEES.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
The consumer of dirt creeps to (4,7) and <Worm Feasts> like they've never <Worm Feasted> before.
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RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Imp conjurer <Conjures Flame> at (5,7)

Imp (7,5) moves to (7,8) and attacks the dummy at (6,8)
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
Intern: Menial Task: Polish the adjacent Lumberjack's axe
(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Just mash the attack button until you win.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
<Omnidesignate> - <Really Quick Attack>

Try to attack nearest enemy target. Charge!
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Head up to (5,6) and attempt to commune with the dummy.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
???: Alright…
???: Can I just...

[Image: kcstbih.png]
The Warrior uses <Slash> on a Dummy, dealing 3 damage!
???: Okay, sure.
???: I meant to move in front of it, but whatever.

[Image: znk7Z2x.png]
<Bootleg> gleans you: Alcohol! You have attracted company however: a prohibitionist grunt.
???: And it seems like the rest of these ‘players’ function on their own.
???: Maybe like the training wheels for my tutorial, so I can learn the game and not die.
???: I guess that’s a cool method.
???: Although newer games didn’t take after it for a reason, so…
???: Wait, why is there a police officer?

Faye: …
You feel a tutorial about items has gone unspoken.

[Image: ECcpsjS.png]
The Surprise Elemental uses <Wonder Trade> the imp… and get a wisp!

[Image: UVaRRZS.png]
<Bark>! The Technofairy looks at the Dog with dead eyes.

[Image: KPeTnFX.png]
The Spell Rapscallion casts <Manic Mischief> on the Dummy! <Slimy Twist> and <Distraction Blast> are cast! The Dummy’s movement’s look restricted. The Dummy takes 1 damage.

[Image: F6Gj9Zx.png]
The Tree uses <Grow>. The Tree earns 1 {Growth Token}.
Faye: …
You feel a tutorial about tokens has gone unspoken.

[Image: L7szMsT.png]
The 300 puppies are trying to follow the distant intern, but find themselves struggling in cute conflict. They advance 1 square, as their move allows.

[Image: x2bcME6.png]
<Summon Bee Swarm>! Friendly bees fly out of an unseeable space.

[Image: i1kaLKk.png]
The Dirt Consumer displaces the Warrior! <Worm Feast> is used on the injured Dummy, who rots for 6 Damage and succumbs! The Dirt Consumer gains 2 {General Tokens}!

[Image: Sn0eViw.png]
The Imp Conjurer casts <Conjure Flame> on a Dummy, dealing a critical 10 Damage and securing the kill! The Imp Conjurer gains 2 {General Tokens}!

[Image: fgZ9vcO.png]
You don’t control that troop! It is an Ally!

[Image: w3RtZXJ.png]
The Intern uses <Menial Task> to polish the Lumberjack's axe. What a shine!

[Image: c7QvuRc.png]

[Image: DRHIfBM.png]
The Battle-mage cast Fireball on the Dummy, with the Wisp narrowly dodging! It explodes, dealing 10 damage and killing it! The Battle-Mage gains 2 {General Tokens}!
2 {General Tokens}!
That wasn’t supposed to happen.

[Image: tQu0v35.png]
<Omnidesignate> is used to get <Really Quick Attack> for the battle! The Inexplicably Handy Do-Anything Lizard charges into battle, but does not attack as it has already used an action this turn. Not that they could if they could, as the battle is still a ways away.

[Image: 2X0yjwh.png]
The Technofairy flies up to try to <Commune With Technology>: alas, there is but ash.
Ally Turn!
No allies move due to their recent appearances.
Enemy Turn!

[Image: Y2XvvAC.png]
The Dummy waits patiently for death, using <Idle>.
Other Turn!
No others move due to their recent appearance.
Player Turn (2)!
???: Fast!
???: My allies basically killed everything…
???: Seems like Warrior just sucks. Although I guess it’s better than some of these.

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RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
now all i have to do is exchange contraband with the policeman and sick him on the dummy
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
> Dance Necromancer, Dance! But it's a dance of apology towards Faye. Your purpose is to groove like no one has grooved before, but there is no point in getting your groove on if somebody else isn't feeling the rhythm.
> Afterwards, summon the heck out of zombie Elvis with <Zomboogie>
I have no son.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Puppies: Continue pursuit while doing a chorus of barks.
RE: Boundless Dungeons TRPG
>Surprise Elemental: Use Metronome on the Prohibitionist Grunt.