Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!

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Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
For those of you awesome people who just can't help but bring a bright shining light of joy and uplifted spirits to your buddies here at the ET-ET, now you can funnel all of your unwarranted, unprovoked, feel-goody clips of encouragement and back-patting right here!

Ever feel like you just want to shout out unashamed praises to your compatriots? Maybe remind someone that you've got their back? Feel like you've just gotta tell someone how fantastic you think they are? Look no further! (or do! this isn't a corral or cage for the good natured please-and-thank-you teamship we've got going on here, but it is a bright red hot-spot on the encouragement density chart!)

So go ahead! Let people know what you really think about them. You can be chipper or solemn, serious or frivolous. The only rule here is that anything you say must be 100% well-meant and intended to make someone else's day just that much better!
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Bob, I want to give you a hug for making this right now.
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
But how can I single just one of you wonderful people out without feeling like I'm neglecting someone else? <3

...I'll just have to keep all the praise for myself
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Thank you all for being decent human beings.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
If it weren't for you guys

I'd be standing in front of a truck right now.
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Actually, scratch that. Thanks for being excellent fucking people.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Yeah, you guys are pretty cool.
It's nice to be here when everyone else on the internet is being stupid, which is all the time.
It's like an internet vacation mansion.

that's a good thing
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Eagle Time Encouragement Thread!
Every time I read through the Doodle or Die Eagle Time group chains, there is a sharp and striking contrast in quality between them and the Everyone chains.
So there is pretty clear proof available that you guys are clever and talented, if you ever start to doubt it.