+iny ©at people

+iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
I never said we'd teach them devotion to us or faith in us, but as a concept, it'd be useful. Faith isn't about compliance.
RE: +iny ©at people
Remember that Macaron said it would be wise to have a weapon category tcp - at this point I think it would be wise to take this advice if we're spawning a new cat. We should choose something that can protect us and our cats from harm, but we don't want something dangerous. Shield, tank, protection type TCPs would be ideal for this I think. Of these, I would prefer shield, as it also has the added benefit of being a weapon category (as well as higher potential for nifty design).

Beyond that, I think it's pretty obvious that we don't know what we're doing. Grind seems moderately upset with us, and reasonably so. I don't think we'll be able to get better at this without some guidance from the more experienced players, because well... we fucked up pretty bad. And the first step toward fixing that is admitting it. Macaron is still on our good side, so I think she will be a good place to start, having already written so many letters to our cats. We should call her, explain what happened, and most importantly we should ask her help and guidance.

To summarize:
Call Macaron and ask her for help and forgiveness.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
I support Justice's idea for a Shield-type TCP and calling Macaron for help.

tbh, I really don't like the direction where the suggestions are taking our TCPs, and we really need to do a lot of damage control, apologies, and generally making sure to actually take proper care of our charges.

We should also try to rebuild bridges with Grind as well after some time. Take it as one of many long-term goals.
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-11-2017, 09:28 PM)Loather Wrote: »
(09-11-2017, 09:27 PM)BTC_UNDERSCORE_BANDIT Wrote: »
(09-11-2017, 09:26 PM)Loather Wrote: »
(09-11-2017, 09:23 PM)BTC_UNDERSCORE_BANDIT Wrote: »
(09-11-2017, 09:20 PM)Loather Wrote: »vetoed


unvetoed but changing the letter to say "she is going to be staying at macaron's place"

vetoing this change

editing your veto to say "not vetoing this change"

seconded but only if you second CREATE FIRE ON WINDY

So we're going to use my letter and my box idea at the end of all this bickering, having Windy and Fennel or the postman delivering the package of her belongings.

I'm vetoing the fire on Windy because that is not fair to the poor TCP, sorry Loather.

Perhaps we should write a letter of apology to Fernando for our actions? A few final words to at least redeem ourselves every so slightly? We can send it with her stuff. I can draft it but I've already drafted our letter to Windy and Fennel, perhaps you can do this one, Loather?

I also feel like we should reflect on how we sent letters in last time. It proved to be sorely ineffective. I feel we need to collaborate more, there are too many clashing personalities here. We are a collective, we need to start being, or at the very least acting like, one that has it's sh*t together.

I like the idea of an Internet or computer-type but I still think we could benefit from a Doctor to take care of ours and others' TCPs.

The TCP-only communicators are a good idea, I feel like the TCPs would love to stay connected and it should give them some space for themselves.

I firmly believe that we should issue a formal apology to both Macaron and Grind for our destructive actions within this session. I feel we need to show some shame for what we've done.
RE: +iny ©at people
an apology to fernando isnt a terrible idea but we should give it time, and we should also fully accept that fernando isnt coming back (and make that clear in the letter)

i agree with everything chwoka said

edit: the inscription on the statue should be modified to make it clear frog-crimes is the failure of the person and not fern, though
RE: +iny ©at people
i don't think we even CAN communicate with fernando anymore, even if we could it's like... a bad idea, and not just right now. we had the chance, loather had the exact right idea, and now it's gone. with our erratic behavior manifesting in fucked-up mind games at the first real problem, we've hurt them deeply and they really are happier without us. i never did trust this "god" business anyway
RE: +iny ©at people
I don't like the letter idea at all and I'm considering vetoing it, because it sounds like excuses from a negligent parent (especially the part "there was nothing we could do"). So far we have given them little reason to trust us when we say 'we love you'.

>Actually, we don't know what the object of the game is. Contact Grind again and ask them to explain?
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: +iny ©at people
>Admit we don't know what we've been doing this entire time and have been consistently lucky with our endeavors so far (up until Fern went Rogue).
Karies - a forum adventure (Hiatus)
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-12-2017, 04:59 AM)tronn Wrote: »I don't like the letter idea at all and I'm considering vetoing it, because it sounds like excuses from a negligent parent (especially the part "there was nothing we could do"). So far we have given them little reason to trust us when we say 'we love you'.

i dont disagree entirely, when and if we write an apology letter we should accept responsibility for our actions and avoid using language that is manipulative in that context
RE: +iny ©at people
My main objections about the letter are as follows:

1. Fernando didn't just up and choose to leave us, she was driven away by our mind games. The letter does not acknowledge this.

2. It states that there was nothing we could do, when in fact there's hundreds of things we could have done differently if we wanted to.

3. It states that we love our TCPs, when in fact we have shown little affection and plenty of abusive behavior towards them.

4. The callousness it shows towards Fernando's absence - 'there's a replacement already on its way, clean out her stuff' wow cold.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-11-2017, 08:58 PM)Mraof Wrote: »SPAWN god type

Don't! That's trouble! If it goes wrong and uncontrollable, we're super screwed! If you want something like this, I bet a Creativity-type is a more reasonable choice.

Also, shouldn't we save the next slot for Grind?

Also, I think we should have a Radar-type. Maybe a Factory-type or Worker-type? Perhaps a Skill-type?

Also, does pronouns and gerunds count as nouns? Something-type and Absconding-type may be interesting.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-12-2017, 05:34 AM)tronn Wrote: »My main objections about the letter are as follows:

1. Fernando didn't just up and choose to leave us, she was driven away by our mind games. The letter does not acknowledge this.

2. It states that there was nothing we could do, when in fact there's hundreds of things we could have done differently if we wanted to.

3. It states that we love our TCPs, when in fact we have shown little affection and plenty of abusive behavior towards them.

4. The callousness it shows towards Fernando's absence - 'there's a replacement already on its way, clean out her stuff' wow cold.

i agree with all of this
RE: +iny ©at people
Posting here to notify everyone that did not know, there is a discussion thread here https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=2306

To avoid clutter and make it easier on the author, please direct your discussions and arguments here, and keep this thread for commands and vetoes only.
RE: +iny ©at people
> Spawn a unicorn horn type (what? it's a weapon!)
> Also a letter is fine, but we should just be straight up truthful in it, the way tronn && Loather suggested. Something like 'We're a garbage fire fool and drove Fernando away by making the worst options possible. There was a lot we could have done different, and hopefully we will take steps to improve. RIP.'
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
I think we should make a chicken soup type tcp because apparently the food ones are all about healing and thats like a cosmic demonstration of the fact that we're going to turn over a new leaf and stop trying to hurt everything for no reason.
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-12-2017, 04:40 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »I think we should make a chicken soup type tcp because apparently the food ones are all about healing and thats like a cosmic demonstration of the fact that we're going to turn over a new leaf and stop trying to hurt everything for no reason.

Yes, I agree.
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-12-2017, 05:01 PM)a52 Wrote: »
(09-12-2017, 04:40 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »I think we should make a chicken soup type tcp because apparently the food ones are all about healing and thats like a cosmic demonstration of the fact that we're going to turn over a new leaf and stop trying to hurt everything for no reason.

Yes, I agree.

Furthermore, I also agree.

At the same time, I have the impression that there's almost no hope of really recovering Frog-Crimes' reputation.
RE: +iny ©at people
thirding a chicken soup tcp
RE: +iny ©at people
Can I get support for the windy and fennel to meet with the new cat before we open up the floodgates to further creation? Just so we don't give our new beautiful cat a migraine.
RE: +iny ©at people
I have 1 veto and sadly I'm going to use it against chicken soup type because while I'm all for a food type, soup disgusts me so on principle I have to prevent soup whenever possible.

What about like, pancakes type?
RE: +iny ©at people
If we have any kind of food it needs to be some kind of edible liquid, slime, goop, or ooze.
I picked chicken soup because it has a reputation for goodness and wholesomeness.
RE: +iny ©at people
chicken type tcp
RE: +iny ©at people
That's a solid and potentially not even a food .(
RE: +iny ©at people
(09-12-2017, 09:22 PM)Wheat Wrote: »i want a tcp that has some sort of aesthetic we can play off, so i would support chickensoup type if they speak only in chintzy chicken soup for the soul maxims. this becomes a Family Friendly session now

oh yeah if if they did that then it would be like gloomy getting their faith type.

oh my god this is really good
RE: +iny ©at people
This was part of my hopes yes.