Change ur name

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Change ur name
RE: Change ur name
I want to legally change my name to Ren (Ren is a derivative of my birth name, and I picked it b/c it's a phoneme that shows up in both male and female names. Unfortunately, living overseas means it would be a hassle to change my name, and then I'd have to either get a new passport remotely as well (expensive, bothersome) or submit a proof of name-change every time I want to use Ren anywhere (bothersome.) It probably won't happen until I get NZ citizenship, as such.
RE: Change ur name
i dunno what im going to do with my name bc i cant look at things related to that sort of legal hell easily without freaking out
RE: Change ur name
Did the thing this afternoon :o I ended up dropping my middle name too.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Change ur name
I have a complicated deadname because romanization of Chinese names. But it's definitively a deadname and it's not one of the several I use depending on how I'm presenting. Because genderfluid. One of these days I'll just have to change my legal name to a properly gender-neutral/more convenient name.

Problem is, I feel really guilty rejecting my Chinese name; it's part of a culture I don't want to lose, so I'll probably have to tack it inside my legal name somewhere. Also then I won't have to change documents in HK... hopefully...

I do feel what Nottles feels though. I associate and will probably continue to associate a lot of my online life with the name Agen. I've done a lot of growing up as Agen, I've lived through some of the most traumatic events in my life as Agen, and most of my closes friends (you guys) know me as Agen.


The current name I'm using in life is Cass, which can be either Casper or Cassandra, depending on my mood.
RE: Change ur name
I feel like I wouldn't mind changing my name but I have no idea what I would change it to?? I've used my given name my whole life so nothing really comes to mind as an alternative.
RE: Change ur name
i don't know what my chinese name is
RE: Change ur name

anyways, id change my name to the chosen name I use over it anyways - Romy. rather, Im gonna change it eventually...
RE: Change ur name
I think we should all convene at the same government office and change our names to Red709.

With an increased rate of people being named Red709, a new market will be created to appeal to our demographic. Soon, Red709s will eat the economy.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Change ur name
is that a joke about me not posting for like 2 years. because that wasn't my fault
RE: Change ur name
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]