Tiny Chat People

Tiny Chat People
RE: Tiny Chat People
I mean... yes. Author discretion is already a big part of it. I guess I just mean that if there's going to be a huge discussion on what to do in a scenario, and no clear consensus arrives, author discretion isn't always easy.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
No but I mean, saying "I second this" literally has as much power right now already as it would after that was enshrined as some kind of rule.
You can already do that.
RE: Tiny Chat People
True enough. I mean I guess I was mostly just contesting it as a necessary feature since vetoing seems to have more weight and thematic relevance, but you're right, there's basically no need to discuss it at all, aaaaa
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
the reason I'd even brought up the option of downvoting suggestions in the first place, was... as the character of Frog-Crimes was solidifying into more than just a vague audience presence, it felt more important that I separate "what the author thinks are good suggestions" from "what the audience thinks they're supposed to do" a little bit. I did, and still do, have future stuff in the adventure planned, but I don't want to railroad us by pushing Frog-Crimes to act a certain way. This is, after all, sort of a sandbox adventure, and you guys can make bad decisions all you want. The worst you'll get is an early game over, but that would take a lot of effort to get, tbh.

In the end I'm still picking what suggestions I want to use, because I only have so much energy to fit so much into an update, but, you know. There's a big difference between good suggestions, interesting suggestions, and the actual obvious troll suggestions i don't need people to tell me to ignore.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
While the troll suggestions are easy for the author to ignore, the problem is that they still cause a lot of arguing among the readers. It would be for the best not to reply to them, but that's easier said than done :T
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Tiny Chat People
It should also be noted that if we side with Rein/Macaron there's a good chance we'll have to fight Fernando.
RE: Tiny Chat People
That's assuming tiny cat people want to fight anyone to begin with, though.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Tiny Chat People
I think it is also of note that we have no clue if Fernando actually went to Grind. For all we know, she could be wandering the tower maze cluelessly.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Due to the way forum adventures tend to be formatted, I haven't had a good chance to talk about this yet, so I'm gonna go ahead and talk about it here.

Tiny Cat People character fun facts!

While Macaron is my own character, I didn't come up with their initial design, before I'd decided to put them in this comic. I'd bought the design from the lovely Puck, go ahead and check out their art!

Grind and Rein aren't my own creations, either. They were both created by my good friend Rin Mortis, and Rin helps me with writing their dialogue.

Marzu actually is entirely my own character. She's (very loosely) adapted from the first tabletop RPG character I ever got to play. I'm glad I've found a more permanent home for this character.

Frog-Crimes is a mess, but you all already knew this.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Grind is objectively correct about what needs to be done about Spit.

The true question is whether Rein is merely neglectful, or actively malicious.

If Rein is as dangerous as Spit, but is a 'villain with good publicity', they cannot be permitted to win.
RE: Tiny Chat People
That's a strong conclusion to draw based on the absolutely nothing at all we know about events that happened in the world outside of this game we were born into.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(12-17-2017, 11:10 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »That's a strong conclusion to draw based on the absolutely nothing at all we know about events that happened in the world outside of this game we were born into.

We know that Spit is notorious for cruelty, and has killed another God. The consensus seems to be that Rein is tasked with keeping Spit reined in (get it), but it is also important to note that Rein is protecting Spit from execution in doing so. The question lies in what Rein's motivation for protecting Spit is.

Are they a naive innocent, blinded by idealism, thinking they can 'fix' a dangerous monster?
Or are they the puppetmaster, using Spit to eliminate a rival behind the curtains while playing the hero on stage?
RE: Tiny Chat People
Or are they correct?
RE: Tiny Chat People
Unless the god Spit ate was just really into vore, that's doubtful.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Nobody here is saying that Spit didn’t eat someone, the difference of opinions the gods have is what should be done about it. As outsiders who know nothing except what we are told, with no unbiased parties involved or even still all that much context for anything not game related, we cannot form any kind of objective evaluation of who is actually correct.

Certainly, nobody else in the game holds as vehement an opinion as Grind, so I find it difficult to believe that Grind’s view must simply and objectively be the correct one.
It may also not be the wrong one, but if that was a simple conclusion to come to then Grind would have stronger supporters instead of mostly being alone in their beliefs.

I’m not coming out and saying either side is definitely right, I am just baffled at how you are drawing a line and saying “it’s clear that this is the guy who knows what is up” when I don’t think we can clearly know any such thing.

Plus, killing a God with little justification is not only something we could easily do accidentally it’s something that has repeatedly come up in our thread. It would be a little worrisome to get on the bad side of someone who might be understanding instead of someone who doesn’t care to ;)
RE: Tiny Chat People
If Rein is as forgiving as you would like to believe, siding against them here would not 'get on their bad side'. If opposing them did get on their bad side despite being willing to forgive a murderer, it would be clear what is beneath that pearly white exterior.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Aside from the Spit thing, Rein seems to be better than Grind in every way that matters to us personality-wise. Where Grind seems likely to get mad at us whenever we fuck up, possibly even to the point of deciding it would be better to keep us from being incarnated (which is arguably the correct position, though that's beside the point), Rein is a literal god of patience, and would likely be able to help us suck less. Ideally we would ally with everyone, and no cats would have to die, but thanks to Grind that probably won't be happening. Unless Grind has a really great reason to value keeping Rein from winning over keeping all the cats safe, then pragmatically and morally, Rein is the better option.

Of course, there's no reason not to stay at least nominally neutral for as long as possible.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Merry Christmas, kittenkaboodles!
RE: Tiny Chat People
uhhh!! thanks, merry christmas to you too. it's just "kitet" tho :y

btw sorry there hasn't been an update recently, i've slipped out of my art groove a bit with the holidays. the next update's mostly written, i think, but then i also need to draw the panels.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
It was a merry Christmas to all kittens, but also you kitet.
RE: Tiny Chat People
THEORY: Rein's feeding its TCPs to Spit.
RE: Tiny Chat People
for reference, this is what my update-writing notes look like when i start drafting an update

[Image: unknown.png]
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
RE: Tiny Chat People
[Image: jREwDi4.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
[Image: lBn7omw.png]