Answer the Question Above You

Answer the Question Above You
RE: Answer the Question Above You
The very bottom portion of THREE cereal boxes mixed together in a bowl with fresh, cold milk. Only one of them can be really sugary though, or else it'll just be too sweet.

QUICK, within the next THIRTY SECONDS, what video game would you make if you could make one INSTANTLY come into existence? GO.
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Defense of the Planet of the Apes

dota, but with monkeys harassing your screen all day.

How do you keep cool in the hotter months?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Avitators Staying in my basement whenever possible, eating the occasional frozen delight or cold rhubarb crisp.

How do you wake up?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
With great effort. And also coffee

Speaking of, coffee or tea?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I have a 3+ cup a day coffee habit :v That being said i do have a few nice floral teas. TGoo bad they don't trump my coffee snobbery + addiction

What is your ideal outfit?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
[Image: a52%20lol.png]

Do you think it is possible to feel nostalgic for something you have never experienced?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Yes. Especially if you are prone to frequently getting déjà vu.

Do you think it is possible to feel nostalgic for something you have never experienced?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Yes. Things similar to what you have experienced or having enough traits to do the same.

Fake memories also!

RPG or Strategy game?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
RPG, assuming you mean tabletop. Preferably something in the so-called "story game" genre or Apocalypse Engine-based, but I like OSR sometimes, too.

If you had a thousand humvees, where would you drive them to, and why?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Drive across the country doing this: [Image: 2jtpH4r.jpg]

How does your perfect day play out?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I have no anxiety. I feel good. I already got all my work done so I no longer need to worry. I am safe to watch cartoons and draw all day. I slept in and no one woke me up so I'm not tired. Everything is good and I have no worries.
(Hooo boy if only that were possible heh heh)

Speaking of sleep, what's the longest you've gone without it?
RE: Answer the Question Above You

3 days? it was exam week and i was taking all the sciences in grade 11 and they were all in the same week. like fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

but that's past now. and i am happy with my terrible mark :D

(get sleep guys)

what is your favourite bread no dinner roll heathens please
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
GARLIC BREAD, the only bread infused with garlic and butter, and bread!
But if we're talking like an actual type of bread, I really like sourdough, or potato rolls.

What's the scariest or most bizarre area in your home or hometown?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I lived next to an abandoned house for years? The lady who lived in it was basically a recluse, and had all sorts of signs warning off salesmen and such. Her two poodles were very barky. At some point she just... Disappeared? She might have ended up in a home, who knows. At any rate, the house was empty (though still had some of her stuff in there... like it had been left halfway through moving out) and the ivy that had already mostly taken over the house grew up so much that it was probably the only thing holding the place together.

[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo3_1280.jpg]

I went in there a few times... Someone had already broken the lock on the sliding door in the back (or maybe it was left unlocked? who knows) and had a poke around. The layers of dust on everything were so thick that it was hard to breathe and the ivy blocked out all light, even in the middle of the day. The house was the same layout as mine so they must have been built together. The laundry was completely inaccessible though? The door just wouldn't. I guess thats probably the earthquakes moving the house around and misaligning doorframes; it happened in our house too and my door had to be planed down at least 3 times so i didn't get trapped lmao

[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo9_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo6_1280.jpg]

I actually really wish i'd taken the sad dog portrait

[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo7_1280.jpg]

Anyway the actual creepy part: The room equivalent to mine had all these huge scratch marks in the walls at about waist and head height?

[Image: tumblr_me1bt2eKid1ql1irgo11_1280.jpg]

If i lighten the picture you can see that it goes through the wallpaper and put some nasty gouges into the wood :l

[Image: wall.jpg]

I don't remember what was in the master bedroom (i think there was still a double bed?) but the 3rd bedroom had a single bed still in there, inexplicably covered with old shells? Like someone has just dumped a bunch from the beach on there, they weren't arranged. The ivy had grown through the windows and walls in there too and had taken over most of the room.

It was a weird place.

What is your weirdest childhood memory?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Whenever I turned off a device with a screen, I ran out of the room as fast as I could because I was convinced that if you were in a room when they turned off (but only RIGHT after they turned off) you'd get dragged into a nightmare dimension by tentacle monsters.

Wow that's really creepy now that I think about it.

When is the earliest you've gone to sleep (for the night, not just a nap)?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Technically just after midnight hohoho. But in keeping with the spirit of the question, one hackathon that I went to had a fairly weird schedule and we ended up getting home at around eight-ten AM so I slept then.

If someone could push a button that would make the world perfect, it would be easy to argue that they'd have an obligation to do so. At the same time, most people would agree that you can't expect any given person to devote their lives to making the world a better place and shouldn't think too harshly on those that don't. Between this spectrum, where (if anywhere) do you draw the line as to where a person has a moral obligation to better the world, and is this point different for yourself than it is for others?
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I'm assuming you're looking for an answer with respect to minmaxing world happiness via a utilitarian sacrifice so clever answers like "everyone take turns with the button" or "only volunteers/altruists" aren't viable answers in the scope of the question. If this maximized happiness value came at the expense of one person doomed forever in button pushing hell then I would reject it. I have enough faith in humanity to eventually optimize happiness on their own without a magical sacrifice and it simply wouldn't ever sit well with me forcing them into that fate. I guess in essence I'd prefer an endgame in which everyone shoulders a small burden than one person taking it all.

That said I'd probably push the button.

Would you describe yourself as teleological or deontological? Mainly, where do you fall on the trolley problem? (Out of control trolley barreling towards five people but you could pull a lever to divert it towards a single person, do you pull it? You have no other possible interactions with the system besides pulling the lever or not pulling it.)
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I'm deontological insomuch as I think "the ends justify the means" is rarely - if ever - an objectively correct justification because of confirmation bias. I am all for utilitarianism (which is a teleological approach!) and generally conduct myself in a manner that minimises pain and/or maximises happiness, but making a rock-solid judgement call (at least for fuzzy real-life situations and not abstract numerical problems like trolley problems) is easier said than done!

Especially from my perspective of being a rather passive person, it seems like someone more likely to leap into action would have more confidence (read: bias) in their ability to actively read a situation and gauge outcomes? That might not so much be passivity as pessimism and a tendency to see where my input would cause net negative utility though.

On consideration, I couldn't bring myself to pull the lever. Talk about talking big and bailing out! I'd rather be culpable in the death of five through inaction than being actively murdering one.

Describe the weirdest animal you've ever found.
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Bluh, that's easy: I live in the natural habitat of humans and I stumble across those things ALL THE TIME. Wherever I go.
They're so weird, and so complex! I still haven't really gotten the hang of them. They can be fun to watch sometimes, though.

How scared are you that the universe we live in is a false vacuum?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
never because it's a concept that's never crossed my mind and I've got enough low-key threats to my existence as it currently stands originating on this Trash Planet

Describe the weirdest animal that isn't a cop-out answer you've ever found and describe what specifically was weird/charming about it
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Many years ago, I saw jellyfish at an aquarium and they were like tiny little blobs that glowed pink and green (different ones, might have been blue?). Very cute, very good.

What is a book / movie you think everyone should read / watch?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I WOULD say The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, an amazing epic fantasy novel with cool magic that also acts as the crossover between a lot of different series that Sanderson has written all taking place in the same multiverse. It's really, really well-written and cool and are the best books I've ever read. The Way of Kings is my second favorite book of all time. My favorite is its sequel. The WOULD comes from the fact that it's over a thousand pages long. Very, very good, but you've got to trust the guy and his worldbuilding powers before you dive into something like that.

I still say everyone should read it, definitely, but as an alternative for people who don't like 1000 page books, I'd say Mistborn, from the same author. It's a shorter book, and the beginning of a really cool series. It takes place in a single city in a world covered in ash, and the first book focuses on a band-of-thieves-turned-revolutionaries who possess Allomatic powers, meaning they gain special abilities by digesting certain kinds of metal. Also well written, exciting, and just a really good read.

What is a thing you carry on you all the time that acts like a security blanket?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
No answer, but I totally agree that everybody needs to read the Stormlight and Mistborn series. Sure they may be long, but they're so good that they read quickly.
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Sometimes when im wandering around on my own i hold onto the birbnana charm i have on my bag and pretend im holding someones hand... The banana peels are just about the right shape.

What wouls tou do if you didnt have internet for 2 weeks? This question sponsored by the company being painfully slow at hooking mine up
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I guess I'd probably get a lot of drawing and writing done. And I guess animating since internet wouldn't affect my programs.

If you could only wear one type of clothing for the rest of your life (like one colour, one design, one style (summer, winter, fall, casual, formal, etc), what would it be?