Answer the Question Above You

Answer the Question Above You
Answer the Question Above You
Basically what the title says. One person asks a question about pretty much anything (eh, not too intrusive) and the next person to post answers it, and posts their own question.

I'll start with what is your favourite colour?

RE: Answer the Question Above You
Purple! Like your avatar's hat!

You have a round-the-world plane ticket and can make 5 stops. Where do you go?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Iceland, England, Switzerland, Japan, New Zealand.

If you could have one classic super power, what would it be?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I mean, if you want to fly, poof you're now a dragon. You want to breathe underwater? Poof water dragon. Super strong? Nobody's gonna screw with a dragon. Healing powers? MAGIC DRAGON.

What is one thing that you should be doing now that you really don't want to?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
(Doesn't this thread belong in forum games?)

Why did you choose your avatar?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
(maybe? I don't really know)

Eh, I couldn't think of anything better and I had this old drawing of a character sitting in my art folder. (but it's way old and I should update it)

If you were an alien (not from Earth), what would your planet of origin be?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Neptune! It's pretty and blue. And...not made of solids.

What kind of pie is most favourable to you?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
When I was 8 years old my dad took us to a roller blading rink and when I was skating my right leg and my left leg decided to go in opposite directions and I broke my right femur. The doctors told me later that it was the worst bone in the body to break and that I broke it in the worst spot, so that was cool. I still have a scar on both sides of my knee because they had to put a metal rod through my leg to hold it up in the air for a couple weeks. I ended up staying in the hospital for slightly over a month, and then had to get around with either a wheelchair or crutches for about two months after that. They did let me go home for just one day on Christmas, but I had to watch everybody celebrating the start of the new millennium from a hospital tv.

Anyway here's an ancient, poorly lit picture of me with my cool dog pillow and airplane blanket. Eight year old me had good fashion sense.

If you had to wear the same outfit every single day for the rest of your life like a cartoon character, what outfit would you choose?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I would wear this one, Alter Eagle would go with this. Except with my BUG shirt and jeans instead of the playsuit.

What's your least favourite trope in fantasy settings?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
I just got attached to my fave colour (purple) early on and stuck to it out of loyalty, i guess. Its like a weird generic character trait at this point.

What is the last thing you did before bed last night? (excluding bed prep like brushing teeth or donning pjs)
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
:33 < D --> ii wr073 4 pr0gr4m f0r 4 )(0rrii81--E 7yp1ng qu1rk

(i wrote a program for a horrible typing quirk)

((actually that was tonight, but im currently in bed, so i say that that counts))

what time do you normally fall asleep at?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Hooo boy. Well. Anywhere from 3am to 7:30am but I try to avoid hitting 8. I try really hard to sleep earlier than that but my body just won't do it.

What is your favourite aquatic life form?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Octopi of course.

Where is the furthest you've ever traveled from home?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I went on a trip around Europe in 2 weeks like 5 years ago. I went to Rome, Venice, Switzerland (Wengen), Paris, then London. I really enjoyed Rome, Switzerland, and London. Not to say I didn't enjoy Venice or Paris, those three locations are just my favorite for different reasons.

I live in Florida, US.

What is your favorite type of hat?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
I look really silly in hats. Something to do with my head shape, i guess? So i'll go with a woolen beanie with a pompom on top, because i might as well look silly on purpose. Plus its warm.

You are going to a restaurant for dinner. What kind do you go to?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
I am all in for most restaurants, to be honest, but if I get to choose, I'm probably going to go to either a burger joint (I love Red Robin's and their absurd tower of onion rings), an Italian place (there's one near where we live that does an Ocean City pasta - linguini with crab in a garlic sauce, seasoned with Old Bay), or a hot dog place (I love hot dogs). I'm easy to please.

What's that One Song that always puts you in a good mood?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You

What is the best flavour of chip/crisp?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
prawn cocktail shit yeah!

what's the best anime?
RE: Answer the Question Above You

What is your favorite type of triangle?
RE: Answer the Question Above You

What's one of your guilty pleasures?
RE: Answer the Question Above You

What's your favorite place to go within walking distance of your home?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
There's a really nice walkway and park out the back of my neighbourhood... Lots of flax and a small pond with ducks and swans. It looks really pretty at night, especially.

[Image: Photo%2020-02-16%2C%208%2027%2056%20PM.jpg]

What do you do when you're restless at night?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
I used to Tumblr or read until I could wear my brain out, but these days I just do something meditative or smoke a bit and lie in the dark. All my sleep issues stem from excess mental energy.

What is your favorite spice?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Slorange ninja'd me. Oh boy. It's probably saffron. I love Bouillabaisse, a french seafood soup that is spiced with it :D

What is you favorite breed of dog/cat?