Arcana [Continueing after all?]

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Arcana [Continueing after all?]
RE: Arcana
Idea: Someone goes up and gets the bats attention with the food, then hightails back behind the spike trap, which another person activates as soon as the bats fly under it.

We should probably check if the trap actually works like that before trying it though.
RE: Arcana
It looks to me like the three little squiggles share the one set of rocks. After/if I get up there we will have to be careful to set off the trap before we go through.

PL, can I chuck the wand or is it a perma/until I get another Equip? Would throwing it at someone activate it automatically?
RE: Arcana
You can drop the wand, whenever you want it, and no it can't fire when thrown, no matter how much I would love to make a gunslinger pun.
RE: Arcana
I'm guessing that trap's gonna cycle through all three of the squiggles. As a test, I'm gonna hit it again; it should pop out of the far right ones, which means Coldblooded's plan would be a good idea.

Solaris, you might want to move out of the way. Just in case it's randomized or something. :x
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Arcana
Can't the test wait until I'm up there? If I draw the bat's attention by standing under them, then we can take the risks and such and probably beat them scott free assuming that I have more than one shot or that the bat food distracts them away from me.
If not, and the bats do not wake up from me jumping up on the platform with the door then we are done with the room!
RE: Arcana
Don't forget, I'm jumping over there as well!

(note: protect Minion at all costs ;-;)
RE: Arcana

PYP tries to press the button but it does nothing, other then laughing at him. LOOK OUT THE TRAP HAS GONE LOOSE oh too late. Solaris and Agent got a bit squished, and they bounce out through the exit, confused. Whoops.

The Minion dies and disappears in a puff of puff.

The bats wake up.

1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 3HP
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP, Pumpkin
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped)
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped) EXIT
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP EXIT
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands
RE: Arcana
I grab some bat food and leave it right next to the trampoline before i bounce up to the exit, hopefully with the bats heading for the food before me.
Uh, assuming the spikes retract
RE: Arcana
Okay, I'm betting that the spikes are gonna rotate between the three of the doors from now on, so no one walk under the middle one this turn.

If I can manage to get to the trampoline on the left without getting impaled by spikes this turn, I'll grab it and wheel it back over to where I'm standing now. Otherwise, I'll just chill out for a turn. I also check to make sure that spikes aren't about to start falling before I reach under them.
RE: Arcana


RIP Minion


RE: Arcana
Minion Crying Eagle

Follow cyber under the assumption that the spikes retract/disappear.
RE: Arcana
Maybe they detect when there's someone under them, and pressing the button unlocked them?

(also nuuuuu)
RE: Arcana

Coldblooded saves the trampoline just in time before they get smashed.

PYP spaces out.
Cyber waits until the spikes retract, puts down some food then jumps up and exits.
Slorange waits until the spikes retract, then goes to jump up, but get smashed by the spikes that has just come out of the ceiling in the middle.

The bats are on the mooove.

1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 2.5HP
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped) EXIT
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped) EXIT
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP EXIT
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands
RE: Arcana

An Essay Constructed in the Void Between Rooms

Oh Minion, you died before your time. A brave, fearless and adorable warrior, you were not given enough hugs before your untimely departure from this brave world. You died in an avoidable accident, a sad, preventable fate of death, and have gone lovingly to a better place - and yet the world is less of a wonder without you.

We will never forget your visage, nor your great sacrifice in battle.

We will never forget the comfort and joy you gave us, nor your final puff of puff.

We will never forget your heart and spirit, for you died too soon.

RE: Arcana
I attempt to jump back up to the level with the coals using the trampoline.
RE: Arcana
Minion noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ;-;

PL, couldn't you have at least, I dunno, prodded me on IRC or something before skipping my turn? That would've been a lot nicer.

Anyway, that button doesn't seem to be doing much good. Slorange, think you could try tossing some bat food over the ledge? Either that, or onto the tile the spikes land on.

Since said spikes don't seem to want to stop rotating between the doors, we should probably just wait until they drop from the far left door before passing under the middle one. I'll get ready to do that, but I won't go quite yet.

(Also, isn't the pumpkin kinda dead? Why's Coldblooded still got it?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Arcana
It was an error, fixed.

Also in my experience people rarely post even after I prodded them, but still, sorry. :c
RE: Arcana
I probably won't have much time to update today, but I still need a Slorange one.
RE: Arcana
>Continue to door

I assumed there was no need to say that. If the spikes come down and hit me as I pass, continue after that too.
RE: Arcana

Slorange EXITs.

PYP kindly asks Slorange to do things, but he doesn't care.

Coldblooded jumps up.

The bats start to eat food.

1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 2.5HP EXIT
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped) EXIT
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped) EXIT
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP EXIT
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands
RE: Arcana
I wait up there this turn while the spikes move around, then NEXT TURN I'll take a running jump and try to stick the landing on the platform with the door on it. And then exit.

I suggest PYP get up here and do the same so we can skip ahead to the next level already.
RE: Arcana
Yeah, I'm gonna follow Coldblooded's lead here.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Arcana
You would probably dodge the bat next turn, so lets skip ahead.

1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 2.5HP
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped)
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped)
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands

Room3 will be up as soon as I come up with it and I become less busy.
RE: Arcana
Final Wands Gauntlet

[Image: ArenaC01.png]

1, Black Beret -- SleepingOrange, 2.5HP
2, Red fez -- Coldblooded, 2.5HP
3, Blue ushanka -- Cyber95, 2.5HP, Queen of Wands, (1 zapped)
4, Green Bunny Ears -- Solaris, 2.5HP, Ace of Wands(2 zapped)
5, Purple Invisihat -- AgentBlue, 2.5HP
6, Yellow Constructionhat -- Pick Yer Poison, 1.5HP, Page of Wands
RE: Arcana
That fuse...doesn't look good. Not to mention pumpkins, bats, snappy demons and a lack of Minion ;-;

I shall walk to the gap and drop down, keeping an eye on that fuse to see how fast it burns!