Interra Nex

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Interra Nex
RE: Interra Nex
Somerled opens the door, then continues to hold his ground.
RE: Interra Nex
[Image: oyNGC.png]
Somerled opens the door; you can just see the path leading southwards into the village. If you chose to go that way, you might be forced to fight or run through some of the other inhabitants of the hamlet, but would be able to stick to civilization and perhaps disappear into a large city and be forgotten. To the east (and west, if you power through or circumvent the mob), there are probably more little frontier towns like Ordburg where you could reestablish a life like the one you had here, but you'd run the risk of rediscovery or outing by Ordburg's residents. The north contains mostly wilderness, too ravaged by Catastrophe to be settled or simply too wild to be worth it; it's your best bet for losing the pursuit and being forgotten – as well as the best chance to find more like-minded individuals who already fled persecution – but is also doubtlessly the most dangerous rout: while there may be a few more settlements and secluded cabals, they may be few and far between, and the land itself will be much more lethal.

Turn Order:

RE: Interra Nex
Amanita heads Southeast towards the door
RE: Interra Nex
[Image: gpLld.png]
Amanita moves.

Turn Order:



RE: Interra Nex
Sparkles watches in surprise as the wall crumbles. A pity that the death of a wall bears neither the portents nor satisfaction of a living creature's demise.

Sparkles steals a glance back toward the door through which her fellows are escaping, then returns her gaze to the open expanse where the southern wall once stood. She shrugs and runs southward to the gaping wall, with an untrained but unfavorable estimation of the building's remaining integrity and a furtive eye toward the roof.
RE: Interra Nex
Deta lets out a little scream as the wall gives way, and jumps northeast. "Aaah! L-let's get out of here b-before he takes the o-other ones too!"
RE: Interra Nex
Qiklik clicks her teeth. "Hold up, shouldn't we at least decide together which way to go? Or are some of us going through the door and some going through the wall?"
RE: Interra Nex
"I-I didn't want to go south...and southeast was t-taken..."
RE: Interra Nex
Pethenar heads into the doorway, beckoning the others onwards. "To freedom!"
RE: Interra Nex
"It's every sentient being for themselves!" Amanita cackles. "Besides, if some of us split up, that divides the murderous mob as well! Win-win situation, don't you think?"
RE: Interra Nex
"*squeak* b-bu-but...strength in n-numbers! D-divided we f-fall..."

divided we fall

Mother had died and the mob had come back and they'd scattered every which way, each one of her extended family weaker than they could stand together, they'd been hunted down or run too far for her to find and she'd run too, run and run...
RE: Interra Nex
[Image: hoXq4.png]
Instead of making you load three near-identical images, here is the result of Sparkles's, Deta's, and Pethenar's moves.
Turn Order:

RE: Interra Nex
"Have you gone mad, lass? You could get yourself killed with that kind of thinking!"
RE: Interra Nex
"You c-could get yourself killed w-without it, S-Somerled!" Deta panics, turning this way and that. The walls creak dangerously. "H-half that mob could kill us e-easily! Like f-fish in a barrel!"
RE: Interra Nex
"Psssh, you don't give yourself enough credit, Deta dear. Mobs are an unruly, barely organized, barely sentient being of rage and confusion! We, however, are intelligent, clear-headed individuals who command the forces of darkness and death. Ultimately, we will survive this mess, and perhaps even emerge victorious in battle."
RE: Interra Nex
"Aw, crap." Qiklik slouches off towards the south. "I'm going with the big guy with the axe, at least the hole ain't some narrow bottleneck. Still, which way are we going, east or south?!"
RE: Interra Nex
"I was talking to Amanita, lass, not you. The mob far outnumbers us, and I'll not be having any further killing! Our priority is to escape. Head to the east!"
RE: Interra Nex
"Not have any more killing? When did YOU become so depressingly moral?"
RE: Interra Nex
"What, you think slaughtering a bunch of idiots is going to do us any favors? A murder is bad enough. What do you think will happen if word of a massacre spreads to other towns?"
RE: Interra Nex
"Please, we're necromancers! We can always bring them back. Soul not included. Some assembly required." Amanita chuckles. "If anything, it will at least improve the smell of these back water hicks."
RE: Interra Nex
"East door, south rubble, either way out, let's meet up east of here."
RE: Interra Nex
[Image: Pd9Ig.png]
Qiklik moves on down.

[Image: uzvbY.png]
The mob moves on in.

[Image: Q40eI.png]
The fire spreads very enthusiastically, but dies in the same manner. A kobold is surrounded, but no-one is burned.

Turn Order:

RE: Interra Nex
Somerled holds. The door is in use, and he's certainly not going to the south.
RE: Interra Nex
Amanita smiles and fires an arrow at the kobold
RE: Interra Nex
Sparkles moves Southeast, giving Deta a clear avenue of escape.