Answer the Question Above You

Answer the Question Above You
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Fall Out Boy - Young Volcanoes.

When music's playing in the background and you're alone/in amenable company, do you hum, fidget in time, or belt that shit out?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
None of the above! I will dance if i'm alone, though.

What is the most listened to song on your ipod (or equivalent)
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RE: Answer the Question Above You tells me my most scrobbled song is Peg by Isan, which I can't find on YouTube so the Bandcamp link will have to do. Isan is my go-to productivity music and this is the first track from my favourite of their albums, so it makes sense that it would be my most played. In fact, it turns out many of my most frequently played tracks are by Isan... I listen to other music as well, honest...

What album means a lot to you?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I'm not sure which one 'means the most' but the one I keep going back to would be Demon Days by Gorillaz. The second I realized animated bands could exist my world became a whole lot better. I like listening to it when I work.

If you could do a simple, mundane task utterly perfectly, which one would it be? (Things like making breakfast, sleeping for the perfect amount of time you need, always being on time, small stuff like that)
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Motivate myself to work productively - or perhaps, who knows, just... actually be able to let things go and be happy with something for once - though I'm not really sure if that is simple or mundane. I don't know. Maybe, "be a bit more proactive when it comes to my goals."

Do you have plans for learning any new languages? If you could start, which would you pick?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I'd really like to learn Latin, but I just don't have the discipline to self-teach. I wish my school had a Latin class available.

What does your favorite song taste like?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
A roiling ocean. Beams of light. The contentedness of stir-fried potato slices. A hollowness.

I can teach some Latin, I suppose, though I might be a bit rusty.

What's your favorite grain product?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Rice. Don't put anything in it, just boring, plain, white rice.

What is something you would not do for a million dollars?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Kill a person. For pretty obvious reasons.

If you could wipe your memory to experience something completely fresh once again, what would that experience be?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
There are quite a few movies i'd like to see again fresh. Also it might be fun to re-meet a lot of my friends?

What is your favourite kind of scented candle? This question brought to you by the vanilla jasmine one i am currently inhaling
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
I'm allergic to like everything 'scented', ESPECIALLY if it's lilac. However, I like stuff that smells like vanilla or mangoes

What's your favourite kind of tree? Like I'm partial to sycamores cause they look neat or big ol redwoods or somethin'.
RE: Answer the Question Above You

Plaid's question:
When I was a kid we had this wonderful purple candle that smelled like huckleberries, but we only ever lit it when the power went out. I normally really dislike scented things, but for whatever reason I really liked the smell of that one.

What is something you ate as a kid that is not actually food? I used to always put Legos in my mouth. I probably would if I still used them.

edit: oh fuck i got ninja'd. Here goes my third question:

My favorite type of tree is probably the douglas fir. They smell so nice and they grow all over around here in Washington.
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Grass and plastic lances, but I have a better, less accurate answer that comes with a little story timbit.

So baby me was sitting at my table, when my dad sets down his beer to hug a friend. When he turns around, his beer is empty. Also, I now hate the smell / taste of most alcohol.

Also, my younger ex-neighbour ate mushrooms growing in her backyard and had to get her stomach pumped, but her and her whole family were jerks who would play music loudly at 11:00 pm and hit hockey pucks into our flowers (sometimes retrieving them, most of the time leaving them for us to hoard and dispose of). Also I went to school with them (well, the children ones) and they were awful brats.

Okay but question: If you invented a dance move, what would you name it?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Teething. and it would consist of stomping and grinding on the ground

What is your favourite flower.
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
The Chrysanthemum, because it's got a long name and I can respect that.

What's the best haircut you've ever had?
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[Image: 32517_394102083030_6550587_n.jpg?oh=db57...520fa5101f] [Image: 32517_394102048030_1641735_n.jpg?oh=b898...93b79725f1]

It was specifically layered for the dye going into it and it looked cool even when it faded. God my face is thin there

How has your style changed since high school? (or if you're still in high school, in the last 5 years? Do we have anybody that young here idk)
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
Heh, I'm actually drawing right now. I'm in my school's cintiq lab so uh, photoshop, pencil tool, anti-aliasing turned off of everything.

If you draw, what's your favourite thing to draw, if you write, what's your favourite thing to write about?
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[Image: Photo%2023-05-16%2C%207%2059%2055%20PM.jpg]

Pictured: what should be my lecture notes

I like drawing my comic characters and doodle them all the time. Mostly Daisy, though.

How many characters do you have?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
surprise Plaid art for the win!!

The amount of characters I'll be mulling about tends to be a fairly fluid quantity. But if we're looking at characters that I've placed on some kind of physical medium, that are prominent enough for me to recall now (meaning I revisit them regularly)...I'll say 10 as a conservative estimate.

Which two eagle-time forum adventure characters (from different adventures) would you most want to see go on a date?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You
Fresh and hot, or microwaved and hot. Mushrooms, Peppers, Bacon, Cheese, Tomato Sauce, Chicken, Red Onions, Maybe Sausage.

Or a dessert pizza. I am always an advocate of dessert pizza.

What is your favourite kind of pie?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
黑豆沙! Or perhaps mango, but I don't think I've tried that before.

Sticks or flags?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Flags, but I'm not sure what your question means.

Tax or Gods?
RE: Answer the Question Above You

Just a quick decision about a silly project I'm probably going to be doing.

What's your expectations for the next three weeks?