Answer the Question Above You

Answer the Question Above You
RE: Answer the Question Above You
The trick is to preview your post right before you actually post it; theres a window underneath that shows the latest posts in the thread. That way you can catch if someone has posted while you were typing!

Soon i will be shopping for homewares to move into my new place. What colour theme should i go with?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Green, with other vibrant colours. Then the joy of spring (minus the wet of spring) can be in your house all the time!

Why did you join Eagle Time?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
(05-12-2016, 05:42 AM)bigro Wrote: »For the glory of satan of course! But no it was just a neat alternative to mspfa at the time.

Who is your favourite celebrity chef?

Emeril Legasse... BAM!

You are given a one way ticket to somewhere in the world (outside your home-state or province), you can never return. Where do you go?
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I mean i'd prefer to stay in NZ, so realistically i could just move to the north island? But states don'r really apply to anywhere but the US

Somewhere in europe might be nice. Maybe i would go to Austria and live under Deen's bed like some sort of weird goblin.

What kind of drunk are you?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Very Gabby and apologetic.

What the most unhealthy thing you enjoy eating?
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Who is your favorite Disney villain?
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RE: Answer the Question Above You

I get ALOT of pizza, between that and chinese food the tab can run up to about $50 an order.

Of course there are leftovers and I'm getting for 2 people, but it was the first thing that came to mind as a regular purchase.

SO MANY Formulas!

Right now I'm going to go with the sum of all positive integers from 1 to infinity = -1/12, because I love confusing students with it.

What your favorite thing about ?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Papers are useful for drawing and writing. Surely that is what you mean

If you had to have an animal companion to follow you around everywhere and help out in battle, what kind of animal would it be?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
A cat. Granted, they would be useless; or in fact even harmful to my chances, because cats are assholes (a scientifically proven fact), BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE (also proven).

Congratulations, you get to make your own fraternity/sorority/honor society/whatever. What Greek letters would you use to name it?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Koppa Digamma Tsan. Archaic and obscure - the best. Archaeology focused?

If you could have full, real-time instant knowledge of anything within a field you choose, what field would you choose?
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I really love my journey game shirt and a shirt I have that has a house on it. I only wear them on special days.

What movie / game / book / ect, do you feel had a good plot but wasn't executed correctly?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Timeline by Michael Crichton - It's been a while since I've read any Crichton books, but timeline had a simple job: Go into the past and mess around with some knights, but instead it introduced this weird quantum tunneling thing that made my 7th grade mind try and cope with the mortality of teleportation.

What was the last store you went to, and what did you buy?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I stopped by the supermarket on the way back to work from the bank. There's an adjoining bakery and I bought:

A very crispy ham and cheese danish
A bun full of walnuts
A bite-sized choux pastry with custard

What kind of rain is your favourite?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
THUNDERSTORMS with tornado sirens blaring, hail striking everywhere, and lightning crackling in the air.

Yes, I am a meteorology major meteorologist who was in the storm chasing club and on a summer chase; what makes you think that.

If you could make one rule change for any sport, what would it be?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Competitive archerers are allowed to shoot their opponents. Last person alive, or the one with most points after they run out of ammo wins.

What is your favorite branch of science? I've always been a big fan of physics, but I also like evolutionary biology, animal psychology and computer science. This year I took a course of chemistry and I really liked that too.

(Kieros, if you answer this, you can't say meteorology. Same goes for you and biology, Schazer, I already know.)
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Biology is super interesting to me? I used to really enjoy it in high school even though i didn't do very well (depression was slamming my head in a door and i failed everything lmao). Psychology is prob my fave though tbh... I really like seeing how people tick and react differently to things.

I don't really keep up with much science tbh (on this forum? shame on me)

What pattern does your favourite blanket have on it
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
On the outside: White. An embroidered lilac in blue ornaments the centre.
On the inside: A skewed criss-crossing of spaced green, hatched orthogonally to combine on their intersections.

Do you treat yourself well?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
I sleep well and treat myself with gifts and nice food all the time. Life's too short to deny yourself of a treat.

Why are girls so good?
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Such deep questions have no true answer. My guess is because they're cute, though.

What are you having/have had for dinner tonight?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Answer the Question Above You
(Dunno how to translate to English)

What is your next "big project?"
RE: Answer the Question Above You
Working on a forum adventure! I've got 9 backgrounds and ten overworld sprites done and a whole buncha text boxes. Hopefully I can get to a point where I'm comfortable starting soon. Should be in about three backgrounds from now. (There's also my school portfolio but whatever)

What's one song you find yourself always going back to?