The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
i wish i did creative thing s anymore
RE: The 2am thread
this show feels a lot more cringey humor i guess in a way i dont like i guess, but maybe im reading it all wrong because im good at that lmao
RE: The 2am thread
i still dont know how to feel about this episode but pink is robbing everyone of their cash via fine dining so its probably fine
RE: The 2am thread
i want to be loved and its hard and i dont know how im going to go to bed easily but its hard
RE: The 2am thread
the preview for the next episode looks fucking incredible

thers four minutes to 2 thirty and i guess i should go to bed so night
RE: The 2am thread
Welcome to 2am, freshly fifteen seconds old
RE: The 2am thread
It's 2am and I'm here. Why are we here?
RE: The 2am thread
Helpfully, the waiter came forward and said, "Would you like the braised flamingo, madam?"
RE: The 2am thread
“Do you know,” says the engineer at the bar, “how much damage air does to a spaceship?”

I shake my head. Honestly, I don’t know why I was listening at all. Fourteen other seats at the bar and this lackwit has to come sit next to me. Said I needed company. Because that’s exactly why I’m sitting here and drinking my fucking brains out, isn’t it: to make lasting and valuable friendships with people from all walks of life. Why didn’t I see it before? Truly the next brilliant mind of his age, this guy.

“Now your usual ship’s engineer, they want to breathe as well as work, they want giant hangars filled with air, they want stupidly huge doors to keep that air in and they want stupidly huge pumps to move that air in and out.” He’s gesturing like a fucking inflatable tube man; he’s going to knock his drink over in a second if he’s not careful. “What they don’t understand is that these ships aren’t made for oxygen, not on the outside anyway. Rust gets everywhere - everywhere! - and all because station-bound mechanics can’t muster up the balls to get in a suit and work in space, like how real humans do it.”

I don’t bother mentioning that real humans were never meant to go to space.
RE: The 2am thread
At this point I'm too befuddled, tired and sick to understand fully or even rant about what is my brain anymore.

Does my brain belong to me?

Look at me I'm a regular Gavin
RE: The 2am thread
Our heroes are human. People make excuses, people do bad things, no man is innocent.

Some kangaroos are though.

And some aren't. They're nasty fuckers
RE: The 2am thread
Damn I missed 2:04 AM
RE: The 2am thread
Flat is justice
RE: The 2am thread
I mean, if we're not shouting into the void, then what are we doing? Aren't we all just screaming and screaming and screaming, hoping someone will hear?

There's a metaphor in that. Everyone screaming, no one can hear you because everyone is fucking screaming
RE: The 2am thread
I made an interesting imagery once, about social networks.

Networks are like connections in between people, glowing wires that hold them up over a black, unending abyss. People who have many of these are supported by many others, so they do not fall. People who do not end up hanging on too few threads, hanging above the black, fearing the snap, fearing the black. They are already dipping into its inky darkness. From time to time the glowing line connecting them to their precious few friends, acquaintances, colleagues falters, and their hearts grow cold with fear.

Some people have no one, and live in the black. They try to make themselves warm. They try to substitute people with other things. It does not work. They die there, hearts frozen shut, unable to reach up and forge new lines.

(the black is loneliness by the way)
RE: The 2am thread
I use short sentences too much.

RE: The 2am thread
So the big question is: Why is shouting into the void a bad thing? I'd consider it an act of defiance! "You void! You are... not me! HA!"
RE: The 2am thread
I mean, I'm being facetious. I know why... but not in enough detail. Why? Tell me why that is so bad. Is it because normally you don't want a reaction? Well I want a reaction now. I've added the baking soda to the vinegar. I've fired nuclei at each other. Tell me why! Talk to me! Talk to me!
RE: The 2am thread
This session of the 2amcast is nearly over. I'm not sure how to feel. I'm not sure I feel anything anymore. I'm a ball of broken promises and patched up twine. I'm a fragment made of guilt and sin. I'm broken and I don't know where or why.

Tell me why.
RE: The 2am thread
It is finally my turn to make terrible mistakes. To be around in this most foul of hours when I know that time still crushes ever onwards and that I like so many others am subservient to its ebb and flow. Knowing that the simple act of being able to legally post here is folly and that any sane soul would realize that they must be awake at a reasonable hour regardless of when they actually begin to sleep. Yet here I am, as you all were. Are? A small part of me sort of wonders if, once you've posted here, you enter the same part of time occupied by all 2am posters. 2am for all of us. I mean supposedly there is no reading unless you are allowed to post, so I guess it's true in a demented sort of way. Of course, another unspoken requirement of this damned zone is the tone. I have (will) endeavor to keep in key - though I think some screams are louder than others. Four pages and change is too much to see properly.

What have we wrought?

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RE: The 2am thread
Its 5 to 2 but w/e i need to shitpost a bit

my carbon paper keeps going missing and i feel like i'm losing my mind? i keep cutting new small pieces to transfer my drawings to paper so i can cut it, but i think i've thrown away all of about 2 bits ever and the rest just. Disappear. I cut two last week and they're gone. I spent 15 minutes looking for the ones i cut last night before i found them somewhere i did not piut them. Wha tthe fuck? Are my family throwing it out? It costs $5 per a4 sheet, which is stupid expensive for paper. I can't afford to keep buying new packs goddammit guys
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
Anyway now i have some mashed potato in the oven so i can grill some cheese on top of it and i'm going to eat that and read fanfic for a bit. A break from working on comic zine. I might posts a pic of the current page so far at 2:30?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
Colour printing is too expensive so i'm going to do the zine in black and white, but with nice paper (surprising no one). I'm making a comic for each horoscope, as taken from the local news website a few days ago and most of them are vaguely supernatural or magical girl/superheroish? idk.

I'm drawing them and then shading with a grey copic, which i made a specific trip into town to get today. I also scanned some of my patterned paper and printed it out b&w to stick as a texture in some parts (b&w so i can see how the thing will actually look). I'm hoping the effect will be cool but as with all things i gotta do them and hope i haven;t fucked up at the last minute

I also went into town to gget my ipod which has been at a bus depot for an entire month while i've been lying around too depressed to make the trip out there. I'm glad i have it back but mostly for my cute beaded headphones lmao whoops

I was going to go with Ren, and also grab my diploma from my old college so i can apply to a new one (lost the old one somehow) but they were too tired so i decided not to rush it. We're going to do it tomorrow and go to the museum, because they have a live katapo spider and i'm unreasonably hype to see it
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: The 2am thread
[Image: IMAG1129.jpg]

And now away, to my potatoes
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
It's that time of night again. I actually just woke up after passing out around 6 or 7pm, because at this point i no longer have any regard for my sleep schedule or my life in general.

I don't want to go out tomorrow. I feel like I'm letting the universe down. There are so many things I have to do...

I'll be glad when my assignments are no longer an issue.