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You have been TRICKED.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
i knew but i had to check

the moral is never trust btp, he is a charlatan and a liar.

pretty rude to use my love of spreadsheets against me
RE: You have been TRICKED.
I'm only lying so that when the pirates attack I'll be able to protect you.
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RE: You have been TRICKED.
(11-13-2016, 09:23 PM)btp Wrote: »Apparently a whopping 3.3% of all links on eagle time redirect to this thread!

Anyone interested in spreadsheets can download the details here.

RE: You have been TRICKED.
I was thinking, "Oh, nice! I wonder what you used for web scraping!"

You betrayed me.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
(11-13-2016, 09:40 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »the moral is never trust btp, he is a charlatan and a liar.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
i've been had
RE: You have been TRICKED.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
gee thanks Reyweld
RE: You have been TRICKED.
(11-19-2016, 09:19 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »gee thanks Reyweld
RE: You have been TRICKED.
(11-19-2016, 09:38 PM)a52 Wrote: »
(11-19-2016, 09:19 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »gee thanks HAZEL
RE: You have been TRICKED.
me friccin moron i just got beaned!
RE: You have been TRICKED.
i have been bamboozled
RE: You have been TRICKED.
Kieros. It was so obvious I thought I'd click on it just to see if I were being double tricked and it was something else. It was not.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
Ixcaliber warned me not to click the link in the middle, but I did anyway.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
I didn't fully read the link, it was in Discord and all I saw was that it had a lot of reaction emojis on it.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
visiting this thread is my pasttime
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You must be registered to view this content.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
you have been tricked, the wool has taken you in for a ride, you have had yourself pulled over the head, the bamboozle has swindled your flimflam and hoodwinked your rook.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: You have been TRICKED.
btp: firstly, damn you to hell, secondly, whence/whonce the fuck did trump claims get got as a domain
RE: You have been TRICKED.
i thought i was onto something

but it said eagie
RE: You have been TRICKED. is too clever. too clever to be used for a simple redirect to this thread. you can do better, btp.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
(12-05-2016, 06:11 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »i thought i was onto something

but it said eagie

If you get linked to an eagie board don't use it, your computer will become haunted by tricky ghosts
RE: You have been TRICKED.
(12-05-2016, 05:35 AM)Schazer Wrote: »btp: firstly, damn you to hell, secondly, whence/whonce the fuck did trump claims get got as a domain

Someone didn't read my politics rant! But, to be fair even people who did still clicked the trump claims. I'm holding onto it until a rainy day I suppose.

Also, I can't take credit for eagie-time. The real culprit can be found here.
RE: You have been TRICKED.
bob you promised not to tell anyone about my part in eagie time