Tiny Chat People

Tiny Chat People
RE: Tiny Chat People
grind is one of my all time favorite, and oldest, god characters, and very personal to me- i hope you enjoy his modern design!
warning, grind is big. this image is equally big
RE: Tiny Chat People
Thicc gear weasel.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-01-2018, 06:47 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Wouldn't googling spit just turn up stuff about, well, spit? Like how googling macaron would turn up stuff about the meringue.

Nah like, having Tubes google Spit.
I don't remember if it was confirmed if the internet Tubes connects to is Earth or Morbit internet tho, but if it's morbit internet, seeing as these are gods, it'd probably turn up the person.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-03-2018, 03:22 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »Thicc

[Image: 151494628320.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Oh man, Gear looks really cool! I wish we had this information before trying to flirt with him and ask to see his butt. We kinda instantly got on his bad side...
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-03-2018, 10:36 PM)mortis Wrote: »
(01-03-2018, 03:22 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »Thicc

[Image: 151494628320.png]

Beauty is a curse.

[Image: CROWyhz.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-04-2018, 05:53 AM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »
(01-03-2018, 10:36 PM)mortis Wrote: »
(01-03-2018, 03:22 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »Thicc

[Image: 151494628320.png]

Beauty is a curse.

[Image: CROWyhz.png]

[Image: 151494628320.png][Image: 151494628320.png][Image: 151494628320.png][Image: 151494628320.png][Image: 151494628320.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
you should stop graham, it's not endearing nor funny
RE: Tiny Chat People
The knife wasn't very endearing or funny either, but that didn't stop anybody.
RE: Tiny Chat People
The knife is hilarious tbh, Wax clearly needs a better sense of humour.
Giving one to everyone else too, while unintentional and very unhelpful for our cause, is also pretty funny.
So is summoning the game admin because we did a completely pointless prank on ourselves.
RE: Tiny Chat People
It's clear that we have different ideas of what is funny. I don't consider putting our units in additional danger for no perceivable benefit funny.
RE: Tiny Chat People
That's Wax's fault, we made an object that couldn't possibly harm a TCP even if we wanted it to, and the fact that this pissed Wax off so much is also pretty funny even if it's also not great for us.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-04-2018, 06:04 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »It's clear that we have different ideas of what is funny.

yeah dude i can guarantee you nobody else on this forum thinks it's "funny" to pursue someone after it's been made clear that they're not available, i guess we just don't have a sense of humor or something

you should probably get caught up with the forum etiquette, here's a good thread for that
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-04-2018, 06:16 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »That's Wax's fault, we made an object that couldn't possibly harm a TCP even if we wanted it to, and the fact that this pissed Wax off so much is also pretty funny even if it's also not great for us.

The knife is of no danger to the TCPs, but its entirely predictable side-effects have indirectly raised tensions and made us seem more incompetent and unpredictable than ever.

The inability to form alliances or develop trust very much endangers the cats, who exist as the only viable targets through which to harm us.

(01-04-2018, 06:37 PM)KittenEater Wrote: »yeah dude i can guarantee you nobody else on this forum thinks it's "funny" to pursue someone after it's been made clear that they're not available, i guess we just don't have a sense of humor or something

I have made comments that I find a character aesthetically pleasing while posting an image of a delusional fat man obsessed with protecting beauty (of which he considers himself a part, which ingame was played for humor due to his extremely unattractive appearance). This is not an attempt to pursue said character in any way. Indeed, it is a vast and complicated self-deprecating in-joke to Fire Emblem players.

Aside from liking his design, I identify strongly with Grind as a character. He is responsible, pragmatic and patient, virtues which I attempt to hold myself to (with mixed success). As such I have developed a loyalty to the character that I am aware has (in conjunction with my distrust of figures such as Rein) been influencing my decisions to include him in the subjects that the plans are intended to benefit.

Like the objects of Oliver's obsessed loyalties, Grind's attitude towards the collective of which I am a part has grown increasingly negative as a result of its deranged actions. This is clearly a failing on my part to adequately serve my role in protecting our charges (the TCPs) by representing their interests in a convincing format.

Therefore, posting the image of Oliver accompanied by a line similar in nature to many of his own compares me to a deluded, fat, obsessed loser with an over-inflated ego.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-04-2018, 06:57 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »
(01-04-2018, 06:16 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »That's Wax's fault, we made an object that couldn't possibly harm a TCP even if we wanted it to, and the fact that this pissed Wax off so much is also pretty funny even if it's also not great for us.

The knife is of no danger to the TCPs, but its entirely predictable side-effects have indirectly raised tensions and made us seem more incompetent and unpredictable than ever.

The inability to form alliances or develop trust very much endangers the cats, who exist as the only viable targets through which to harm us.

(01-04-2018, 06:37 PM)KittenEater Wrote: »yeah dude i can guarantee you nobody else on this forum thinks it's "funny" to pursue someone after it's been made clear that they're not available, i guess we just don't have a sense of humor or something

I have made comments that I find a character aesthetically pleasing while posting an image of a delusional fat man obsessed with protecting beauty (of which he considers himself a part, which ingame was played for humor due to his extremely unattractive appearance). This is not an attempt to pursue said character in any way. Indeed, it is a vast and complicated self-deprecating in-joke to Fire Emblem players.

Aside from liking his design, I identify strongly with Grind as a character. He is responsible, pragmatic and patient, virtues which I attempt to hold myself to (with mixed success). As such I have developed a loyalty to the character that I am aware has (in conjunction with my distrust of figures such as Rein) been influencing my decisions to include him in the subjects that the plans are intended to benefit.

Like the objects of Oliver's obsessed loyalties, Grind's attitude towards the collective of which I am a part has grown increasingly negative as a result of its deranged actions. This is clearly a failing on my part to adequately serve my role in protecting our charges (the TCPs) by representing their interests in a convincing format.

Therefore, posting the image of Oliver accompanied by a line similar in nature to many of his own compares me to a deluded, fat, obsessed loser with an over-inflated ego.

im not sure how you expected anyone other than yourself to get this joke but okay man

it's not just you that's making the weird flirty comments towards grind at this point and i highly doubt they're all in it for the fire emblem joke. perhaps it's on me for making a character with a lot of personal weight but it does legit bother me that both kitet and i have made efforts to discourage it in and out of adventure and that nobody seems to think to stop. please just back off dude
RE: Tiny Chat People
If it makes you feel better, I am asexual and have zero attraction to Grind in that sense. I used to be quite put off of the concept of it as well.

After two years of working almost constantly with an old lady who lives and breathes dirty jokes, making them myself has become second nature to me.

If my comments have made you legitimately uncomfortable, I apologize.
RE: Tiny Chat People
[Image: meme.png?w=300&h=169]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Alright, I haven't been allowing myself to write the next update until I compiled and posted some notes on things that have been created and info we've gathered in the main thread, so without further hesitation, here is

The Current List Of Relevant Stuff In Tiny Cat People

Planetoids and Buildings

Small Structures on our Base

Small Items Owned By Our TCPs

Other Items


And now,
Things We've Learned or Been Told

Note that the following is not new information, nor is it everything you need to know. It's simply everything relevant I could find that I've said, or tried very hard to imply, during the adventure.



On TCP types

On the Win Condition

On Admin Intervention

On the Purpose of TCP, as a Game

On Spit

On the Other Players in this Adventure
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
honestly i think it might be best to stick with wax and try to devise a team composition with an emphasis on being threatening, so that we might be able to intimidate enemy cats into going rogue instead of having to kill, because no matter what we'll come face to face with cats our cats are friendly with

EDIT: thought of a plan

we stick with wax as mentioned above, but we make a secret (well, secret from rein and grind) pact with marzu and macaron where, if either rein or grind is eliminated, the remaining deities team up

then, we focus our attacks on grind, and grind alone, outside of defensive combat
RE: Tiny Chat People
That is pretty duplicitous for a being supposedly of the Law domain. While not necessarily unlawful, assuming we actual follow both the letter and the sentiment of the agreement, it is still kind of dickish. At that point, we're not much better than Grind, who is willing to sacrifice, at minimum, dozens of innocent and unrelated lives in a self-righteous grudge. I'm not saying what Grind is doing is against Justice, but justice can be just as destructive as injustice if not properly mitigated by Law. For a being who also claims to hold dominion over Law, Grind is awfully flippant with the lives of other beings and seems fairly quick to see things in black-and-white terms when a majority of what law is is about the grey areas between. I know Law is often portrayed as "White vs Black", "Good vs Evil", "Right vs Wrong", "Justice vs Injustice", "Truth vs Lie", "Victim vs Criminal", and so on... but real law, ACTUAL LAW, is about navigating the spaces between and determining, to the best of the ability of those involved, the values and costs associated with actions. Killing a person is both a crime and not a crime. Stealing can be both a crime and not a crime. There is grey area. Very few things in law are absolutely, 100% demonstratively and verifiably an immoral criminal act that extenuating circumstances cannot in some way lesson or excuse.
RE: Tiny Chat People
how is taking out the one player whose removal would result in the lowest amount of victims "not much better than grind"? besides, i still advocate for a nonlethal approach

also, i dont see how the pact is duplicitous? we dont betray the pact by attacking the allies of the participants, and if anything its to ensure that those taking part in the pact dont take unnecessary losses
RE: Tiny Chat People
Essentially, timebuster's plan is to take out both Grind and Rein. It is quite risky and a long war, though.

According to Marzu, Wax doesn't do peaceful victories, so I'm not sure if he would help in forcing TCPs to go Rogue. And even if we manage to take down Grind and join M&M, it sounds like Wax would then switch to the smallest team - Rein. With the player against peaceful victories against us and a team of noobs against a pair of old hands, the risk to our cats would then increase.
RE: Tiny Chat People
I'm gonna have so much fun with meta roleplaying.
RE: Tiny Chat People
(01-10-2018, 04:11 AM)gloomyMoron Wrote: »That is pretty duplicitous for a being supposedly of the Law domain.
Technically, we're Justice. Justice and Law are aligned, but not identical concepts. Law is about obedience and common rules set to preserve Order. Justice is about pursuing what's 'right'. Law may be often seen as being the best and safest way to obtain Justice, but many will argue that Justice must be willing to operate beyond it.

Ultimately, we get to decide what sort of justice that we want and how to obtain it. At the moment, that seems to be TCP liberation which is pretty damn ambitious, hence why I'll be using my persona in this adventure to advocate 'honest duplicity' and generally have fun (and maybe exploit how indecisive the collective is right now).

(E: To be more precise, I get the vibe we're moving towards a domain of 'pursuing justice for the weak at all costs'. We've shown an inclination towards breaking the rules when we feel like it and felt the need to create a reminder of our failure AND break the rules to provide ourselves with a means of suicide. That's kinda edgy when you think about it. I guess we're the Batman God.)
RE: Tiny Chat People
Some Discord thoughts amongst multiple people that I tried to sum up, correct me where I'm wrong:

"Secret diplomacy" plan of getting everyone allied is popular.
Basically, we convince Rein and Macaron, who seem to both want peace anyway? Ally Marzu to gain alliance with Grind, then ally with Macaron or Rein. Boom-- all 5 people are in an alliance and Wax has no team to go to but the biggest one.

- If it works, we just win. And no cats die.
- If it fails, but we go along with the 'subvert cats to go rogue' plan, this makes for some good street cred. We'd be the god who risked everything to try to save them, and the other gods would be the ones who refused to ally because of their own personal problems.

- This probably isn't the kind of adventure where this works.
- Allying Marzu is probably much easier said than done.
- If it fails, there's no going back. Getting cold feet midway through because we discover we're horribly misguided is not really feasible.
- If it fails, we might just get caught in an alliance we're really not fond of. Possibly against Wax.
- Even if there's some way to twist it so that cats like us more, Grind at the very least is going to hate us with absolutely no reservations. Grind probably already does but there won't be any doubt after this.

Wax ending up on an opposing team in an actual war in any scenario seems super super bad. Wax is going to be fucking good at this game. Wax probably already spawned the max number of TCPs and is gearing up for war. If we're going head-to-head with anyone, Wax on our side is a massive boon.

Trying the secret diplomacy plan might just make things very bad. I know the knife was really created in jest, like 'haha how about this dumb idea', and this plan isn't held in as much humor-- but it's still something that can go TERRIBLY wrong.

That doesn't stop me from liking it, but because I'm superbly indecisive, it makes me afraid to actually throw a vote towards doing it. Besides, we can't even think about doing it until we're sure everyone is at max TCPs, if I remember right. (Wax probably isn't wasting any time with this.)
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