Mini-Grand 5105 (Round 2: Game Planet Dome #421)

Mini-Grand 5105 (Round 2: Game Planet Dome #421)
Mini-Grand 5105 (Round 2: Game Planet Dome #421)
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Loading Mini-Grand Framework... Done.

Generating Administration Personality... Done.

Now what’s this then? Can’t see a damned where’s my monocle?

Generating Characters... Done.

Four beings suddenly found themselves nowhere, able to see one another but nothing else. A synthesized voice came out of the nothing surrounding them.

"Oh, good day, chaps! At least I think you’re chaps. Still can’t find my bloody monocle, you see. Has anyone - oh, there it was all along. Forget my own head next. *sounds of muttering and reaching for monocle behind nearby bin.* Excellent! But where are my manners? If you would allow me to introduce you all...?"

"Well, we’ve got [color="#FFFFFF"]...Nothing to see over here.
Moving right along."

"...right along to Cobra, our resident Fang layonin! Why call him ‘Cobra’ if he transforms into a wolf? No one is particularly sure on that point - although he might just transform into something else for a change!"

"Ah, and here we have Cadan! His primary offense is his razor-sharp tail and his powerful legs. He’s got a passionate fondness for routine! "

"So it is such a pity that when it comes to routine, Conte here isn’t precisely the most stable. She represents a Temporal Ontologic Glitch/Anomaly, which means that the only routine occurring is going to be her loose canon to play with."

"Finally, we’ve got a whole mess of chaps over here! This is an entire Grand Battle, the Tremendous Rumble! Remember them, because these fellows are going to be fighting each other to the death as well!"</font>

Generating Setting... Done.

The four generated characters suddenly found themselves moved, scattered in various locations on the inside of a rotating space station, a sphere two kilometers in diameter. At one pole was a huge window easily half a kilometer in radius, streaming with sunlight reflected from an even huger parabolic mirror attached outside. At the center of the sphere was the focus of the mirror, creating the illusion of a miniature sun. Stretching from the ‘sun’ to the other pole was a large axial tower, a shaft around which the sphere rotated.

Ah, that’s all done then. This is Bernal Sphere Upsilon, a space habitat designed for scientific research. Now normally, such a Bernal Sphere would be powered by solar energy, but you can’t have THAT for SCIENCE! If you’ll just look up at the sun - don’t worry chaps, it won’t hurt you until you begin - you’ll find yourself looking at the most powerful manmade hydrogen fusion reactor in the Solar System! It powers an equally superlative particle accelerator built around the equator, which...

...Well, I see I’ve near put you all to sleep, so how about I leave it at this? All of you - yes, all of you - are going to battle each other to the death, until only one of you remains! Well, pip pip! Get to it!


Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5105 (Round 2: Game Planet Dome #421) - by AgentBlue - 07-17-2011, 12:57 PM