Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:11 AM
[color=#000FF][font=eggs]sudenly though STEPHEN FREEMAN who is steven freemans cousin as well but who totally sucks was there and he said things about how soda is bad for youa nd so everyone HATED steven freeman and tried to fight him and and so hary porta and stevenf reeman and the soda had to go hide and STEPHEN FREEMAN made evil lagh. and STEPEHN FREEMAN said that steven freeman is bad riter and cant make good story and no one ever coments on his stuff or liek it. so steven freeman (the author) took out his COMPUTER and haved it to steven freeman inside the comptuer and steven freeman DELETED STEPHEN FREEMAN and everyone was hapyp too.[/fnot][/color]
So very British / But then again | People are machines Machines are people | Oh hai there | There's no time
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