Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread

Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread
RE: Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread
/me settles in with a pipe and smoking jacket
/me puts out jacket

What's your favorite thing that you wrote in a battle?

Probably Ashleys' death post. I always felt that was one of my defining moments as a battles writer, from the way I used to write posts to the way I do them now - The Ashleys were quite close to my heart, and having to write their long, drawn out death was an excellent way to cauterize the wounds in my heart and turn me into the soulless character torturer I am today. Up until then, I wrote badly. Afterwards, I still wrote badly, but hell, I knew what I was doing wrong.

Also I really liked drawing those gifs.

What are your favorite moments in battles, whether you're in them, hosting them, or just reading to see the crazy things other people are up to?

Kracht's First Time.

'nuff said.

In all seriousness though. I quite liked GC's shenaniganeries in general; particularly the bit where the Torturer steps in to create Cailrinn. Also I'd have to list Ix's post for Shrewdish Manor, Ix's post for Godsworn Valley...those are just posts that really spurred me to kick up my game and brought a lot of new ideas to the table. Maybe also the bit with the dead kings in that one thingo. (The Vague Unspecified?)

Ooh, I also loved writing Selverse irc logs.

What was it that got you interested in joining a battle?

Times dragged me here and then left me with you crazy folks. :p

Who's your favorite of your own characters?

Probably Sam. She's the closest to my heart out of all my characters. Her pain, her hurt, her trauma........................

Rachel comes a close second. She feels to me very much like a kid, mature but still a child in the way of things, with a very straight moral compass. Then all of a sudden she's been given more power than she can understand, than she can comprehend, and she's going into these berserk displays of power and she doesn't understand how or why. That's why she's afraid of herself.

Maybe Burgrar third. He's just silly.

Actually, maybe Melissa third. I just haven't written her in a while.

Or Cornflake. I never got to write him at all.

Your favorite characters in general, both to work with or to read about?

I'll never count Etiyr as mine. [color=#ffffff](Damn right you won't.)[/font]

Other favorite characters: Sonora is a dear, COFCA is still one of my favorite ones to write for, V'rmyn was always a pleasure to read...I am expressing a preference to characters of the blobby, amorphous type am I. AMP was also fun to read and write, though I'm still not doing well on beating the amorphous blob criterion. Eh, I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Slipping in a thousand Quantos references was also fun.

How about favorite NPCs?

Ohhhhhh boy. If I talked about my favorite NPCs it would be pretty clear they were practically PCs. Barry Barnes and that pet show owner in TV land were two of my favorites to write, especially as they succumbed to the corruptions of their channels. The Gagliardis were also especially fun for me to write! Those crazy Italians. And doing the mythology for the Godsworn Valley, now there was a show. Or will be. That post's not done yet.

What was your favorite round?

Godsworn Valley, straight up. Three lines in and I was all 'let's roll, mentlegen'.

And for something a bit more in-depth, perhaps: Are there any rounds you've been in that you think you'd handle differently (as in, significantly changing the basic plot you went with) if you had to do them again? Or, is there a round in another battle that you would have particularly liked to use one of your characters in?

Eta Carina.


Basically, anything that was not what I did.

Like fuck. Seriously.

And as for transplanting my characters, I'm not sure...I'd have liked to see how Grace Grey did on more battlefield locations, or at all, really.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Grand Battle Planning and General Discussion Thread - by AgentBlue - 10-11-2013, 11:10 AM