The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque

The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Round Three: The Sable Masque
Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Name: Emvee Seventeen, First Class of the School of Technomancy, Ranaetha Univercity, Libertaria. Common name Emvee.

Gender: Female

Race: Human.

Color: #FF8050

Description: Emvee has confused genetics – her father was a Sixth Class Biomancer at Ranaetha Univercity descended from the already genetically mixed but predominantly Asian class, but her mother hailed from a line of nearly pure Scandinavian descent. As a direct result she retains her father’s facial characteristics and hair but her mother’s well-built body type. She is seventeen. As for personality, her primary trait is that she’s driven to be better than her peers due to the fact that she started her Univercity education late and without the specialized training most Mages get. Her ability is definitely still improving.

Weapons and Abililities: As a First Class Technomancer, not a lot. All Mages of Libertaria draw their power from the fact that the mini-universe of Libertaria has an exaggeratedly low mind-plane. All worlds have a mindplane and a matterplane, one metaphorically above the other – thus the saying: “Mind over matter”. The presence of a mind distorts the mindplane much like a mass distorts the matterplane. In Libertaria, the mindplane is low – so low, that where a sufficiently advanced mind reaches the matterplane, the impossible…can happen. But a sufficiently advanced Libertarian mage’s abilities are not muted, only hampered by worlds with a higher mindplane. Emvee has a lot of natural talent thanks to her father’s genes, but mind-plane manipulation is something that has to be learned. Seriously, it has to be learned or else the mind isn’t sufficiently advanced in the first place. Right now she could probably access basic computers like calculators or appliances, but I think a computer terminal might be beyond her. For now.


'Magic', as it may be, is in fact the manipulation of matter through indentations in the plane of mind. The more advanced the mind, the better it can be done. Emvee's got the talent, thanks to genetics, but she hasn't been trained very much. So far, she could probably use a computer and technology for what it was designed for, and through changing electron flows could make the displays and components work the way she wants, but her lack of skill really limits her to the existing infrastructure. Rewiring circuits through the mind alone is going to be a bit beyond her. In the same way, trying to manipulate a complex system like a computer (of complexity such that of say, the laptop I'm typing this on) using only her mind is going to be difficult. It'd take way less effort to press the keys. But a simple computer like the chip in a microwave that figures out how long to turnon the magnetron for or the computer in a calculator that figures out x^2 can be used, in conjunction with one another, to create a bloody magnetron that ramps up its output exponentially. In the same way, a display could be manipulated into displaying messages, a flash cannon or maybe just memes.

Biography: Univercity Square, the center of Ranaetha Univercity. The city of Ranaetha, one of the three capitals of Libertaria, had been built around the Univercity, so much so that the two had become virtually one – yet actually being a pupil of the Univercity required more than simply living there. Of course it helped if you weren’t of those who lived out in other, less important cities or worse, out in the country, but there had been cases of prospective Mages being found even there, living their lives farming and trading. As the child of an existing Mage, however, Emvee had been tested from birth, her brain activity carefully observed and monitored as her cognitive ability developed…and was told to gain a traditional education as opposed to the specialized training proper Mages got. But only last year, just after she turned sixteen, she was retested and enrolled in the school of Technomancy (generally considered to be the easiest branch of –mancies to master), somewhat late but still catching up. It would have been next month that she would graduate to Second Class, were it not for her disappearance in a highly fascinating short-lived interuniversal rift.

Theme Song: “The Impossible Dream”

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Re: The Vivacious Deadlock: S3G6: Signups Open GO GO GO - by AgentBlue - 05-21-2011, 01:09 AM