The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Round 1: The New Frontier

The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Round 1: The New Frontier
Re: The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Open to new players!
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Username: Agentime
Name: Gregory Pope
Gender: Male
Race: Technically Human
Colour: hash tick(505)tock(560)
Description: Gregory is human. He is exactly 181.5 centimeters tall, with a mean increase of .05 millimeter per month. His weight is currently 65 kilograms ± 23.2 gram fluctuation measured over the period of one year. He has hair of color black #000000 and eyes of color brown #251500. He is wearing a white #FFFFFF plain sweater vest with three buttons over a grey #808080 business shirt with six buttons, five on the center seam and one on the breast pocket. Also belonging to his apparel is a pair of grey #A0A0A0 slacks with four pockets across the pelvic area.

Gregory is a man obsessed with precision. That is to say, he is a man who obsesses with precision, operating towards his goals with efficiency and pride. He is obsessed with perfection and exactitude, and it could be said that he is obsessed with obsession itself.

Because of his nature, he strives towards a perfection he cannot reach, which frustrates him greatly. Among some of the greatest objects of his frustration is the fickleness of time – stopped clocks make him nervous and wrong clocks make him wince. It drives him up the wall how strangely and fitfully time seems to be spent by human beings, which is possibly why he has his ability.
Items/Abilities: Gregory is gifted with the ability to locally decrease entropy in an object or mass. In effect, he can ‘reset’ an object to a less entropic state. A good way to think about it is that he returns the object to an earlier state of existence, though no actual time travel is involved. For example, he could take a cake and make its molecules remember a time when they were unbonded and unmixed, and return them to the state of being flour, eggs, milk and sugar.
Another thing to note is that it obviously gets harder to do as an object gets bigger, but even considering that, the complexity of an object is also a factor. A bag of sand weighing as much as a human would be much easier to turn back to a rock than the equivalent human into the accreted biological materials consumed, processed and stored over that individual’s lifetime. Though he could theoretically make people younger or change a building back into cement and mortar and wire, he simply doesn’t have the skill needed.
Biography: “Tell me about your parents, Gregory.”

“I never knew them. I was raised by Birchwell & Coyer.”

“Do you remember anything about your parents, Gregory?”

“I remember Father. He was perfect.”

“Perfect, you say?”

“Absolutely perfect.”

“Why do you say that?”

“There cannot be a reason to a fact.”

“Maybe let’s try a different tack. Gregory, how do you feel about your father?”

“I aspire to be the same. He is everything I wish to be.”

“Then why were you a foundling?”

“He abandoned me because I was not perfect.”

“Oh? Isn’t abandoned a rather strong word for the person you claim to revere?”

“Words are imprecise descriptors. Call it what you like: disowned, disinherited, disavowed. His perfection was tainted by my imperfection.”

“And how does that make you feel?

“I dislike feelings. They are continuous variables. Without, of course, subscribing to the cultural thematic of an emotionless robotic monster, which you are no doubt envisioning, doctor-”

“No, no, Gregory. I’m a psychiatrist, not a sociologist.”

“Such a cultural connotation applies inappropriate simplification to my case. It makes things imprecise and causes erroneous conclusions and diagnosis.”

“Well, surely even you wouldn’t round off some decimal places when doing sums either, eh, Gregory?”

“Lorenz tried that, doctor. His weather model entered divergence within a hundred iterations.”

“Well, for the purposes of the experiment-”

“His experiment failed, doctor. He set out to prove that given sufficient data weather prediction could become deterministic. Instead he proved that there is no such thing as sufficient data, and introduced chaos into the world.”

“Doesn’t it frustrate you, Gregory? The impossibility of discovering perfection?”

“You are trying to trap me, doctor.”

“No tricks, Gregory. No lies. Only truth.”

“The truth is that your statements are forcing me into a quandary. I must either admit that I accept a simplification of the universe as it stands in order to consider perfection a viable aspiration, or abandon the concept of perfection altogether. Most unprofessional, doctor.”

“This is a delusion, Gregory. Possibly with a dose of hero worship into the bargain, and an unhealthy fixation on your father.”

“These are diagnoses made with simplified and limited information.”

“You’re not giving me unsimplified information!”

“There is no such thing as sufficient data.”

“Are you impugning my experience?”

“Doctor, you have no experience.”


“You are not me. You have never been inside my head, so to speak. You try and reduce information to understandable bits but you-”

“-can never have all the information! Ahaha! If you claim I cannot produce a proper diagnosis, yes - then why are we here?!”

“Birchwell & Coyer want their star accountant certified sane.”

“Well I bloody won’t if you don’t cooperate!”

“You are losing your composure, doctor.”

“Who says I need it?”

“Says I, doctor.”

“Are you a professional, Gregory?”

“No. But right now, neither are you.”

“Ahem. Yes. I’m sorry. Gregory - there is a fatal fallacy in your argument. What you are saying, Gregory, is that I cannot produce a diagnosis you will accept?”

“No, doctor.”

“Well, you don’t need to. I am the doctor here.”

“Yes, doctor-”

“And I’m prescribing you...some of everything, really, antidepressants...some antipsychotic medication, something for your delusions...I’m afraid I can’t do anything for your daddy issues, not with drugs anyway. For that, you need solid therapy.”


“Gregory? Gregor- Good lord, you’re not hiding, are you? Because I mentioned medications?”


Messages In This Thread
Re: The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Open to new players! - by AgentBlue - 06-22-2012, 02:05 AM