Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>

Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Slowly, Burgrar shook the ice from his bun. In front of him were his loyal fries – if he’d had a mouth he would have smiled, just a little, at their faith – and their cargo. Something plastic, that rattled.

Also in front of him was padding. Thick, solid padding, well worn, the sort used to restrain things that had thrown themselves at it a thousand times and failed. This didn’t particularly bother him; all prisons had guards, and guards got hungry. He pushed out a psychic tendril, and found a few minds just nearby, in the next room…

<font color="#0076A3">STOP

“I uh…” Thomice scratched his head. “Not really, sir.”

One of the technicians spoke up, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him. “I could go for some lunch…”

The doctor’s brain twitched about a little in its glass dome, lightly bumping the side.


On the monitor, the camera remained fixed on the defrosting burger… when the Harebrain suddenly snapped its jaws at the bun, prompting a hasty pan.

…and that hateful rabbit. That hateful, hateful rabbit. Burgrar seethed for a second, filling the psychespace with dismissive orange bile.

It blasted forward from the burger in a wave of anger, hatred, and so many years of frustration rolled in a ball of white-hot misery and injustice; it was a wavefront so strong that even Tulip’s tulips felt an unsettling ripple filter through her cheery haze. It jiggled needles in the control room, the technicians watching them fighting urges to tear them out; it flowed across everyone in the room, reminding them that they were small beings in a universe that hated them, and that also my word that burger looked tasty-

rattle rattle

The fries were shaking that rattling plastic in front of him. They were also, in fact, just shaking.

Freddie understood.

Understood what?

Through the haze of emotion that was settling slowly like snow on every mind in the room, Freddie shook his head. The thing…it…it wants to die. Be eaten.

Teddie made half a motion to make another leap at the burger pulsing emotion on the ground, stopping up short with the hilarious sight of half a Harebrain shying away at the same time. Freddie!, Teddie thought, with just a hint of betrayal. It wants to die!

Freddie’s head turned and pushed itself straight against Teddie’s. Then why hasn’t it?!

The plastic ball broke apart. Amongst the Filefries lay a miniature stewpot, hewn from a strange, glowing metallic stone. It gleamed – there was no other word for it – deliciously, with strange and arcane radiations emanating from the very space it occupied. Small wonder that Soup Stones were so often found nestling innocently at the bottom of boiling stews cooked up in remote villages, and why those partaking of said stews often reported strange aftereffects and visions afterwards.

They were, in short, much like Burgrar.

But not sentient, as he found, much to his disappointment – quickly followed by more anger and strange befuddlement, since the fries seemed to be staring expectantly at him.

Oh bloody flipping well then, have it if you li-

Many things happened in the same instant, or at least a series of instants close enough together to be indistinguishable on a basic level of consciousness.

That’s not to say that they didn’t try to assert themselves, though.

One instant took it upon itself to dictate that it was the precise moment the Filefries were enveloped in a soft, delicious-smelling light.

Another went ahead and claimed that it had dibs on the moment Sherman swung a bulky fist and the wall between the rooms fell apart.

Yet another took credit for the split-second that the Soup Stone vanished, taking its Burgrar-augmenting multiversal radiation with it, and also for the one right after where the psychic field collapsed into a vague eagerness for lunch again.

Among all that though, not one of them wanted to own the instant where all hell broke loose, even though, in actual fact, they did.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 &lt;Round 2: Chrome City&gt; - by AgentBlue - 04-29-2012, 06:47 AM