Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]

Petty Squabble [ROUND 3] [Goldhenge]
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis]
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

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As Ashley drew her knives, the mech made a spastic half-motion and its guns lost their charging glow. There was a grinding sound from within it, as if its inner machinery was tearing itself apart from within.

“Stop! I-”

Ashley stopped. The voice emanating from the mech was metallically harsh, yet it carried with it an unmistakably human cadence.

“Is there someone…in there?”

“Yes! Oh God, I thought I was dead! I thought-”

“Okayokayokay, sloooow doooown darlll. Let’s start from the beginning. What’s your name? And how did you get inside that thing?”

“Corporal Bree Evans, of...well, human forces. Wait holy fuck, I think I’ve defected to the robot side now. Somehow.”

“Do ya feel like killing every human you see?”

“The mech does! I don’t even know how this happened, our platoon… oh fuck, we were hit by a pulse shell, and then I was dead and there was…there were questions, and she was being sarcasticof all things-”

“You were dead? Narrows that it down…”

“Narrows what down?”

“Wellll, lemme put it this way, darl – unless there’s some other deity around here, there’s reallllly only one who could’ve done this to ya. Do ya, y’know, believe in another one or…?”

“No, I never…She said her name was Carnea, and a Goddess…can never have…too many followers…”

The mech lurched alarmingly, with a screech of querulous metal joint on joint. More alarmingly were its guns, which powered themselves on.

“Bree, focus! Stay with me, darlll!”

“Ahhh! It’s like a fucking thought cascade in here! You don’t know what it’s like!”

<font color="navy">“Oh yes I do!”

“Stay the plate out of this!” Ashley, suitably peeved, wrested back control of her vocal cords. “Never mind him, darlll.</font>

“Never mind who?! Who was that?!?”

“It’s waaaay too compli to explain-” –the mech lurched again- “And maaaaybe you need help, darlll.”

“I…heard talk from the lab boys about stuff like this…mech bodies for the soldiers. Things like that…do you think they might be able to-”

“Sounds good darll let’s go which way?”

“But there’s perimeter control and-”

“I don’t know if ya know this darlll, but these things back here? Rocket boosters.” She tapped the cylindrical canisters attached to the mech’s arm. “Mhm, almost full too.”

Envoy and the Broderburgs were no longer alone in the sky.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Petty Squabble [ROUND 1] [Fort Ayers, New Atlantis] - by AgentBlue - 07-10-2011, 02:35 PM